Thursday, April 5, 2018

Catelynn Lowell & Tyler Baltierra: We Want to Teach Your Kids About Mental Health!

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra have had quite a year.

There may have been more ups and downs in the past 12 months, but the beloved Teen Mom OG couple deserves praise for consistently turning negatives into positives.

Unfortunately, the most noteworthy recent development for the young couple is a tragic one:

Catelynn suffered a miscarriage, and the trauma of the event took a tremendous psychological toll on both her and her husband.

Lowell checked into rehab to be treated for various mental health issues in the aftermath of the shocking loss.

Clearly, it’s difficult to find any sort of silver lining in such a painful series of events, but it does seem as though Cate and Tyler have both emerged from the wreckage with a better understanding of theit minds’ inner workings.

And fortunately for fans, the Baltierras are seeking out ways to share what they’ve learned with the world:

As The Ashley’s Reality Roundup points out, Catelynn and Tyler appeared on Kailyn Lowry’s podcast this week, where they discussed a wide array of topics, including their plans to help fans who are coping with issues similar to their own.

“We’re talking to MTV and trying to come up with a couple different pitches for a mental health special,” Tyler said.

“Ironically ‘Teen Mom’ has had a lot of mental health [issues] that have been covered on a lot of the stories. We really want to do a public thing, possibly with Dr. Drew [Pinsky].

“The hard part is crafting a message and making it be genuine and not just trying to cash in on this thing we’ve got going on,” Baltierra added.

As for her struggles with PTSD and depression, Catelynn said she’s turned a corner as of late:

“I feel way better,” Cate said.

“I did a whole med switch and genetic testing. I found out that the medication I was on for five years doesn’t even work for me.”

She added:

“They put me on different medications and they seem to be working really well. It all stems from the trauma of my past so I’m going to have to keep digging into that.”

And it seems Cate and Tyler feel their both in a position where they can turn their attention to helping others.

As longtime Teen Mom OG fans know, the couple made the painful decision to place their youngest daughter, Carlee, up for adoption before she was born back in 2009.

While they still believe they did what was best for their baby, the decision has clearly caused the couple a good deal of pain over the years, as they’ve struggled to maintain a relationship with Carlee, despite the fact that they’re not her legal guardians.

Now, Catelynn and Tyler are hoping to channel that pain into a second children’s book, this one focusing on the unique challenges fced by adopted children.

“Me and Catelynn have been talking lately about doing an adoption book for kids who are adoptees and for kids who have siblings that have been adopted,” Tyler said.

“I think it would be cool to explain to the kids, in their language, how [adoption] works.”

Watch Teen Mom OG online to relive the rocky road that brought the Baltierras to where they are today.
