Showing posts with label Unable. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unable. Show all posts

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Abby Lee Miller Returns to Dance Moms, Still Unable to Walk

This summer, we reported that Abby Lee Miller was holding Dance Moms auditions despite continuing to undergo chemo treatments.

Now, those auditions have borne fruit.

Despite fears that she will never walk again, Miller has returned to work — and is filming for Dance Moms.

On Tuesday, November 6, Abby Lee Miller shared this photo on Instagram.

“Grrrrrrrr!!!!” she wrote in the captions. “Back to the daily grind.”

That means that she is officially back to work filming Dance Moms.

It has been more than a year and a half since she departed the show (which was a couple of months before she reported to prison).

“Comment if you can guess what we’re shooting today?” she asks her fans.

She also shared a weirder pic.

Abby Lee Miller wheelchair shenanigans

Then there is this photo that we would be at a loss to explain without the caption.

“I think this dancer is finished making QUICK CHANGES from 1 Costume to another!!!” Miller captions the pic.

It’s a very goofy photo and, without that context, we’d never have guessed that it was a costume change.

Miller concluded her caption: “Thanks to all for a great day of work!”

Well, that’s certainly a behind-the-scenes look that you don’t see every day.

Abby Lee Miller is no longer staying in rehab.

As you can see in this photo (which has been edited, but she’s fighting cancer and it’s very understandable), she enjoyed pumpkin season.

Unfortunately, reports say that Miller’s departure from rehab in September had less to do with being on the mend.

They had more to do with money.

Receiving around-the-clock care is expensive.

Now she is at home and remains unable to walk.

From the beginning, before she was even diagnosed, her Burkitt lymphoma manifested in the form of creeping paralysis.

Doctors initially assumed that she had an infection, and performed an emergency spinal surgery.

Upon examining her spine, however, doctors discovered that she did not have an infection, but a rare form of non-Hodgkins lymphoma known as Burkitt lymphoma.

Burkitt is generally found in children, where it has a high recovery rate.

This fast-spreading cancer is rarer in adults, where recovery rates are said to be somewhat lower.

The good news is that fast-spreading cancers are typically more receptive to treatment than slow-spreading but resilient cancers.

That is a small comfort, but you take good news when you can.

Adding insult to injury, Miller was still at a halfway home when she received this diagnosis.

That’s right. Last summer she entered prison to begin serving her 366-day sentence.

She hadn’t yet been fully released by the state of California (a halfway house is not freedom, folks) before she began this serious cancer battle.

We’ve been deservedly harsh on Miller, but she does not deserve to be fighting for her life.

But now Miller is back to work.

We hope that her health will continue to improve.

Her wig is very close to her natural hair and it looks like she’s approaching Dance Moms with a positive attitude.

Sometimes, that’s all that you can do.

We should note that Lifetime has not yet announced a return date for the hit reality series.


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Khloe Kardashian: Unable to Have Children?!

For years now, the world has been very, very concerned with the state of Khloe Kardashian"s reproductive system.

And hey, can you really blame us?

These days, rumors are running rampant that she"s expecting a baby with Tristan Thompson, or that she"ll be pregnant before we know it.

She"s done nothing to stop those rumors — she"s actually helping to fuel the fire with recent interviews about how she and Tristan have definitely talked about having children together.

And back in the day, when she was married to Lamar Odom, pregnancy rumors were all the rage, too.

Things were a little different then, with Khloe revealing that she and Lamar were trying to get pregnant, but it just wasn"t happening.

So what"s going on with her? Was she actually trying to have a baby? Is she infertile?

It"s really none of our business, but in this new sneak peek for Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Khloe makes it our business.

In the clip, Khloe has a doctor"s appointment, and she"s brought along Kim Kardashian.

Her doctor tells her that they can do an ultrasound to check everything out, and she agrees — though she does seem a little overwhelmed.

As she gets situated for the ultrasound, the doctor tells her that he"s checking to see if there"s anything "that"s going to get in the way of a healthy pregnancy."

Khloe laughs with Kim about "What if he were to say I"m pregnant?", which is interesting, because it sounds like it"s a possibility for her.

But we see her uterus, along with the doctor and the rest of the world, and there"s no fetus to be found.

