Showing posts with label Jacqueline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jacqueline. Show all posts

Monday, March 26, 2018

Jacqueline Laurita Rejects RHONJ Offer, Quits For Good

We can say goodbye to shady feuds between Teresa Giudice and Jacqueline Laurita, because the latter will not be returning to The Real Housewives of New Jersey.

Reportedly, Laurita sat down with producers and, when they couldn’t meet her expectations, declined to return and has now quit the show for good.

Interestingly, Bravo denies that this negotiation ever went down.

According to what a source tells Page Six, Jacqueline Laurita is not returning to The Real Housewives of New Jersey. No matter what.

“She talked to producers and they couldn’t give her what she wanted, so she passed.”

This wasn’t just about money, however, the source says.

Laurita was apparently “stressed.” That makes sense.

Reality television and the fame that goes with it can be a lot to deal with, even if you aren’t a mother of three.

To be fair, however, not everyone agrees with that source’s assessment.

Page Six reached out to Bravo to get their comment about that story.

Their reply was unequivocal:

“This is absolutely not true.”

To be clear, the denial is that Laurita met with producers only to reject their insufficient offer.

Jacqueline Laurita’s career with The Real Housewives of New Jersey has had its ups and downs.

When the series premiered in 2009, she was part of the original cast.

She stuck with it until the sixth season, in 2014, when her status fell to Friend of the Housewives.

Then, she came back as a full Housewife for season 7 … and quit before season 8.

This time, though, it sounds like she’s quit for good.

In August of 2017, Laurita told Page Six that it was her decision to depart from the series.

“They wanted me to come on and start filming part-time to see how the storyline unfolded and then [said they] maybe would make me full-time.”

People generally don’t want to hear that they might get full-time. In that, grocery store employees and Real Housewives stand united.

“They weren’t guaranteeing full-time, so for me to film all season long under all that stress and drama to not have a guaranteed full-time [spot] was not worth it for me, so I said no.”

Good for her for standing her ground, right?

Producers have been on the prowl for a new (or returning) Housewife ever since Laurita’s friend Siggy Flicker quit.

At the time, Flicker wrote an open letter as a statement, explaining that she would never again allow others to control how she was presented to the world.

“I learned that when dealing with a reality show, never ever ever leave your edit in the hands of someone else.”

She then explains, using an analogy.

“Let me tell you why. Imagine the most well-behaved lion — a lion who was raised and surrounded by love — never experiencing cruelty. Now imagine that same lion is caged, poked, prodded, and beaten for weeks.”

This analogy is taking us to a very, very upsetting place.

“Finally, that lion strikes back at its tormentors. The tormentors capture video only of the lion attacking, show that video and label the lion vicious, unpredictable, and unhinged.”

That, she says, was her experience as a reality star.

“Welcome to the last year of my life.”


Thursday, August 11, 2016

Teresa Giudice: Fighting Again With Jacqueline Laurita After "Low Blow!"

An upcoming episode of The Real Housewives of New Jersey reveals that all is not well between Teresa Giudice and Jacqueline Laurita.  

The women, who were once close sufficiently killed any chance of becoming friends again by arguing about Guidice"s past legal woes.

It all started in Laurita"s kitchen, and Giudice said she was cutting "anyone that"s not loyal" in this next chapter of her family"s life.

This led to Laurita asking about past tabloid reports about Joe Giudice heading to jail.

“Somebody could’ve been putting that story out,” Giudice claimed about rumors (actually, facts) surrounding their legal battles, which ultimately resulted in both husband and wife being sentenced to prison.

“And they did.”

Laurita defended her decision to ask such a sensitive question.

“How was I gonna know better?” she asked as she cooked dinner.

Giudice got irritated, and claimed that she never badgered Laurita and husband, Chris about their legal woes over his clothing company (which is now bankrupt).

“Mine wasn’t a criminal case,” Laurita replied.

Oooh.  Take it back.  Take it back.

"I wouldn’t file a fraudulent bankruptcy like you did," she continued.

This displeased Giudice, who then decided that her new beginnings shouldn"t include Laurita.

“That’s a f–kng low blow," Giudice shot back, deciding that it was a good time to leave.  

On August 3rd, Laurita wrote on her Bravo blog why she thought bringing up those past reports was a good idea.

