Thursday, June 28, 2018

Amber Portwood: I"m Actually Going to Try to Be a Good Mom This Time!

So hey, have you been keeping an eye on Amber Portwood lately?

Because what’s been going on with her is pretty darn bizarre.

Like, if you think of Amber Portwood, you don’t think of anything good, you know?

You think about the time she hauled off and hit Gary Shirley in the face, or you think about the time he was walking down some stairs and she kicked him right in the back, and how if he wasn’t such a big dude she actually could have seriously hurt him with that.

Or you think about how much she always screamed and yelled at Gary right in front of their daughter, Leah.

Or you think about how she used to leave Leah crying in her crib while she laid in bed.

Or about how she chose to serve a five-year prison sentence instead of giving rehab another go, and how she thinks that makes her the best mother in the history of mothers.

Maybe your Teen Mom OG viewing began a little later in the series, and hearing Amber’s name brings back memories of the greasy horror that was Matt Baier.

There’s also a chance that the way she picked up Andrew Glennon while on Marriage Boot Camp with Matt sticks out the most in your mind, or how she went on to get pregnant with his child after knowing him for like two weeks.

Basically, Amber has always been a mess.

A great big one.

She’s violent, rude, self-centered, and just so many bad things.

But the weird thing is that lately, she’s been kind of … nice?

She went off on a few of her classic Twitter rants during her pregnancy — she’s never been great to turn down a chance to tell everyone what a “damn good mom” she is, even after getting called out for only seeing Leah twice during her summer vacation last year.

But as she got closer and closer to her due date, she seemed to calm down a lot, and after giving birth to a seriously adorable baby boy she named James back in May, she’s been almost serene.

It’s been nothing but calm, sweet social media posts, including the most precious pictures of her new baby.

And in this new interview she did with Us Weekly, she explains why she’s been so different lately …

Because this time around, she wants to be a damn good mom, for real!

About her first go at motherhood, she admits “I was clueless.”

“I didn’t want to ask questions because I didn’t want to sound young or stupid. This is a chance for me to really show what kind of mother I am.”

Leah’s is going to be 10 years old in November, so Amber’s had plenty of time to show what kind of mother she is with her, but sure, let’s focus on the baby, whatever.

“Before, I wasn’t mature nor was the relationship right,” she explains. “I want to make sure I don’t fall into old patterns and get into a depressed state.”

“I have to take care of myself. Healthy mommy, healthy baby.”

She also says that unlike back when she and Gary had Leah, “I’m more driven and have the means to take care of a baby better.”

No one would argue that a 28-year-old would have an easier time raising a baby than an 18-year-old, but isn’t it a little odd how she’s acting like she’s completely done with parenting Leah, like she had her chance but it’s gone now?

Anyway, as for Andrew, Amber says “He is such an amazing man and loves taking care of James.”

“He was afraid of postpartum depression, so he’s always checking up on me. He just wants to make sure I’m loved. It’s almost perfect.”

We’re sure we’ll see that “almost” part in the next season of Teen Mom OG — after all, Amber is known for her habit of making things seem perfect on social media before everyone sees how messy things actually are on the show.

But for now, we hope things really are going as well as they seem to be.

We also hope she realizes that she still has a chance to be a great mother to Leah, but one thing at a time, right?
