Showing posts with label Stormed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stormed. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Steve Brown Says Attacker Was Laughing Before He Stormed Stage

Comic Steve Brown says the guy who viciously attacked him during his stand-up act over the weekend was loving the show when all of a sudden he seemed to go from Jekyll to Hyde. Steve told us what happened in the moments before his attacker…


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Teen Mom 2 Reunion Recap: Who Got Cheated On? Who Stormed Off?

With the dust settling from last week’s bombshell season finale, the Teen Mom 2 cast reunited Monday night for an emotional sit-down.

Then some cast members stormed off set. But we’ll get to that in a little while. We begin with the lowdown on Kailyn Lowry’s love life …

Lowry gave Dr. Drew the sad rundown about being cheated on during her pregnancy by Chris Lopez, her mysterious third baby daddy.

We’re talking the entire time she was pregnant, basically.

“The pregnancy was really hard,” Kailyn confessed.

Kailyn’s experience getting pregnant by Chris was so bad, Lowry said it was the kind of thing she wouldn’t wish on her “worst enemy.”

These days, she said, they aren’t communicating.

Lopez has not even seen their child, Lux Russell, in more than a month, and it’s unclear when (or if) he will do so again. Just insane.

While it’s not a good thing by any means, Kailyn can at least rest assured that she can take care of herself as a boss mom. But still.

Leah Messer then took her turn in the hot seat and discussed the struggles of splitting up with Jeremy Calvert, her second ex-husband.

“I didn’t have any support,” Leah said. “I was alone.”

Messer even admitted she was suicidal at the time.

Her kids, though, were her “light at the end of the tunnel” and pulled her out of her depression, and she and Jeremy are better lately.

They’re not getting back together, however.

Calvert and Messer’s romantic past, and future, have long been subject to such speculation, but the two are just co-parenting. Period.

(Apparently Jeremy broke up with his girlfriend, who we didn’t even know existed, recently, and also split with fiancee Brooke Wehr.)

Leah said that despite what the rumors might say, she’s happy being single and focusing on her kids, which is probably a good thing.

Okay, we’ll say it, it’s definitely a good thing.

Chelsea Houska dished about Adam Lind’s ongoing drug abuse problem and the profound effect it’s having on their daughter, Aubree.

Houska hasn’t told Aubree exactly what’s going on.

How could she possibly? What do you even say?

“It’s hard because you don’t want to sugarcoat it but you don’t want to lie to them,” Chelsea said, admitting that she feels guilty personally.

For giving Aubree a drug-addicted father, she feels responsible on some level, despite the happy home and life she’s given the youngster.

“In a perfect world, he would get better and be a good dad and I could trust him,” she said, but she has no faith that will be the case.

Then it was time for the main event …

Jenelle Evans’ appearance began with questions about her relationship with her mom and her wedding, but soon got very out of hand.

Asking her about David Eason will do that.

“Everyone tries bashing him,” she said.

When Dr. Drew noted that Jenelle seems drawn to … um, aggressive types of guys, Evans decided she’d had enough and she peaced.

“He’s trying to make her upset and it’s pissing me off,” David, who married her earlier this fall, said of the MTV personality. “I’m leaving.”

Fortunately, or unfortunately, Nathan Griffith came on stage instead, promptly bashing David for disciplining his son with Jenelle, Kaiser.

“I just think it’s a very controlling relationship,” he said, and his mom then joined in, adding that she is “terribly frightened for Kaiser.”

According to Nathan’s mom, Kaiser told her that David punched him and gave her reason believe there’s drug abuse in Jenelle’s home.

She said that is the reason she is filing for temporary custody of her grandchild. “All I want is someone to protect [Kaiser],” she said.

Stay tuned for next week when this really gets bad … and open the gallery above to find out what happened behind the reunion scenes.


Thursday, September 14, 2017

Aaron Carter Stormed Off "The Doctors" Set at Mention of Rehab

Aaron Carter is willing to talk about his prescription drug abuse, but bolted as soon as the topic of rehab came up on “The Doctors” … according to family members. Aaron agreed to a drug test when he taped the show about a month ago — it…
