Saturday, May 13, 2017

Kim Kardashian: Shut the F--k Up, Khloe, You Bully!

The Kardashians are an extremely close family, full of love and sisterhood and all kinds of nice, sweet things.

But sometimes, families fight. It"s an unavoidable fact.

It"s just that when the Kardashians fight … well, they tend to get a little trashy with it.

You"ll see what we"re talking about in this sneak peek from Sunday night"s new episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

In the clip, the family is down in Costa Rica on their big fancy vacation, lounging in a mansion by the beach and generally just soaking up their own good fortune.

Khloe, Kim, Kourtney and Kris have a little hang-out session on the deck, and Kris tells Khloe that she heard she wasn"t having a good time on the trip.

Khloe, who is straight up pouting like a child, complains that she doesn"t get to spend a lot of time with everyone anymore, so she wanted to get in some solid bonding time while in Costa Rica.

"Kylie and Tyga are locked away in their room," she tells Kris. "You and Corey are doing whatever you and Corey do, you don"t like to do any activities."

Kris tries to tell her that she"s wrong, that she loves activities, but Khloe cuts her off so that she can continue airing her grievances.

"Kim has her things where she"s … whatever," Khloe begins, but Kim isn"t having it.

She tells her little sister that she was afraid of whitewater rafting — it sounds like an issue that"s already come up — and adds "What"s the point in making it not fun for us to want to hang out with you if you"re always snappy?"

Kim has a point, but Khloe shuts down, telling everyone to "get away," and she tells Kim that she"s "ruined her mood already today."

In what turns into the most awkward, immature scene we"ve seen on this show in a while, which is really saying something, Kris and Kourtney try to comfort Khloe, but she refuses to listen.

"This is what I can"t handle," Kim begins, "you"re just so f-cking … like you"re so annoying. It"s like, shut the f-ck up."

"You"re the negative one," she continues, "just saying how awful we are. You"re like a big bully who bullies all of us."

Kim walks away after that, and in a confessional, Khloe says that she just wants to hang out with her family, and she doesn"t understand why that"s bad.

It"s bad because she does it in the most obnoxious way possible, but if she doesn"t understand that at this point, it"s unlikely she ever will.

Watch Khloe and Kim go at each other"s throats in the video below:

Kim kardashian shut the f k up khloe you bully