Showing posts with label Hypocrite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hypocrite. Show all posts

Monday, February 26, 2018

Megyn Kelly is a Hypocrite Who Hates Women, Ex-Staffer Claims

Megyn Kelly is most definitely making an impact as the anchor of her very own Today Show hour.

But we somehow doubt it’s the impact NBC had been hoping she’d make when she was hired.

The former Fox News star has failed to garner impressive ratings, while she has managed to make headlines for a variety of negative reasons.

Most recently?

Kelly hurled endless shade at Jane Fonda, picking a fight with the veteran actress simply because Fonda questioned the appropriate nature of a plastic surgery-related question Kelly once asked her on air.

Executives were said to have been shaking their heads at the time over Kelly’s actions.

Twitter, too, as you can see here:

Kelly also once implied that fat people ought to be shamed for their weight.

It’s been a tough run for her.

And it may not get any easier any time soon, not after an ex-Fox News makeup artist named Iren Halperin spoke to Page Six.

In a bombshell interview, Halperin detailed how Kelly mistreated various members of her staff back in the day, specifically female members of her staff.

“She’s disrespectful,” Halperin tells the newspaper. “She’s not for women. She’s extremely mean and rude to women.”

Halperin retired from the business in 2016 and worked with Kelly in 2009, when the latter co-anchored “America’s Newsroom With Bill Hemmer.” 

She points to Kelly as a hypocrite because she claims these days to support the #MeToo Movement – and she told one story, for example, of how Kelly once kicked a female reporter out of the makeup chair because she refused to wait her turn.

Halperin added that Kelly lied to management in the past about her not coming in to work due to “child care issues” after management asked to speak to Halperin…

… and that she finally asked to be switched to a different anchor.

Another Fox News employee interviewed for this New York Post story also demanded a reassignment as a result of Kelly’s attitude.

“She was difficult and demanding,” Halperin says. “If you didn’t do what she wanted, she would try to get you in trouble.”

Kelly was known as an outspoken Conservative during her successful time at Fox.

But she has attempted to become far more mainstream at NBC; she’s tried to appeal to a mass audience, as if she’s just another morning show personality along the lines of Kelly Ripa or Hoda Kotb.

And she’s thus far failed miserably at selling this persona.

Take her January Nielsen ratings in the coveted 25-to-54-year-old demographic:

They are nearly 30 percent lower than they were for Tamron Hall and Al Roker’s show when it was in the same time slot last year. Ouch.

Just how bad have things gotten after just a few months for Kelly and her program?

A high-ranking NBC veteran told Page Six that the atmosphere is so tense that staffers frequently “cry” on set.

Adds this insider:

“She is hated inside the Today show and is seen as tarnishing the brand, out of control and selfish.”


Monday, January 22, 2018

Megyn Kelly to Jane Fonda: STFU, You Hypocrite!

Megyn Kelly has put Jane Fonda on blast.

There"s a sentence we"re guessing you didn"t expect to read today.

But the NBC anchor took a few moments out from her program on Monday to address the quasi feud brewing between her and Fonda, which started a few weeks ago when the veteran actress sat down for an interview with Kelly.

Fonda was on hand at the time to promote the film Our Souls at Night – and she did not respond kindly to Kelly bringing up her many plastic surgery procedure on air.

"I read that you said you felt you"re not proud to admit that you"ve had work done. Why not?" Kelly asked of Fonda, who responded tersely:

"We really want to talk about that now?"

The exchange went viral because, well, it was very awkward.

And now Kelly has gone on the offensive against Fonda, explaining why she pursued this line of questioning and calling Fonda out. Hard.

"When she first complained publicly after the program and repeatedly, I chose to say nothing as my general philosophy is what other people think of me is none of my business," Kelly opened.

"However, Fonda was at it again last week including here on NBC and then again elsewhere, so it"s time to address the "poor me" routine."

Oh, yes, Kelly held nothing back in this mini rant.

