Showing posts with label Bashing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bashing. Show all posts

Friday, August 10, 2018

Lindsay Lohan Is "Canceled Forever" After Bashing #MeToo Movement

In a perplexing interview, Lindsay Lohan slammed the #MeToo movement … and said that coming forward with allegations of sexual abuse makes the accusers "look weak."

"I think by women speaking against all these things, it makes them look weak," Lindsay said. "When they are very strong women."

As if that weren"t bad enough, she then went on to imply that maybe some of the young women shared harrowing stories of sexual harassment, abuse, and even rape were just in it for, you guessed it, "attention."

While that has been debunked time and time again, a lot of people were outraged and horrified.

We can only guess that they had forgotten that Lindsay had supported Harvey Weinstein, of all people, and encouraged his wife to stand by him.

Aisha Tyler, like so many others, took to social media to slam Lindsay.

When Aisha announced that Lindsay is canceled, it prompted a lot of discussion. Take a look:

1. Aisha Tyler said what many were thinking

Lindsay lohan slammed and canceled tweets 01 aisha

Aisha received a lot of thoughtful responses. And also a lot of less thoughtful replies.

2. A classic internet burn

Lindsay lohan slammed and canceled tweets 02 who

This is obviously a joke, poking fun at the fact that Lindsay hasn’t really been culturally relevant for about a decade.

3. Survivors spoke up

Lindsay lohan slammed and canceled tweets 03 tough not weak

This tweet is absolutely right — speaking up takes a tremendous amount of strength.

4. Others chimed in with support

Lindsay lohan slammed and canceled tweets 04 courage

Speaking truth to power is a brave act.

5. As the young people say: we been knew

Lindsay lohan slammed and canceled tweets 05 been canceled

In other words, Lindsay Lohan was canceled a long time ago, in this person’s eyes.

6. Others were more sympathetic

Lindsay lohan slammed and canceled tweets 06 care about brokenne

A lot of people believe that Lindsay Lohan was just saying in the interview what she tells herself about her own life.

View Slideshow

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Logan Paul Fires Back at Flobots, Stop Bashing My "Handlebars" Remix!

“I can ride your girl with no handlebars … no handlebars, no handlebars.” Misogynistic lyrics?! Hell no … so says Logan Paul, who’s firing back at the Flobots after the band blasted his “Handlebars” remix as dumb and sexist. BACKSTORY: Paul…


Logan Paul Fires Back at Flobots, Stop Bashing My "Handlebars" Remix!

“I can ride your girl with no handlebars … no handlebars, no handlebars.” Misogynistic lyrics?! Hell no … so says Logan Paul, who’s firing back at the Flobots after the band blasted his “Handlebars” remix as dumb and sexist. BACKSTORY: Paul…


Saturday, September 23, 2017

Common Praises Colin Kaepernick in Wake of President Trump"s NFL Bashing

Common’s responding to President Trump’s bashing of “son of a bitch” NFL players who take a knee during the anthem by going another route — calmly praising the man who did it first as a hero. We got the rapper at LAX Friday night, shortly after…


Tuesday, September 12, 2017

James Woods Roasted for Hypocrisy After Bashing Gay Film!

James Woods is no stranger to bigotry or controversy. The actor may have an amazing voice, but whenever he opens his mouth (or Twitter) to share his views … it’s a disaster.

This time, James Woods tried to blast a gay romance film over the age gap between its protagonists, digging into some age old anti-gay rhetoric in the process.

Armie Hammer and Amber Tamblyn replied, exposing Woods’ hypocrisy and accusing him of being a total creep.

So, Call Me By Your Name is a film based on a novel by the same name.

Wikipedia describes the film’s plot:

“A young man named Elio, living in Italy during the 1980s, meets Oliver, an academic who has come to stay at his parents’ villa, and a passionate relationship develops between them, as they bond over their sexuality, their Jewish heritage, and the landscape.”

Elio is played by Timothee Chalamet and Oliver is played by Armie Hammer.

The film won’t come out until November, but both Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic give the film 98%, in both cases more or less signifying “universal acclaim.”

The only real source of controversy for anyone who isn’t gay or antisemtic is the age range of the relationship in the film.

Elio is 17 and Oliver is 24.

Now, I’m personally American enough that I’d give that relationship some side-eye. 17 and 20? That’s the age gap of classmates and fine by me (whether it’s legal varies from state to state). 18 and 25? Same age range as in the film but the younger person’s 18 (which is very Ameri-centric, I know).

(I do believe that some consent laws should be adjusted; there are some frightening stories of people being arrested on their 18th birthdays for dating classmates because the other teen’s parents just don’t like them — but that’s a whole other mess. I still recommend following whatever laws are on the books in anyone’s state or country)

But the film is set in Italy, where someone being 17 isn’t an issue.

A few people are trying to make this film an issue anyway.

One man, an author who is a gay conservative, tweeted about the age difference.

James Woods quoted the man’s tweet, chiming in: 

“As they quietly chip away the last barriers of decency. #NAMBLA

“NAMBLA” is the acronym once used by a group of pedophiles during the 1990s. The group no longer exists, but they were trying to promote their desire to sexually prey upon children as somehow acceptable.

