Showing posts with label Mention. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mention. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Pete Davidson Made Last Minute Call to Mention Ariana Grande on "SNL"

Pete Davidson made a late change right before ‘SNL’ to mention Ariana Grande’s name during this weekend’s episode … TMZ has learned. Sources close to the production tell us Pete heard Ariana’s new song, “thank u, next,” before showtime…


Friday, October 5, 2018

Cameran Eubanks: Apologizes, Vows to Never Again Mention Vaccines

Southern Charm is no stranger to controversy — most notably the stunning rise and fall of Thomas Ravenel.

This time, it’s Cameran Eubanks who’s been put in the hotseat. Not by police, but by her own followers.

When she shared her opinion about vaccines, the backlash was so intense that she deleted her tweet — and apologized.

On Thursday, Southern Charm star Cameran Eubanks decided to encourage her followers to make responsible health decisions.

She posted a photo of the bandage on her arm, announcing that she had just receive her flu vaccine for this year.

Cameran then encouraged her fans and followers to do the same.

It’s not just the right thing to do for themselves — it can help to protect others, including those with compromised immune systems.

The backlash to her post was enough that she promptly deleted it.

Cameran Eubanks apologizes on Instagram

After deleting her post, she shared an undeserved apology message with her followers.

“I just deleted a post that I made today about my belief in getting the flu shot,” she began.

“Never did I think it would cause such a fuss,” she explains.

A few years ago, it might not have. But thanks to internet algorithms, dangerous misinformation spreads like a virus.

“I’m sorry to all I offended who don’t believe in vaccinating themselves and their children,” she writes.

“If you do not vaccinate I do not think you are stupid or wrong,” Cameran generously claims.

Not everyone would be so charitable in their assessment of people who endanger their children and others by believing falsehoods.

“We just disagree,” she writes.

“I have always said I will not talk about religion or politics on social media,” Cameran concludes. “And now I’m adding vaccines too.”

This is not the first time that Cameran has been taken aback by an unexpected controversy.

“Palmer had hers today,” Cameran shared about her 11-month-old. “I played baby shark and not even a whimper. Couldn’t believe it. God bless that annoying ass song!”

Her Southern Charm costar, the incomparable Patricia Altschul, also posted on Thursday after she received her flu shot.

“@caconover is right! I just had my flu shot and I can only walk backwards #southerncharm #medicine.”

Craig Conover, everyone’s favorite formerly reformed playboy who talks like a frat guy, has some wild opinions about vaccines.

He called them a “crazy government shot” that would force him to walk backwards for the rest of his life.

Honestly, that’s not the worst thing that we’ve heard an anti-vaxxer say, but … that’s not saying much.

Patricia was not the only one who leapt to Cameran’s defense.

“Um your post literally reminded me to sign up for ours,” wrote one fan. “Appointments booked. Thank you for posting about it!”

“It’s not a matter of belief or disbelief, nor opinion. It’s a matter of science and facts,” correctly asserted another fan.

That comment continued: “Vaccines save lives and suffering and those who choose not to certainly have the right to that choice, but yeah, they are wrong.”

“My family doesn’t get the flu shot,” wrote another commenter. “And I still found nothing wrong with your post!”

Vaccinations aren’t just a personal decision — they help protect those with compromised immune systems through “herd immunity.”

Someone whose immune system doesn’t function at full capacity cannot be vaccinated, so they are vulnerable to the flu — or something worse, like measles.

But everyone with whom they come into contact is vaccinated, then they are insulated by the “herd” and less likely to be exposed to a contagion.

As for the theories about vaccines being dangerous … some of that is misinformation, and some is fearmongering.

(Personal note: I am one of the one-in-a-million people who had a strongly adverse reaction to a vaccination as an infant; the real virus would have been worse and I’m glad that I was vaccinated)

Vaccines do not cause autism, but even if they did, we would all rather see a child be autistic than die of a preventable disease.


Monday, July 23, 2018

Faith Evans" Marriage License Makes No Mention of Marriage to Notorious B.I.G.

Faith Evans married Notorious B.I.G. in ’94, but you wouldn’t know it based on her recent marriage license — it makes no mention of her marriage to the legendary rapper — but Faith is blaming the court for the error. TMZ’s…


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Aaron Carter Stormed Off "The Doctors" Set at Mention of Rehab

Aaron Carter is willing to talk about his prescription drug abuse, but bolted as soon as the topic of rehab came up on “The Doctors” … according to family members. Aaron agreed to a drug test when he taped the show about a month ago — it…


Friday, August 4, 2017

Scott Disick: I"m Shirtless and Available! Did I Mention Shirtless?!