"First, some context," she explained, prior to adding:

"Fonda was on to promote a film about aging. For years she has spoken openly about her joy in giving a cultural face to older women.

"Well, the truth is most older women look nothing like Fonda, who is now 80 and if Fonda really wants to have an honest discussion about older women"s cultural face, then her plastic surgery is tough to ignore.

"Fonda herself knows this. She knows this and that is why, to her credit, she has discussed her cosmetic surgery pretty much everywhere before coming on our show."

The show then aired a handful of clips of Fonda talking about her plastic surgery to various outlets and her reasoning for it.

Kelly"s general point is that Fonda has opened the plastic surgery door many times and was out of line in making it look like Kelly was out of line for bringing it up.

"Apparently, when she came here, however, again to promote her film about aging, I was supposed to discern that this subject was suddenly off-limits," Kelly continued.

"Look, I gave her the chance to empower other women, young and old, on a subject which she purports to know well and she rejected it.

That"s ok, but I have no regrets about that question, nor am I in the market for a lesson from Jane Fonda on what is and is not appropriate.

"After all, this is a woman whose name is synonymous with outrage."

From here, Kelly brought up Fonda"s comments during the Vietnam War, saying the actress set out to "shame" American troops.

She also took Fonda to task for more recently telling the BBC that she was NOT proud of her country because it elected Donald Trump as President.

But she is proud of the "resistance."

Seriously, Kelly went deep with this take-down.

"So, the moral indignation is a little much," she concluded of Fonda.

"She put her plastic surgery out there. She said she wanted to discuss the plight of older women in America and honestly she has no business lecturing anyone on what qualifies as offensive."

Watch the full slamming below:

Megyn kelly to jane fonda stfu you hypocrite

Friday, January 5, 2018

Leah Messer Fights to Prevent Teen Pregnancy: Hero or Hypocrite?

After years of turmoil marked by addiction, multiple divorces, and countless accusations of shoddy parenting, Leah Messer appears to have found a modicum of happiness and stability in her life.

And in admirable fashion, she frequently expresses gratitude for her good fortune.

These days, the MTV fan favorite is making it clear that her primary career goal is not lining her pockets, but setting a positive example for her millions of impressionable fans.

In the early days of the Teen Mom franchise, both stars and producers stated that their objective was not merely to entertain but to shed light on the difficulties faced by young first-time parents.

Obviously, in the years since, that intention has been overshadowed by the casts’ celebrity status and high-profile feuds.

But as a mother of three daughters it seems Leah is still focused on spreading the word about the perils of teenage pregnancy.

In recent weeks, Leah has been engaged in an ongoing open conversation with her social media followers about the importance of sex education and equal access to birth control.

“So proud of you!!! You are such a strong woman! From one teen mom to another I look up to you a lot. Thank you for being you,” one tweeted to Leah this week.

“You’re welcome! It’s not easy but I hope all of us girls can continue to prevent teen pregnancy by sharing our story/struggles! That’s the goal,” Leah replied.

Yes, Leah has eagerly reminded viewers of the show’s original mission statement several times in the past few weeks.

It seems that like many critics of the show, she now feels that Teen Mom 2 has had the opposite of its intended effect.

While teen pregnancies have been on the decline in recent years, there are certainly young viewers of the show for whom the prospect of getting pregnant at a young age has only become more attractive by MTV’s most popular shows.

Leah seems to be aware of this, and she also seems genuine in her hopes to dispel the notion that a teen pregnancy is something to aspire to.

For the most part, Ms. Messer has been lauded for her efforts.

Of course, her comments have attracted their fair share of criticism as well.

Some have derided Leah as a hypocrite and expressed their belief that a woman who welcomed three children before her mid-twenties and benefited enormously by doing so, she’s not the best representative of the dangers of teen pregnancy.

But Leah has repeatedly made it clear that good fortunate of the kind that she’s experienced is increasingly uncommon.