There’s a long and vicious history of anti-gay groups trying to tie gay rights (and LGBT rights in general, but especially gay men) to efforts by pedophiles to avoid prosecution.

(It’s a false equivalency; just like how advocates who want to legalize marijuana aren’t the same as people who want to make murder legal, because one of those activities involves a victim and the other does not)

It is also true that a lot of anti-gay rhetoric tries to conflate gay men with pedophiles.

(It’s a deliberate smear tactic; also most perpetrators of child sexual abuse are straight men)

James Woods recently argued that he has gay friends and, therefore, couldn’t possibly be homophobic. Dredging up a comparison like that doesn’t help his argument.

What happened next, though, was kind of amazing.

Armie Hammer came out in defense of his film.

He quoted James Woods’ tweet, saying:

“Didn’t you date a 19 year old when you were 60…….?”


Again, that’s totally legal and also should be legal.

But a man who dated someone 41 years his junior surely has no business shaming a 7-year age gap between legal adults.

(A 17-year-old is considered an adult for purposes of sex and consent in most Western countries, including Italy)

And then it got better.

Well … worse.

Actress Amber Tamblyn shared an anecdote from her own experience with James Woods.

She tweeted her claim to Armie Hammer:

“James Woods tried to pick me and my friend up at a restaurant once. He wanted to take us to Vegas. ‘I’m 16’ I said. ‘Even better’ he said.”

That is well and truly gross.

Mistakenly flirting with someone who’s a minor … shouldn’t happen, but some venues seem like places that would only have adults.

A guy that old doubling down after learning her age … is horrifying.

James Woods described the accusation as “fiction” in a tweet.

A software engineer shared a screencap of a conversation that she’d had with an unnamed woman who said that James Woods had tried to pick her up when she was still in high school, around 2001.

If these accusations are true, this sounds like an alarming pattern of behavior, because James Woods was not the “slightly older peer” of either of these women, then or now.

People in glass houses probably shouldn’t throw stones, huh?


Friday, June 30, 2017

Congresswoman Maxine Waters says Trump"s Mika Bashing is Last Straw

Congresswoman Maxine Waters wants Republicans to finally say it — ENOUGH IS ENOUGH … after President Trump verbally brutalized Mika Brzezinski.  The L.A. Congresswoman’s reaction was predictable and fierce  … complete and…


Congresswoman Maxine Waters says Trump"s Mika Bashing is Last Straw

Congresswoman Maxine Waters wants Republicans to finally say it — ENOUGH IS ENOUGH … after President Trump verbally brutalized Mika Brzezinski.  The L.A. Congresswoman’s reaction was predictable and fierce  … complete and…


Thursday, June 29, 2017

MSNBC"s Mika Brzezinski Carefree Walking Her Dogs After Trump"s Bashing

Mika Brzezinski has gone to the dogs — in a good way — after Donald Trump viciously attacked her. The MSNBC anchor was out walking her 2 pooches Thursday in NYC … with a curious letter emblazoned on her sweatshirt. In case you’ve been…


Friday, June 16, 2017

Justin Bieber"s Producer Says Slow Your Roll on Bashing Him for "Despacito"

Justin Bieber’s got a perfectly good reason for not singing “Despacito” anymore so get off his back … says his producer pal. Jason “Poo Bear” Boyd — a prolific music producer credited with a bunch of Bieber’s hit songs — was at LAX and we asked…


Justin Bieber"s Producer Says Slow Your Roll on Bashing Him for "Despacito"

Justin Bieber’s got a perfectly good reason for not singing “Despacito” anymore so get off his back … says his producer pal. Jason “Poo Bear” Boyd — a prolific music producer credited with a bunch of Bieber’s hit songs — was at LAX and we asked…


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Jacob Roloff: My Bad on All That Family Bashing!

It’s been just under a year since Jacob Roloff quit Little People, Big World.

Actually, to be more accurate, we should say the following:

It’s been just under a year since Jacob Roloff quit Little People, Big World in EPIC FASHION.

Jacob Roloff spends a lot of time reading and hanging out with his dogs these days. It’s a pretty nice life.

In July of 2016, Roloff acknowledged he was done with the TLC show that made him semi-famous, calling out both producers for scripting various scenes and his own family members for appearing in them.

“For the sake of ‘the episode’ and ratings I’ve seen a lot of STORYLINES drawn up (loosely) about our lives,” Roloff said, committing the cardinal sin of reality television by admitting that nearly nothing you see is actually reality.

Jacob went on to say he couldn’t help but laugh over how “ridiculous” the talking points he was asked to say were and how the family being filmed wasn’t really his family.

They were mere “characters,” he said, mere fictional versions of their true selves.

“I have scarcely anything in common with them, nor do I want to be a character myself,” he said at the time.

And then that was pretty much it; Roloff vanished from television and took to traveling the Pacific Northwest with his girlfriend and two dogs.

In the subsequent months, Roloff has still managed to sound off on occasion.

His rant against Christianity just a few weeks ago went viral, for example, as he slammed the religion for being comprised of egotistical, condescending individuals… his relatives very much included.