“I thought maybe now she finally understood why, as a friend, I had asked her about the tabloids that were saying there was a possibility of her going to jail, and that she had finally put it behind her and would never bring it up again.

"Yeah right. If you have not seen the previews for next week yet…stay tuned. One step forward, two steps back.”

The Real Housewives of New Jersey airs Sundays at 8 p.m. on Bravo.

Teresa giudice fighting again with jacqueline laurita after low

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Teresa Giudice and Melissa Gorga: Totes BFFs, Totes Ignoring Jacqueline Laurita

It’s natural for some women to become close to one another if they have a mutual disdain for another woman.

Such is the case for Teresa Giudice and Melissa Gorga, who are now besties because they’ve fallen out with their Real Housewives of New Jersey co-star, Jacqueline Laurita.

“Teresa and Melissa are real friends,” a source told Radar Online of the once-warring siser-inlaws

“They are getting along very well.”

On March 15th, Gorga and Giudice attended co-star Robyn Levy and wife Christina Flores‘s Autism fundraising event in Saddlebrook, New Jersey with their respective husbands.

“Melissa arrived with her husband Joe first to the event, but as soon the Giudices walked in the door, Melissa ran over and grabbed Teresa like she was excited to see her,” someone at the event recalled.

“Melissa and Teresa then hugged and chatted with their husbands and a few friends for several minutes. They were all smiles and didn’t seem to have any hate going on between them.”

After they wrapped up their pleasantries, “the Joes moved to the other side of the room while Teresa and Melissa side-by-side walked around saying hi to people.

“They seemed in good spirits and to be enjoying each other’s company.”

The event came a few weeks after Laurita and Levy fought while filming in Vermont.  Lawyers had to get involved because Levy had physically threatened Laurita.

Laurita was furious that Giudice and Gorga didn’t stand up for her, and is currently not on speaking terms with either.

“Teresa and Melissa took Robyn’s side because they thought Jacqueline provoked her, and that made Jacqueline absolutely crazy,” a source told Radar Online.

Laurita is allegedly planning to reveal a bunch of “deep, dark secrets” that Giudice and Gorga have kept over the years.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

RHONJ"s Jacqueline Laurita Snaps, Threatens Co-Stars

Ah, Housewives.

After participating in the biggest fight Vermont has seen since…ever, Jacqueline Laurita is out for blood.

While filming The Real Housewives of New Jersey last week, Laurita and new cast member (and one of Teresa Giudice’s good friends) Robyn Levy got into a fight so bad that Levy threatened to physically harm her.

Laurita left the holiday and contacted Bravo lawyers, which we can’t blame her for after learning that Levy and her wife, Christina Flores were arrested in 2013 after getting involved in a bar fight in Parsnipanny, New Jersey.  Both women were charged with disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and obstruction of the administration of the law, according to SheKnows.

“Robyn made threats to Jacqueline, threatening physical harm against her,” a source told the Real Mr. Housewife.

“Bravo had her and her wife, Christina Flores, removed from the cast trip. They will not tolerate violent threats being made.

“In addition, due to her actions, Robyn has completely lost any chance she had at being a full time cast member.”

Even after Levy and Flores left, Laurita was furious with Giudice and Melissa Gorga.

“Jacqueline just couldn’t let it go! She was angry the other ladies didn’t stand up for her,” another source told Radar Online.

“She ended up leaving early, but wasn’t forced out by Bravo.”  

Prior to this, Laurita, Gorga and Giudice got along swimmingly.

“Things quickly went south after Robyn Levy threatened Jacqueline,” the source added. “Teresa and Melissa took Robyn’s side because they thought Jacqueline provoked her, and that made Jacqueline absolutely crazy.”

Laurita’s star power has wavered in recent years, and now it’s believed that she’s doing whatever she can to stay relevant.

“Jacqueline has been trying to stir things up behind the scenes this year,” the source added.

“Teresa and Melissa realized this, and ended their friendship with her. Neither one of them has time for the drama.” 

What do to when your frenemies won’t pay you any mind?  Threaten them!

Laurita wants to “go public with all of Teresa and Melissa’s dirty laundry,” the source revealed.

“All of the rumors about Joe cheating on Teresa while she was in prison? Well, Jacqueline is ready to spill!”

That sounds like a grown-up thing to do.