Hopefully, the same young fans who look at Leah’s life these days and see an aspirational figure will also bear in mind that Ms. Messer went through hell to get to where she is today.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive all of Leah’s struggles.


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Marlon Wayans to Mike Vick: You"re a Cornrow"d Hypocrite!

How does Marlon Wayans feel about Mike Vick telling Colin Kaepernick to cut his afro? “Aw, Mike Vick! You had damn cornrows! What the hell!” Marlon says Vick is dead wrong with his image makeover advice for the out-of-work QB — telling TMZ Sports…


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Blac Chyna SLAMMED, Called a Hypocrite by Pilot Jones!

Now that Blac Chyna is in the spotlight after Rob Kardashian’s social media tantrum, everybody’s come out of the woodwork for their 15 minutes.

Reportedly, Blac Chyna’s ex Ferrari has her nudes and wants to distribute them, but she’s already fighting that in court.

But Pilot Jones is speaking out about Blac Chyna … and while he sounds sympathetic to the issue of cyberbullying, we don’t think that Chyna will appreciate his comments.

You might remember that there were rumors that Pilot Jones was Blac Chyna’s baby-daddy.

Blac Chyna blamed Pilot Jones, a former Glee actor, for those rumors … and went off on him in a vicious Instagram post where she “outed” him as gay.

We put “outed” in quotation marks because … well, we’ll get to that.

But suffice it to say that for someone to out their friend or ex or whatever is totally unacceptable, always.

That kind of thing can ruin careers (yes, even in 2017).

That kind of thing can get people killed.

Well, though it’s been suspected that Pilot Jones will spill details on Blac Chyna in footage on The A-List Miami, Pilot Jones hasn’t really said as much as we’d have liked on this subject.

Until now, that is.

Pilot Jones says that Blac Chyna is a hypocrite who cyberbullied him and drove him to a suicide attempt before her recent fight with Rob.

“Honestly, a lot of people don’t realize the effects of cyberbullying and how it takes a toll on people.”

It’s a huge issue and yes, it can even impact celebrities.

“My phone number was published on Instagram and also my email address.”

That’s called doxxing, and it’s horrible.

“I received hundreds and hundreds of death threats and calls and emails.”

It got worse than people harassing just him, though.

“It’s affected my kids; my sons were bullied at school.”

That’s every celebrity parent’s nightmare — for their fame to backfire on their children.

“So I just find it very ironic and hypocritical that this mastermind that I call Blac Chyna … is accusing Rob of doing the exact same thing that she did to me just a few months ago.”

That’s the one line where we really take issue, because it’s entirely possible for someone to do a terrible thing and then have something similar done to them, later. It’s still wrong, both times.

Pilot Jones then talks about how this impacted him — and also about how Chyna “outed” him.

“I went into a very deep depression. I moved away from LA, for fear of my safety.”


“And, what people don’t realize: I even attempted to commit suicide.”

Suicide is tragic, and men are more likely to successfully commit suicide than women are.

But Pilot does make absolutely certain that people understand that he’s not dismissing anything about Blac Chyna’s issues with Rob.

“With that being said: This is very serious, it’s a serious matter. And someone that comes out of an abusive relationship, that’s nothing to be played with.”

It’s good that he affirmed that.

And he’s referring, of course, to Blac Chyna’s accusations that Rob Kardashian beat her during their relationship.

But he doesn’t let up — and after hearing all that he’s been through, who could blame him?

“It’s [seemed] very ironic and hypocritical, to be honest with you.”

It sure sounds that way.

“Few can imagine having over 200 calls in less than 60 seconds, with ‘hey, you f—-t, you’re an extortionist.’ All of these defaming things that people were saying. That was the bulk of the issue.”

Awful to hear — especially that anti-gay slur that was hurled against him.

And then he addresses that issue.

“And also just outing me on social media.”

Pilot has long been believed to be bisexual but hadn’t spoken about it.

