Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Jacob Roloff: My Bad on All That Family Bashing!

It’s been just under a year since Jacob Roloff quit Little People, Big World.

Actually, to be more accurate, we should say the following:

It’s been just under a year since Jacob Roloff quit Little People, Big World in EPIC FASHION.

Jacob Roloff spends a lot of time reading and hanging out with his dogs these days. It’s a pretty nice life.

In July of 2016, Roloff acknowledged he was done with the TLC show that made him semi-famous, calling out both producers for scripting various scenes and his own family members for appearing in them.

“For the sake of ‘the episode’ and ratings I’ve seen a lot of STORYLINES drawn up (loosely) about our lives,” Roloff said, committing the cardinal sin of reality television by admitting that nearly nothing you see is actually reality.

Jacob went on to say he couldn’t help but laugh over how “ridiculous” the talking points he was asked to say were and how the family being filmed wasn’t really his family.

They were mere “characters,” he said, mere fictional versions of their true selves.

“I have scarcely anything in common with them, nor do I want to be a character myself,” he said at the time.

And then that was pretty much it; Roloff vanished from television and took to traveling the Pacific Northwest with his girlfriend and two dogs.

In the subsequent months, Roloff has still managed to sound off on occasion.

His rant against Christianity just a few weeks ago went viral, for example, as he slammed the religion for being comprised of egotistical, condescending individuals… his relatives very much included.

Christians “don’t pray for you,” he said last month, explaining:

“They pray for themselves, their spiritual security, and out of pity that you aren’t as fortunate as they to be ‘in the know.”

Roloff concluded that he was therefore no longer a member of this religion. Which was obviously well within his rights to declare.

But Jacob once again trashed his own loved ones in doing so, an act it seems as if he now regrets, based on his latest video blog entry.

Looking back at his rant last year and his scathing words just last month, Roloff says the following in this new piece of footage:

“I remember at that time, I was causing strife….I said inflammatory things. Even as I said those things, I would admit that in about a year, I’d probably regret some of this.”

And now that premonition has come true.

How does the 20-year old son of Matt and Amy Roloff explain his diatribe against his family?

Not much differently than that of any teenager.

“I rebelled,” he says now, adding:

“I left the show and I left the religion I was brought up with, and I left it in a pretty flamboyant way.

“Now I’m like ‘I don’t need to hate it.’ Essentially that is to say, I grew up.”

It happens to almost everyone. It just doesn’t happen to almost everyone with TLC cameras pointed at their faces 24/7.

To Jacob’s credit, however, he isn’t just talking this talk. He’s also walking this walk.

The former Little People, Big World star stopped by his family’s farm last week to spend time with his new nephew.

Sharing two photos of Zach Roloff’s son Jackson on Instagram, Jacob gushed over the newborn, who came into this world on May 12.

“It is special… Love bein an uncle so far,” wrote Jacob of the little one.

Does this mean we’ll see Jacob back on TV in the near future? Or ever again? We strongly doubt it.

But that’s likely for the best.

He’s traveling around the country. He’s found love. He’s got two loyal pets. He’s on decent terms again with his family. All seems to have worked out well in the end.

“People have to be allowed to go out of their minds for just a second at least,” Roloff says in the video above.

Especially if this helps them right those same minds in the long run, we agree.
