Monday, December 5, 2016

The Real Housewives of Atlanta Recap: Shade Grenade!

Sunday on The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 9 Episode 5, Phaedra Parks received a phone call that made her question everything.

Just crazy, the things this housewife has been through. We’ll come back to that in a little. 

Sheree Whitfield had some trouble of her own, when she got wind of her son, Kairo, being arrested. She was not impressed at the news of the arrest and decided it was time to have a chat with him about it. 

“I was so upset and hurt when Kairo called me from jail last night about a DUI. I had no words to say. I needed to calm down before I talked to him about this,” she recalled.

Kairo quickly admitted he smoked pot earlier in the day, but seemed to think it was fine because he was pulled over for an expired tag. 

Geez, you would think the dude would just admit he was in the wrong, but he was pretty defiant about the whole thing and it did not sit well with Sheree. 

Sheree then reeled in her ex-husband, Bob, to help get the message across to Kairo that his behavior was unacceptable. It worked and Kairo said he would make better decisions, but we’ll see how long that lasts.

Elsewhere, Phaedra Parks revealed to Porsha Willaims that her divorce from Apollo was going anything but swimmingly. Apollo was refusing to communicate with her to get their divorce finalized, causing a lot of drama for her. 

Porsha then offered her friend to help find her a new man to take her mind off all of the drama, but it was clear Phaedra was rattled by it. 

Thing for Phaedra went from bad-to-worse when she became embroiled in a bomb threat at her home. 

Later, Kenya Moore was less than impressed when she planned a birthday for Matt and he was a no-show. This was because of a last-minute argument between the pair, but you would think he would have showed face. 

It was his birthday, after all. 

Matt had ran off to California to hang around with his sister, which made Kenya question the longevity of the relationship.

“What are we going to be arguing about when things get a little rocky?” she asked the camera.

Kandi Burrus was another of the housewives who was having relationship woes, so her mother, Mama Joyce thought it would be a good idea to arrange a sex date for them. 

Yes, there were sex toys involved and everything. 

How awkward. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online, you know there are going to be fireworks ahead after all of these crazy developments. 

What did you think of the episode?

Sound off below!
