Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Khloe Kardashian: Unable to Have Children?!

For years now, the world has been very, very concerned with the state of Khloe Kardashian"s reproductive system.

And hey, can you really blame us?

These days, rumors are running rampant that she"s expecting a baby with Tristan Thompson, or that she"ll be pregnant before we know it.

She"s done nothing to stop those rumors — she"s actually helping to fuel the fire with recent interviews about how she and Tristan have definitely talked about having children together.

And back in the day, when she was married to Lamar Odom, pregnancy rumors were all the rage, too.

Things were a little different then, with Khloe revealing that she and Lamar were trying to get pregnant, but it just wasn"t happening.

So what"s going on with her? Was she actually trying to have a baby? Is she infertile?

It"s really none of our business, but in this new sneak peek for Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Khloe makes it our business.

In the clip, Khloe has a doctor"s appointment, and she"s brought along Kim Kardashian.

Her doctor tells her that they can do an ultrasound to check everything out, and she agrees — though she does seem a little overwhelmed.

As she gets situated for the ultrasound, the doctor tells her that he"s checking to see if there"s anything "that"s going to get in the way of a healthy pregnancy."

Khloe laughs with Kim about "What if he were to say I"m pregnant?", which is interesting, because it sounds like it"s a possibility for her.

But we see her uterus, along with the doctor and the rest of the world, and there"s no fetus to be found.

Her doctor then explains that he"s going to look at the follicles on her ovaries, the things that hold her eggs, to see how "young" her ovaries are.

Khloe asks him if she has young ovaries or old ovaries, and he tells her that "There are fewer follicles than I anticipate for a normal 32-year-old."

Meaning that, if she does decide to get pregnant, she could have a harder time conceiving.

The news comes as a shock to her — she tells her doctor to "shut the f-ck up."

Later, during a confessional, she says "This is definitely not at all how I thought this appointment was going to go. What if I can"t get pregnant?"

Watch the dramatic appointment in the video below:

Khloe kardashian unable to have children