Friday, June 3, 2016

Lamar Odom & Scott Disick Compare Stories of Recovery, Get Emotional

This exchange between Lamar Odom and Scott Disick kinda gives us the feels.

And when we say feels, we mean sadness followed by extreme anger.

In a clip for Keeping Up With the Kardashians, the two men open up to one another about their own struggles with rehab and recovery from substance abuse.

As you are likely aware, Lamar has a long history of drug and alcohol use, culminating in his near-fatal overdose in a Nevada brothel last year.

At the time, Lamar had fallen comatose and was given a 50 percent chance of survival. His estranged wife Khloe Kardashian (who called off the pending divorce in light of the incident) and her family prepared for the worst.

Lamar now opens up for the first time to discuss how he felt in the hospital during a conversation with another man with addiction issues – Scott Disick.

"I was super scared when I came and saw you in the hospital," Scott tells Lamar. "Do you remember everything?"

"Yeah," Lamar replies. "I can remember being scared half to death."

Scott admits that he left Lamar"s hospital room because he "couldn"t handle" seeing his friend so close to death.

"You were just dying to talk but you couldn"t," Scott explains.

"I was, I was trapped in my body," Lamar says. "Couldn"t even say excuse me or thank you."

Scott then brings up his own stint in rehab.

"You know, I was in rehab for a while," he discloses. "Like, I didn"t have contact with the world or whatever… It"s a blessing."

Finally, Scott asks whether Lamar has contacted any of his old partying friends, and Lamar says he hasn"t, then suggests he"s done with that lifestyle and doesn"t want to hurt Khloe again.

"I mean, I can"t really take the risk," he says. "I can"t do that to that girl again, of mine."


This is where the frustration sets in. This clip was likely filmed a couple months ago, but since then, Lamar has turned to drugs and alcohol again, a development that some say led Khloe to finally file for divorce for a second time.

Earlier today, we received a report that Lamar is using crack again – just months after he nearly friggin" died.

The hard-partying Scott is not faring much better. Sources have claimed that Scott"s recent drinking is making him sick and friends fear he"s on the verge of liver failure.

We have to wonder what these men think when they watch this clip. But at this point, is there anything that can stop them from using?


Lamar odom and scott disick compare stories of recovery get emot