Showing posts with label Moby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moby. Show all posts

Friday, June 22, 2018

Moby says Melania Trump"s Coat Proves Detachment to Human Suffering

Moby would like to give Melania Trump the benefit of the doubt after she wore a tone-deaf coat on her way to visit immigrant children held at detention centers … but the legendary producer just can’t bring himself to do that based…


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Moby Says Trump Should Consult Jesus on Jerusalem Embassy Move

Moby thinks he knows how a conversation between Jesus and President Trump would go down … and it ain’t pretty.  We got him Tuesday at L.A.’s Little Pine restaurant, and the iconic DJ/producer was heated about the deadly violence…


Thursday, December 29, 2016

Moby Gets Restraining Order Against Obsessed Fan

Moby’s had it with an obsessed fan whose behavior went from bizarre to threatening. Moby filed legal docs claiming a woman named Kelly Lord went ham last week by threatening to “f****** destroy” a car belonging to one of Moby’s houseguests. Lord…
