Monday, October 16, 2017

#MeToo: Stars Share Stories of Sexual Harassment, Assault

Alyssa Milano and a host of female celebrities are doing what they can on social media to raise awareness about sexual harassment and/or assault.

In the wake of the troubling Harvey Weinstein rape allegations, and the ways in which Hollywood has appeared to cover the producer"s actions up, Milano has Tweeted a call-to-action.

She"s asking people to speak out about being sexually harassed or assaulted by replying to her tweet with the words "Me Too."

(According to Twitter, #MeToo has been tweeted nearly half a million times in the past 24 hours.)

Scroll down to see what we mean and to see who has joined in this campaign…

1. Let’s Band Together

Lets band together

This was the original post on Twitter. It explains it all.

2. Hilarie Burton

Hilarie burton

The former One Tree Hill star also made headlines when she forced Ben Affleck to apologize for groping her in 2003.

3. Lady Gaga

Lady gaga

The singer has been very open for years about having been sexually assaulted.

4. Rosario Dawson

Rosario dawson

Yes, her too.

5. Lea Thompson

Lea thompson

And her, too.

6. Sophia Bush

Sophia bush

This actress, too.

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