Showing posts with label RHONJ's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RHONJ's. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

RHONJ"s Jacqueline Laurita Snaps, Threatens Co-Stars

Ah, Housewives.

After participating in the biggest fight Vermont has seen since…ever, Jacqueline Laurita is out for blood.

While filming The Real Housewives of New Jersey last week, Laurita and new cast member (and one of Teresa Giudice’s good friends) Robyn Levy got into a fight so bad that Levy threatened to physically harm her.

Laurita left the holiday and contacted Bravo lawyers, which we can’t blame her for after learning that Levy and her wife, Christina Flores were arrested in 2013 after getting involved in a bar fight in Parsnipanny, New Jersey.  Both women were charged with disorderly conduct, resisting arrest and obstruction of the administration of the law, according to SheKnows.

“Robyn made threats to Jacqueline, threatening physical harm against her,” a source told the Real Mr. Housewife.

“Bravo had her and her wife, Christina Flores, removed from the cast trip. They will not tolerate violent threats being made.

“In addition, due to her actions, Robyn has completely lost any chance she had at being a full time cast member.”

Even after Levy and Flores left, Laurita was furious with Giudice and Melissa Gorga.

“Jacqueline just couldn’t let it go! She was angry the other ladies didn’t stand up for her,” another source told Radar Online.

“She ended up leaving early, but wasn’t forced out by Bravo.”  

Prior to this, Laurita, Gorga and Giudice got along swimmingly.

“Things quickly went south after Robyn Levy threatened Jacqueline,” the source added. “Teresa and Melissa took Robyn’s side because they thought Jacqueline provoked her, and that made Jacqueline absolutely crazy.”

Laurita’s star power has wavered in recent years, and now it’s believed that she’s doing whatever she can to stay relevant.

“Jacqueline has been trying to stir things up behind the scenes this year,” the source added.

“Teresa and Melissa realized this, and ended their friendship with her. Neither one of them has time for the drama.” 

What do to when your frenemies won’t pay you any mind?  Threaten them!

Laurita wants to “go public with all of Teresa and Melissa’s dirty laundry,” the source revealed.

“All of the rumors about Joe cheating on Teresa while she was in prison? Well, Jacqueline is ready to spill!”

That sounds like a grown-up thing to do.