Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Catelynn Lowell: Leaving Rehab Against Doctor"s Orders?!

If you’re a Teen Mom fan, then chances are than you’ve been keeping a close eye on Catelynn Lowell lately.

And that’s because … well, she just hasn’t been doing that great.

Last month, she announced on her social media accounts that she’d be leaving to seek treatment for her issues with anxiety and depression.

“Well today I thought of every way to kill myself.. so I’m going to treatment,” she wrote on Twitter.

Then, in a more lengthy statement she released to a few media outlets, she explained “I’m taking the time I need right now to take good care of myself.”

“On November 17th I thought of every way possible to commit suicide… from wrapping a belt around my neck to just running my car into an electric pole.”

“THANK GOD I have a support system and a HUSBAND and a DAUGHTER.. thank god I am self aware,” she continued. “I’m seeking treatment and I WILL get better.”

“Anyone feeling alone you ARE NOT ALONE! This world needs all of us! We are all here for a reason… Thank you for your support during this tough time.”

After making that statement, she and husband Tyler Baltierra traveled down to Arizona so she could check into the same rehab facility she visited last year — she was also seeking help for her depression then.

Since then, we haven’t gotten a ton of updates on Catelynn.

Tyler has told us that she’s doing well, and she’s been able to get on her phone for a little while each day, too.

She was even able to make a special Thanksgiving tweet, telling her followers “Today I am thankful for LIFE and thankful for my daughters!!”

It sounds like she’s doing well, right?

Well enough, it seems, to come home!

In a post he made on Instagram last night, Tyler wrote “Cate gets out of treatment this Friday & we can’t wait! We have been in Arizona for the past 2 weeks visiting her every Sunday.”

“I have taken a break from everything & chose to really take this time for me & Nova,” he continue. “Without her mom around, she needs me & my devoted attention. Family always comes first!”

That’s nice, and it’s so great that Catelynn will get to go home to her family.

But according to a source who spoke about the situation with Radar Online, it’s actually not such a great development.

“It wasn’t planned for Catelynn to get out,” the source claims. “They had a group/family session during their visit and Catelynn pretty much said she wanted to go home.”

This insider explains that she’s no longer on suicide watch, but “her counselors think more time in treatment would be beneficial.”

However, “it’s ultimately her choice.”

As for Tyler, he’s reportedly “a little worried” about her decision to come home early, but he’s still “supportive overall.”

“She looks and sounds great,” the source says. “Cate just misses Nova and wants to be home for the holidays. She’d ultimately feel really guilty [if she missed Christmas] and that might set her back.”

“She feels she needs to be home for these milestones.”

It’s definitely understandable that she’d prefer to be home for the holidays, but it’s also understandable that Tyler might feel concerned.

After all, she didn’t complete her treatment the last time, and that obviously did not turn out so well.

It really just seems to be a tough situation all around, but thankfully, the source says Catelynn will continue outpatient treatment when she gets back to Michigan.

Here’s hoping for the best for her and that darling little family of hers!