Scott Disick just can’t help himself, huh?

Likely on some unknowable impulse, Scott Disick shared a mirror selfie of himself, bare-chested and clad only in a towel.

People have been quick to point out that they can’t help but be reminded of a certain Kardashian’s famous topless selfie. …

You see it, right?

Remember Kim Kardashian’s topless selfie that absolutely everyone saw?

Like, she didn’t quite break the internet again like she did with her megabutt.

You didn’t even see her nip-nops or anything, but she posted it not a super long time after she had her baby, so people were kind of freaking out a little over how great her naked body looked.

Also some people shamed her, which was ridiculous.

People still shame women for nudity, censored otherwise.

And it’s still ridiculous.

Actually, since Scott Disick isn’t alone in this photo (he’s pictured with pal David Einhorn), we’re reminded of a different topless selfie that Kim Kardashian’s taken.

Remember Kim Kardashian and Emily Ratajkowski’s topless selfie?

You should — they’re both gorgeous and also they were both flipping us the bird.

Well, maybe not us as in everyone who saw the photo.

But their ire is perhaps directed patriarchal systems that oppress and seek to control women.

And at the very real people, both men and women, who seek to enforce those pernicious social forces.

Of course, Kim wasn’t necessarily what was going on in Scott’s mind, though the two saw each other very recently.

No, he may have just been … advertising himself.

Consciously or acting on some boozed up instinct, the self-described “Lord” may have been showing off his definitely pleasant-looking and well-shaped torso and his tan to any prospective “romantic” partners.

We put that in quotation makers because, folks, he’s not doing a lot of “romancing” these days — not in any of the reports that we’ve seen.

No, he’s spotted with teen actresses and then later at a party with a mystery girl, bounding from pretty young thing to pretty young thing.

All seemingly without a care in the world.

And since Bella Thorne has a new man, we guess that she’s really done with Scott now.

He’s going to need to find another gorgeous young woman to eat burgers in his yard.

The fact of the matter is that we can’t know what’s going on his mind.

(And, from the looks of his behavior over the past several months, we sure don’t want to)

No matter what prompted Scott’s impromptu mirror selfie, topless is a good look on him.

And one hell of a better look than sloppy drunk in a bar begging strangers to suck his dick.

Like, we say “we’ve all been there” sometimes, sometimes seriously and sometimes as a joke.

But we have never sunken quite to that level.

It would almost be impressive if it weren’t so, so sad.


Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Donald Trump Doesn"t Mention Tom Brady"s Name at Patriots" White House Visit

Seems Donald Trump isn’t happy with Tom Brady — because he didn’t mention the QB’s name ONCE at the White House ceremony honoring the New England Patriots. Of course, Brady did not attend the ceremony, citing “personal family matters” — shocking…


Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Duggars Promote Return to TV, FINALLY Mention Josh

As you may have heard, the Duggars are returning to TV later this month with a full season of Jill and Jessa’s spinoff series, Counting On.

Not surprisingly, the family has been in promotional mode lately, granting interviews, attending premieres for faith-based films and plugging the show on their blogs and social media pages.

So far, it’s unclear if Jim Bob and Michelle will appear on the show, but in any event, the Duggar parents are certainly lending a hand when it comes to scoring ratings.

Today, they took to their official  family blog to remind everyone that the show premieres in two weeks, and to provide a brief glimpse into life in the Duggar household.

The post featured a run-down of every Duggar’s favorite food (Mexican and Italian were the most common answers, which is a bit surprising, as “ethnic” isn’t exactly the first word that springs to mind when one thinks of the 19 Kids and Counting clan.), and that may not sound like a big deal – but it’s worth noting that when we say “every Duggar,” we mean every Duggar.

Yes, in case you wondering, Josh’s favorite food is Frito chili pie.

Nothing surprising about the choice (it’s something of a Southern staple), but it is surprising that the family casually made mention of Josh while promoting their new show.

It would have been odd if they’d left him off the list, but the eldest Duggar is a topic that’s usually avoided, particularly during the family’s recent push to rebuild their reputation.

There have been rumors that Josh will appear on Jill and Jessa’s new show, but that seems highly unlikely at the moment.

For now, the family is making small steps toward re-introducing Josh to the spotlight.

Say what you will about Jim Bob and Michelle – they know a thing or two about PR.