Thursday, November 16, 2017

Jenelle Evans on Husband"s Abuse Allegations: He Probably Didn"t Do It, Dude!

Let"s be real, Jenelle Evans has never been the brightest crayon in the box.

Remember when she actually, honest to goodness believed that her lawyer could get her out of jail time because she had a Kesha concert to attend?

Like, yes, that was the reason she got all those feathers in her hair, and Kesha was her idol, but … really, girl?

That was several years ago, and you"d think that she"d have taken the opportunity to grow up at least a little since then.

But it simply has not happened.

Let"s take a good, hard look at Jenelle"s latest scandal, and her response to it.

Just for fun, but also to come to terms with the fact that there is literally no hope left for humanity …

1. David Eason = Bad News

Jenelle evans boyfriend david eason

OK, so Jenelle has been with David Eason for a couple of years now, right? And it’s important to remember that Jenelle has never, ever dated a good guy. Probably because good guys aren’t so interested in girls with over a dozen mug shots who have also done heroin on national television.

2. David’s Crimes

Jenelle evans david eason photo

Before getting with Jenelle, David was accused of assaulting his heavily pregnant girlfriend, and also of strangling her shortly after she gave birth to their child. He’s also been charged with crimes like breaking and entering and larceny.

3. Red Flags

Jenelle evans and david eason photo

In fact, until just a few weeks ago, David was considered such an awful person that he wasn’t allowed to see his own son. His ex filed an order of protection that made it illegal for him to contact the kid, and he almost went to jail for violating the order when he saw his son in a grocery store and approached him for a hug.

4. … More Red Flags

David eason and jenelle evans not touching her baby bump

As if all that wasn’t bad enough, Teen Mom 2 fans quickly developed a hatred for David after he was shown being overly aggressive and mean with Jenelle’s two sons. We saw him get angry at Kaiser, who was barely a toddler at the time, for not behaving, and we also saw him call Kaiser a “screaming little bitch.”

5. Just Red Flags as Far as the Eye Can See

David eason picture

Things are so bad between David and Jenelle’s sons that we’ve heard that Jace has told his therapist that he’s afraid of David. He even told Jenelle several times that he didn’t want her to marry him.

6. Poor Babs 🙁

Jenelle evans david eason and barbara evans

Another awful thing about David is the way he tries to alienate Jenelle from her mother, Barbara. He’s insisted that she call her by her name instead of calling her “mom,” and Barbara has said that he’s the worst guy Jenelle’s ever dated. Which is saying a lot.

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