Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Kylie Jenner: Is She Bullying Bella Thorne?!

For the latest couple years, Kylie Jenner has been the reigning queen of social media, with 40 million Instagram followers and several million more on Facebook and Twitter.

Bella Thorne is still a far way from those impressive numbers, but she’s been called the next Kylie, and if you’ve ever seen Bella’s racy selfies, it’s not hard to see why.

The ladies have a lot in common (Bella’s even dating a much older dude!), and that’s part of the reason that many think Ms. Thorne is throwing serious shade at Kylizzle in her latest interview with Seventeen.

“I have a mean girl,” Bella revealed. “She’s in the business, and she’s very, very mean. I stay away from her at all costs. I never say hello to her. Her siblings are not mean like she is. It’s just her. 

“One of the reasons I don’t like her is because she’s been a billionaire since she was very little, and she’s never had to work for anything in her life.”

Okay, Kylie’s not literally a billionaire, but she didn’t grow up flying coach, if ya know what we mean. 

We’re not saying Bella is definitely talking about Kylie, but we’re having a tough time thinking of another born-rich teen celeb with famous siblings and a reputation for hazing her peers.

(Kylie was recently accused of harassing a young woman who showed allegedly too much romantic interest in Jaden Smith.)

It seems the class struggle is real for Hollywood’s hottest teens, as Bella is casting herself as a Bernie Sanders-esque woman of the people, and her “mean girl” (who, again is not necessarily Kylie, but c’mon…) as a Trump-like bullying snob.

Elsewhere in the interview Bella even talks about using food stamps as a kid and taking acting jobs in order to help feed her family.

“I’ve never really talked about it. I wasn’t hiding it, and it wasn’t like, ‘Oh, I’m embarrassed because we don’t have money.’ It was, ‘Oh, we don’t have money, so we’re going to work that much harder.’

“It was scary, though, because you really want those jobs. It’s a different hunger when you want your family to eat.”

Well, that’s it. We’ve chosen our side in this epic conflict.

Not only is this a clear case of a wealthy Regina George picking on a plucky Cady Heron, but Bella’s bikini photos are currently our favorite thing on the Internet.

Your move, Kylie.