“I had never publicly addressed my sexuality — or my bisexuality — which is something that I felt drew both of us together.”

It’s good that he’s taking this opportunity to come out as bi, publicly.

“I wasn’t the first bisexual guy that she dated, and I’m sure I won’t be the last. But I was made to feel uncomfortable about who I am.”

We hope that those other guys in the future will be on their guard, given what Pilot Jones has described.

Though maybe Blac Chyna’s own ordeal in this nightmare with Rob Kardashian has shown her the error of her ways?

For Pilot Jones, at least, there’s a happy ending.

Not only is he out, now — stressful but ultimately good for his well-being — but he got religious after those dark times a few months ago.

Specifically, he found Buddhism and seems like such a happier, healthier person.

But … we don’t think that Blac Chyna deserves credit for that.


Friday, May 12, 2017

T.I. Says President Trump Is a Hypocrite For Colbert Clapback (VIDEO)

President Donald Trump has some nerve calling Stephen Colbert a “no-talent guy” with a “filthy” mouth … according to T.I. who says the prez has traded the White House for a glass one.  Tip had landed at LAX when he weighed in on…


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Beyonce Fans to Emma Watson: You"re a Hypocrite!

Beyonce may be the most popular singer on the planet.

Emma Watson may be the most popular young actress on the planet.

So here’s a sentence we never thought we’d write:

Beyonce and Emma Watson are engaged in a pretty intense feud. Sort of.

To be far more accurate, fans of Beyonce are engaged in a pretty intense feud with Watson, although even this statement is not entirely fair.

Fans of Beyonce are simply angry at the Beauty and the Beast star. She hasn’t said a negative word in response to their criticism.

Said criticism stems from Watson’s recent topless spread in Vanity Fair, as Watson posed for the magazine without a bra or almost anything at all covering her boobs.

It was an unexpected move by Watson, who is not exactly someone we usually think of when it comes to risque photographs.

As you can see below, however, the picture in question is tasteful and not really all that revealing:


Because the Internet is a terrible place, many users jumped all over the beloved British star, claiming she can’t say in one interview that she’s a feminist, as she’s done often…

… and then turn around the next second and take her shirt off in such a public manner.

Made aware of this line of thinking, Watson lashed out at such small-minded critics.

“Feminism is about giving women choice,” she says in the video below. “Feminism is not a stick with which to beat other women with. It’s about freedom, it’s about liberation, it’s about equality.

“I really don’t know what my tits have to do with it.”

Watch Watson’s full response to this controversy below:

This brings us back to Beyonce supporters, however.

They are NOT angry at Watson for posing topless. They don’t believe this act makes her a hypocrite on its own.

However, three years ago, in a 2014 interview with Wonderland Magazine, the actress seemingly took issue with a particular brand of feminism Beyonce practiced in her 2013 visual album.

Watson said the following back when about Beyonce being all sexy and seductive for this album:

As I was watching [the videos] I felt very conflicted, I felt her message felt very conflicted in the sense that on the one hand she is putting herself in a category of a feminist, but then the camera, it felt very male, such a male voyeuristic experience of her.

Having seen these past comments, loyal members of the BeyHive fans have begun to flood Emma’s Instagram account with bee emojis and harsh words.

“Emma Watson isn’t a hypocrite b/c she’s a feminist and shows her breasts, she’s a hypocrite b/c she criticized Beyoncé for the same thing,” wrote one Beyonce fan.


Are these remarks fair, due to Watson’s former stance on Beyonce? Or are the situations very different?

Neither Watson nor Beyonce has issued a statement in response to this growing controversy.

Where do you stand? Do you think Watson violated some kind of feminist ethos with the photo above? Should she apologize?

Or do you agree with her take on this silly non-scandal, that women ought to be free to choose how they are portrayed?

And, come on, you can’t even see her breasts here!