Her doctor then explains that he"s going to look at the follicles on her ovaries, the things that hold her eggs, to see how "young" her ovaries are.

Khloe asks him if she has young ovaries or old ovaries, and he tells her that "There are fewer follicles than I anticipate for a normal 32-year-old."

Meaning that, if she does decide to get pregnant, she could have a harder time conceiving.

The news comes as a shock to her — she tells her doctor to "shut the f-ck up."

Later, during a confessional, she says "This is definitely not at all how I thought this appointment was going to go. What if I can"t get pregnant?"

Watch the dramatic appointment in the video below:

Khloe kardashian unable to have children

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Unable to Function Without Tyga?!

Kylie Jenner and Tyga broke up over a month ago … but you know they can’t quit each other.

For some inconceivable yet really disturbing reason, these two keep coming back to each other, against all odds.

(The odds, in case you forgot, being that they got together when Kylie was still legally a child and also that thing where Kylie’s brother shares a child with Tyga’s ex.)

It’s hard to watch, but still, we can never look away.

But sadly, we’re learning now that there may be a more sinister reason for Kylie and Tyga’s constant back and forth romance.

And that is that — surprise! — their relationship is actually pretty unhealthy.

According to a source who spoke with People, Kyga’s relationship, when it’s in play, is always a “complicated” one.

“When Kylie is happy, they’re happy — but it’s never that simple,” the source says. “There’s always some kind of drama with Kylie and Tyga.”

Understatement of the year, right?

But more troubling than the drama that constantly surrounds their relationship is that “When he’s around, that’s all that matters in her world.”

“And she’s in such an incredible position right now — poised to have such incredible success.”

It’s true, you know. There’s her insanely popular cosmetics line, and her new Keeping Up with the Kardashians spin-off that’s coming up soon.

The world is her oyster, but alas, “When things go awry between those two, Kylie loses focus and turns into a different person.”

“She won’t listen to anyone — it’s like nobody can talk sense into her until they work things out.”

The source concludes this tragic tale with “If they could ever get to a mature point where it was more of a functional relationship, things would be amazing.”

“But until then, it continues to be a sore subject.”

What a great big troubling mess.

The thing is that Kylie began dating Tyga when she was so young, and with him being considerably older than her, not to mention the fact that he was already a father when they got together …

They’ve just never really had a chance to have a healthy relationship.

That’s been proven with this latest breakup, which, according to various sources, happened because Tyga cheated on her and she feels she can’t trust him, because she wanted him to propose and he wouldn’t, or because she simply got bored.

Kylie, honey, there’s nothing wrong with being single.

Take advantage of the stupid amount of fame you got by literally doing nothing, set yourself up for the future, have the kind of fun a 19-year-old girl should be having, and forget about this douchebag.

It’s really not that difficult.


Friday, March 3, 2017

Rob Kardashian: Never Left Alone with Dream, Unable to Care For Daughter or Himself

Rob Kardashian’s family is “very concerned” about him mentally after his breakup with Blac Chyna, and it sounds like for good reason.

The two sadly called off their engagement in February, and according to a family insider, Kardashian has been “a mess” ever since.

Yesterday, Rob’s touching goodbye to Dream moved his Instagram followers to tears, as it painted the picture of a loving, doting dad.

Obviously, being separated from one’s child is going to be very hard on anyone, as is going through the demise of a serious relationship.

No one would blame Rob for being down in the dumps about either, and if anything, his touching message to Dream was encouraging.

New reports suggest his mental state may be worse than we thought, however; Rob reportedly isn’t even able to be alone with the baby.

“He is spending time with Dream, but never alone,” says the source of Rob and his daughter, whom he welcomed with Chyna in November.

“He is not in a state to care for her by himself.”

Kardashian, who has struggled with depression and weight gain in recent years, remains “very unhealthy … both physically and emotionally.”

“He isn’t taking care of himself,” the source says.

“He eats junk and doesn’t exercise.

The 29-year-old Keeping Up with the Kardashians star is reportedly facing a major diabetes-related health crisis as a result of this pattern.

Rob was hospitalized in 2015 and diagnosed with the chronic condition, then hospitalized for diabetes-related symptoms last December.

The source reveals there are still “many concerns” about his diabetes struggle, and not surprisingly, they are linked with his depression.

Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna broke up for good last month, and while it was relatively drama-free, it triggered his downward spiral.

Unlike their previous public breakups marked by social media insanity, they kept this one civil and quiet, but it was still sad for Robert.

Says a source close to Kardashian:

“He has had a very difficult time since splitting from Chyna. As much as they fought, Chyna has been the only one to keep him in check.”

“Rob’s family hasn’t been able to get through to him and get him to change. Without Chyna in his life, things are not going well for Rob.”

This is a very sad situation all around.

Widely credited with pulling him out of his reclusive, unhealthy ways, Blac’s split with Rob seems to have resulted in a sadly similar pattern.

This week, Kardashian took to Instagram to share a heartfelt post about 16-week-old Dream before their father-daughter time ended.

“Saying bye to my beautiful baby girl … she is smiling at me,” he captioned a photo of the two. “U see how she looking at her daddy.”

“I literally can’t get enough of this girl.”

“I never felt a love or happiness like this ever in my life and she makes me so happy … about to miss her so much. Love you baby Dream.”

We know he loves her, and that she means more to him than anything in this world, but Rob still needs to show this in different ways.

Until he takes care of himself, he can never be the person Dream needs him to be, and we hope he gets the help he needs to do that.


Thursday, April 28, 2016

Jinger Duggar: Unable to Forgive Josh Duggar?

On Tuesday’s episode of Jill & Jessa: Counting On, producers once again broached the topic of the Josh Duggar sex scandals and they’re continuing impact on his family.

It’s not the first time that Josh’s siblings have spoken out about the various ways in which his actions have affected them, and it seems that they’ve become more frank and brutal in their assessments of their disgraced brother with each interview.

For examplwe, who could forget Anna Duggar’s accusation that Josh “betrayed all Christians” his sexual indiscretions?

But for all their condemnations, most of the Duggars have been careful to clarify that they have forgiven Josh – they just have a hard time trusting him these days.

Many fans who took to social media to discuss the most recent episode of Counting On pointed out that Jinger Duggar seemed somewhat less merciful than her siblings when discussing her eldest brother.

“It was so unreal, I still have trouble comprehending it today,” said a tearful Jinger.

“But just the reality of this, this person we thought we knew, the person that we loved greatly – we still love – just the hard pain that has caused.”

While Jinger stated that she still loves Josh, she did not say that she forgives him, as so many of her siblings have previously.

That’s not necessarily to say that she’s not open to her brother’s efforts to atone for his many misdeeds, but it’s clear that her pain remains very raw and real, and clearly Josh has a long way to go to get back into Jinger’s good graces.

Josh recently left rehab after 6 months of being treated for addictions to sex and pornography in rural Illinois.

The family visited him during that time, but having him home in Tontitown, Arkansas and living amongst them once more must be a strange experience for his younger siblings.

Counting On was filmed before they had a chance to reconnect with Josh an their relationships with him may have improved in the months since.

Although it’s certainly possible that one or more of the Duggars has realized that they’ll never be able to forgive the man whose actions tore their family apart.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Lamar Odom: Incontinent, Unable to Walk as Recovery Stalls

It’s been over two months since Lamar Odom nearly died from an overdose after a week of heavy drug use at a Nevada brothel.

Against all odds, Lamar emerged from his coma after several days, and astonished doctors by demonstrating that he was able to communicate and understand what was being said to him.

Unfortunately, Odom suffered 12 strokes in the hours before he was hospitalized, and his family and friends were cautioned that he would likely sustain permanent brain damage.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Odom’s rehabilitation is going more slowly than expected, and the 36-year-old 

“The most difficult aspect of Lamar’s recovery, apart from learning to walk, has been dealing with the ongoing incontinence,” says one source. “He has been unable to control his bladder muscles and the urge to go.

“He refuses to wear an adult diaper, and is going through numerous pairs of underwear daily.”

The insider says that Odom is embarrassed by the problem and “has tried to hide the incontinence from visitors as it’s obviously very embarrassing for him.

He adds, “Everyone has been very supportive and no one has joked about it. It’s just terribly humbling and sad to see Lamar struggling.”

Sadly, it sounds as though Odom has quite a long way to go before he’ll be able to return to his home and adjust to a life that will likely never be the same.