Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Lindsay Lohan: Come On! Stop Bullying Donald Trump!

Lindsay Lohan and Donald Trump have a lot in common.

Both have appeared in movies. Both are considered mentally unstable by a wide swath of well-informed individuals.

And both have been on their knees in front of powerful Russian men over the past year or so.

Lohan, of course, was engaged to Egor Tarabasov for a number of months before that relationship ended on a very sour note… while Trump and Vladimir Putin are friends with many mysterious and frightening benefits.

So it makes sense overall that Lohan would be a pretty big fan of the Commander-in-Chief.

She’ll need someone to executive produce her Russian Netflix series, after all, and Trump may very well soon be in search of a new job.

The troubled actress therefore came to the defense of Trump after someone Tweeted an image of a Breitbart article in which the President said he would be “delighted” to assist Charlie Gard, a critically-ill British baby that the European Court of Human Rights determined was too sick to help with experimental medicine.

Critics acknowledged this was a nice gesture by Trump, but also a rather hollow one.

It’s difficult not to see some irony in Trump’s Gard Tweet when juxtaposed with a health care plan he supports that would take insurance away from 22 million people.

“THIS IS our president,” Lohan Tweeted on Monday in response to the negative attention Trump often received.

She added: “Stop #bullying him & start trusting him. Thank you personally for supporting #THEUSA.”

Lindsay Lohan tweets

As you can see abive, Lohan went on to praise the First Family – including First Lady Melania Trump, daughter Ivanka Trump and son Donald Trump Jr. – as “kind people.”

She also asked a profound question as part of her timeline:

“As an American, why speak poorly of anyone?”

That’s a good and fair question. Perhaps she ought to direct it to Donald Trump.

This isn’t the first time ex-Mean Girls star has stood up for the President, either.

During a Facebook Live Q&A session for the Daily Mail in February, she urged Americans to “join” the man who wants to beat and bludgeon reporters.

“I think always in the public eye you’re going to get scrutinized,” she said at the time, adding:

“He is the president – we have to join him. If you can’t beat him, join him.”

Kevin Durant may appreciate and agree with that sentiment, but many lawmakers out there likely read Lohan’s words with a puzzled look on their faces, asking:

Okay, sure. That’s great. But what if we can beat back his wildly legislation? Do we still need to join him?

Back in 2004, Trump spoke to Howard Stern about Lohan.

He agreed with the shock jock’s assessment back then that Lindsay was “hot,” delving deeply into the reason why.

“There’s something there right?” said Trump to Stern. “But you have to like freckles. I’ve seen a, you know, close up of her chest and a lot of freckles.

“Are you into freckles?

This at least explains why Lohan likes Trump so much.

This and what we hinted at strongly at the outset of this post:

Both stars have sucked a great deal of Russian penis.