Thursday, February 23, 2017

Kandi Burruss Says Porsha Williams Is a Self-Hating Hypocrite On LGBTQ Issues (VIDEO)

Kandi Burruss isn’t gonna lay down for Porsha Williams attacking her over her sexuality and, in fact, says Porsha’s throwing stones from her own lesbian glass house. Kandi was at LAX when we asked her about last week’s bombshell ‘RHOA’ episode –…


Sunday, November 27, 2016

Donald Trump -- Hypocrite Hillary! ... Challenging Results Won"t Change a Thing

Hillary Clinton is a sore loser and even worse a hypocrite … according to Donald Trump, who is incredulous she’s now challenging the results of the election. Trump is referring to Clinton’s attack after he said during the third presidential…


Monday, November 7, 2016

Lady Gaga Slams Melania Trump: What a Huge Hypocrite!

Unlike other celebrities out there, Lady Gaga does not think Melania Trump is a brainless b-tch.

At least not in so many words.

But the musical superstar isn’t a big fan of the aspiring First Lady, explaining why in a pointed Tweet over the weekend.

Gaga felt a need to speak out after Trump gave a speech late last week in which she came down hard on the issue of cyber-bullying.

Melania said this would be a major focus of hers as First Lady, if the Apocalypse really did befall humanity and her husband was elected to the Oval Office.

Thats a wonderful cause, of course, but Gaga said on social media what many of us were thinking:

How can Melania Trump claim to care about bullying? Has she ever listened to her husband speak or read his Twitter account?!?

To say u will stand for ‘anti-bullying’ is hypocrisy,” wrote Gaga. “Your husband is 1 of the most notorious bullies we have ever witnessed.”

It’s true.

lady tweet

And Gaga has established the non-profit Born This Way Foundation, which is aimed at combating online bullying and promoting mental health awareness.

She speaks from a background of someone familiar with this problem and as someone trying to do something about it.

Said Melania in the speech in question:

“Like anything that is powerful, [social media] can have a bad side. Children and teenagers can be fragile. They’re hurt when they’re made fun of or made to feel less in looks or intelligence.

“This makes their life hard and can force them to hide and retreat. Our culture has gotten too mean and too rough, especially to children and teenagers. It is never ok when a 12-year-old girl or boy is mocked, bullied, or attacked…

“We have to find a better way to talk to each other, to disagree with each other, to respect each other.”

Yes, for sure. Absolutely.

Melania just might want to see what Donald Trump has said over the past several months about Muslims, immigrants and women before taking up the topic of bullying.

Or at least before taking it up with anyone outside of her own bedroom.

Poor Melania has been the subject of much ridicule during this Presidential campaign.

She plagiarized large portions of her Republican National Convention speech from Michelle Obama and then she ridiculously blamed Billy Bush for egging her husband on during the infamous Access Hollywood video from 2005.

Meanwhile, Lady Gaga also slammed the Republican candidate on a television show in Japan last week, where she spent several days promoting her latest studio album, Joanne.

“The truth is that, as an insider, because I am a celebrity, I have insight into the type of person that Donald Trump is,” she said.

“The truth is that we celebrities know that he is an actor, and that this is an act. So, we are standing with Hillary [Clinton] not just because she is far superior as the choice for president, but we are also standing with her because it would be a complete disaster to elect someone that is essentially a political impostor.”

Gaga has even changed the name on her Twitter handle to “#VoteHillary.”

We’ll find out on Tuesday night whether a majority of people in the nation follow this hashtag.


Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Ray J on Kanye West: What a Hypocrite!

Ray J hit it first, and now Ray J is hitting back at Kanye West.

On Sunday night, Kanye took to the stage at the MTV Video Music Awards and did what Kanye does best.

The rapper rambled and ranted and made little to no sense, while saying things no other celebrity would ever dare to say.

“I am Kanye West, and that feels really great to say, especially this year. I came here to present my new video, but before I do that, Im’ma talk,” West said prior to giving viewers a preview of his “Fade” video.