Christians “don’t pray for you,” he said last month, explaining:

“They pray for themselves, their spiritual security, and out of pity that you aren’t as fortunate as they to be ‘in the know.”

Roloff concluded that he was therefore no longer a member of this religion. Which was obviously well within his rights to declare.

But Jacob once again trashed his own loved ones in doing so, an act it seems as if he now regrets, based on his latest video blog entry.

Looking back at his rant last year and his scathing words just last month, Roloff says the following in this new piece of footage:

“I remember at that time, I was causing strife….I said inflammatory things. Even as I said those things, I would admit that in about a year, I’d probably regret some of this.”

And now that premonition has come true.

How does the 20-year old son of Matt and Amy Roloff explain his diatribe against his family?

Not much differently than that of any teenager.

“I rebelled,” he says now, adding:

“I left the show and I left the religion I was brought up with, and I left it in a pretty flamboyant way.

“Now I’m like ‘I don’t need to hate it.’ Essentially that is to say, I grew up.”

It happens to almost everyone. It just doesn’t happen to almost everyone with TLC cameras pointed at their faces 24/7.

To Jacob’s credit, however, he isn’t just talking this talk. He’s also walking this walk.

The former Little People, Big World star stopped by his family’s farm last week to spend time with his new nephew.

Sharing two photos of Zach Roloff’s son Jackson on Instagram, Jacob gushed over the newborn, who came into this world on May 12.

“It is special… Love bein an uncle so far,” wrote Jacob of the little one.

Does this mean we’ll see Jacob back on TV in the near future? Or ever again? We strongly doubt it.

But that’s likely for the best.

He’s traveling around the country. He’s found love. He’s got two loyal pets. He’s on decent terms again with his family. All seems to have worked out well in the end.

“People have to be allowed to go out of their minds for just a second at least,” Roloff says in the video above.

Especially if this helps them right those same minds in the long run, we agree.


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Kylie Jenner: Bashing Tyga on Instagram?!

Last week, rumors of Tyga cheating on Kylie Jenner with Brazilian supermodel Annalu Cardoso were just about everywhere online.

Kylie didn’t immediately speak out on the allegations of infidelity, but she did make her feelings known other ways.

For starters, she ditched Tyga as her Golden Globes date, attending after-parties with sister Kourtney Kardashian instead.

Since then, Kylie and Tyga have been spotted on a date together, but insiders say it was all for show, and many believe the 18-year-old reality star has been expressing herself on social media.

First there’s the photo above, which was shared just hours after the news of Tyga’s affair went public.

Many of her followers have stated that it looks as though Kylie’s been crying in the pic. 

Kylie posted two more photos that day, one that was captioned, “I look like Kylie Jenner today” (an apparent reference to the resemblance between Kylie and Annalu), and another in which she can be seen scowling at the camera, that was sarcastically captioned, “Happy.”

Kylie’s subtle slams weren’t even limited to Instagram, as she posted a Snapchat message that reads, “Incoming texts I just press ignore,” which she had to know would be taken as a reference to T-Raww.

Tyga himself has been mostly silent, but did tweet, “F–kin love” at one point, only to delete it moments later.

Ms. Cardoso addressed her haters in a since-deleted Instagram post that reads:

It’s hard to believe people would honestly take their precious time to be mean against someone they don’t even know about things they know nothing about , use your time for good , you don’t even know how much you have left , being a good person is free.”

Kylie may not have kicked him to the curb just yet, but it sounds like Tyga certainly has plenty of drama on his plate. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

DASH Dolls Season 1 Episode 3: BASHing of the Dolls

The dolls at the Dash boutique in West Hollywood received surprise visitor on DASH Dolls Season 1 Episode 3, and it did not go over well. At all.

One guess as to who the party crasher was?

Khloe Kardashian, a.k.a. the HBIC, is well aware of the drama going down at DASH and see is ready to kick some ASH if the dolls don’t get in line.

Assembling her charges for “general meeting,” she reveals that she is basically an all-knowing, Orwellian figure with eyes and ears everywhere.

Her eyes and ears ain’t happy, either.

Khloe, Kim and Kourtney Kardashian receive updates and keep closer tabs on their boutiques than you might think, she informs the employees.

Cue awkward silence. And mortal fear.

“We get updates every single day of sales, who hit their goals for the day, we get weekly reports as to people’s behavior,” Khloe informed them.

“I think you guys need a wake up call.”

“Get your sh-together, everyone figure it out cause my sisters and I are disappointed. And if you don’t think that I don’t take our brand seriously?

“I will let someone go in two seconds.”

While this was just a warning shot, and likely a contrived one – you know you’re not gonna sack these people, it’s reality TV – the tension is real.

In the previous two weeks we’ve seen Malika Haqq nude, Malika and her sister fight, and Durrani try to set up Stephanie, which went over poorly.

Meanwhile, despite the fact that Taylor’s romance with her boyfriend is on the decline, she remains reluctant to end things for fear of hurting him.

So sweet. But likely not productive long-term.

What did she decide? And what else went down in the “Valley of the Dolls” Sunday night? Click to watch DASH Dolls online now and find out.

You will be very glad you did. Probably.