Showing posts with label Function. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Function. Show all posts

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Unable to Function Without Tyga?!

Kylie Jenner and Tyga broke up over a month ago … but you know they can’t quit each other.

For some inconceivable yet really disturbing reason, these two keep coming back to each other, against all odds.

(The odds, in case you forgot, being that they got together when Kylie was still legally a child and also that thing where Kylie’s brother shares a child with Tyga’s ex.)

It’s hard to watch, but still, we can never look away.

But sadly, we’re learning now that there may be a more sinister reason for Kylie and Tyga’s constant back and forth romance.

And that is that — surprise! — their relationship is actually pretty unhealthy.

According to a source who spoke with People, Kyga’s relationship, when it’s in play, is always a “complicated” one.

“When Kylie is happy, they’re happy — but it’s never that simple,” the source says. “There’s always some kind of drama with Kylie and Tyga.”

Understatement of the year, right?

But more troubling than the drama that constantly surrounds their relationship is that “When he’s around, that’s all that matters in her world.”

“And she’s in such an incredible position right now — poised to have such incredible success.”

It’s true, you know. There’s her insanely popular cosmetics line, and her new Keeping Up with the Kardashians spin-off that’s coming up soon.

The world is her oyster, but alas, “When things go awry between those two, Kylie loses focus and turns into a different person.”

“She won’t listen to anyone — it’s like nobody can talk sense into her until they work things out.”

The source concludes this tragic tale with “If they could ever get to a mature point where it was more of a functional relationship, things would be amazing.”

“But until then, it continues to be a sore subject.”

What a great big troubling mess.

The thing is that Kylie began dating Tyga when she was so young, and with him being considerably older than her, not to mention the fact that he was already a father when they got together …

They’ve just never really had a chance to have a healthy relationship.

That’s been proven with this latest breakup, which, according to various sources, happened because Tyga cheated on her and she feels she can’t trust him, because she wanted him to propose and he wouldn’t, or because she simply got bored.

Kylie, honey, there’s nothing wrong with being single.

Take advantage of the stupid amount of fame you got by literally doing nothing, set yourself up for the future, have the kind of fun a 19-year-old girl should be having, and forget about this douchebag.

It’s really not that difficult.


Friday, October 16, 2015

Lamar Odom Shows Signs of Life as Heart Function Improves!

Some good news out of Sunrise Hospital in Las Vegas today, as TMZ is reporting that after nearly three days in a coma, Lamar Odom is showing signs of life.

Hospital insiders say doctors have cautioned that Odom’s chances of recovering remain slim, but they’re encouraged by the fact that his heart is beating on its own and its condition seems to have improved dramatically in just the last 24 hours.

As you’ve probably heard, Odom was found unconscious in his VIP suite at the Love Ranch brothel in Nevada on Tuesday night. 

He has remained in a coma ever since, and yesterday, it was widely reported that Odom had been declared brain dead.

It’s unclear whether those reports were inaccurate, or if Odom was misdiagnosed, but the fact that his heart is beating on its own can be taken as an indication that some brain function remains. 

Unfortunately, several of Lamar’s organs are still badly damaged – possibly beyond repair – and he is still hooked up to a ventilator and a dialysis machine.

Sources say doctors have encouraged visitors to remain as calm and quiet as possible in hopes of maintaining an environment that will be ideal for healing.

We’ll have updates on Lamar’s condition as more information becomes available.