He then referenced his “Famous” video, which depicted a multitude of stars from all walks in life… naked and in bed together.

What was his motivation for this idea?

“For people to understand just how blessed we are, it was an expression of our now, our fame right now, us on the inside of the TV,” Kanye explained.

He added: “Just the audacity to put Anna Wintour next to Donald Trump – I put Ray J in there, bro!”

Ah, yes, Ray J.

Ray J is the man who gave it to Kim Kardashian on camera.

Ray J is the man who still profits, to this day, from the Kim Kardashian sex tape.

But Ray J is also the man who has brought up the sex day in the past, only to be slammed by Kanye.

Remember the hilarious Ray J single “I Hit It First?” The song that bragged about how… well… Ray J hit Kim first, in the sexual sense of that word?

The singer released a track that basically dubbed Kim as sloppy seconds for Kanye.

And West wasn’t exactly laughing over his wife’s ex-boyfriend at that time.

In response, West slammed the Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood star as “Brandy’s little sister,” saying Ray J was “lame” for actually releasing such a single.

(Was it lame? Maybe. A little. Was it also hilarious? Heck yes!)

So then Kanye figured out a way to profit himself over the Kim Kardashian sex tape and has decided to laugh about it?

To turn it into a joke? To make it seem like he’s just so cool and chill that he’ll drop a reference to his wife’s sex tape partner in front of millions of viewers?

Now THAT is lame, Ray J is reportedly telling friends.

According to TMZ, Ray J thinks Kanye is being hypocritical by dissing him one second; and then embracing the sex tape himself when it serves his purposes.

TMZ also hears that Ray J is also angry at Kim.

She trashed him after he released “I Hit it First,” but then she sat there smiling like crazy at the Video Music Awards when West referred to the amateur porn that has made her millions.

Some rapper named Wack 100, meanwhile, had the best response of all to Kanye’s “Famous” music video.

“Did they show him with his dick in [Kanye’s] wife?” the rapper asked TMZ when approached about the footage this summer.

“If they didn’t show Ray J with his dick in Kim Kardashian’s mouth, tell Kanye to go back and reshoot that sh-t,” he added.

This is the best, isn’t it?

How amazing is it that we’re STILL talking about the time Ray J stuck his allegedly large penis inside of Kim Kardashian on video?!?

Thursday, January 21, 2016

The View Slams on Stacey Dash: Sell Out! Hypocrite!

Slam! Wham! Bam!

The ladies of The View came out swinging today when the hot topic of Stacey Dash was brought up.

The Fox News contributor stirred a great deal of controversy on Wednesday when she cited a "double standard" upon criticizing anyone who would boycott this year"s Oscars over its lack of diverse nominees.

Dash went on to call for the end of Black History Month and of the network BET because they feed into a segregation-based mindset, she argued.

The View co-host Sunny Hostin was first to jump all over Dash for taking this point of view.

"I think it’s the height of hypocrisy that Stacey Dash would say that there should be no BET when she had a recurring role on the BET series The Game," Hoston said, something BET itself pointed out in a pretty awesome Tweet yesterday.

"I just think it’s incredible that she would give up whatever values she had in the first place to pander to an audience that is sort of angry and scared of people that don’t look like that," Hostin added.

"[Dash] is doing it for the dollar. When you compromise your values for money, you know who you are."

Ouch. Pretty harsh words, huh?

Paula Faris then tried to play Devil’s Advocate, stating that “racial tensions are at an all-time high,” and perhaps BET is creating a “divide” among people.

"[Black History Month is] not taught as it pertains to America. American history holds all of us – and [Dash] is right in that – but we"re not all treated like Americans," she said.

"And one of the reasons there is a BET is because networks wouldn"t take a lot of the shows that have an all-black cast."

Check out the full exchange here and weigh in with your… well… view.

The view slams stacey dash sell out hypocrite