Thursday, November 8, 2018

American Horror Story Recap: Is The Coven Doomed?

The body count continued to rise on Wednesday’s penultimate installment of American Horror Story: Apocalypse. 

Before we get to the batch of deaths, let’s speak about The Cooperative aka the elusive company we’ve heard so much about throughout the current season. 

In an unsurprising twist, we learned that the company had 100 people who were controlling the world and that they would shut the whole thing down if they got the order. 

Vladimir Putin, Warren Buffet and Bill Clinton were just some of the names supposedly attached, and we also learned that it was all a mere code name for the Illuminati. 

But how did we get to that ludicrous revelation? 

The episode kicked off with Dinah Stevens doing the work of the devil to get her talk show picked up for 13 episodes. 

The lengths voodoo witches will go to in order to get their voices heard is pretty darn crazy. In any case, Michael and Mead made their way into Miss Robichaux’s Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies and wasted no time in killing the witches. 

Cordelia, Myrtle, Mallory, Madison, and Dinah all escaped unscathed, but both Queenie, Zoe, and some other unidentified witches perished. 

They met up in Misty’s shack determined to find a way to bring their sisters back from the dead. But Cordelia was blindsided when she tried to save her girls and learned that they had been wiped from existence. 

Remember Madison learned Michael had that ability during her trip to the Murder House? Well, she only told her Supreme about it after  Michael obliterated the coven. 

In all honesty, Cordelia’s reaction by slapping Madison was ridiculous. What else would the witches have done to stop all of this? 

They’re fighting a losing battle, and Mallory might be the key to finding a way to save the world and everyone who is still alive. 

Mallory used her abilities to return to Siberia in 1918 with the aim of changing time and saving the Romanoff family from being murdered. 

Anastasia was a witch and tried to build a wall to save her family from being murdered, but she got sidetracked and couldn’t complete the spell in time. 

Mallory showed up to try and reverse what happened, but the power of the two was not strong enough to save the family. 

So Mallory returned to the land of the living without being able to complete the mission. The witches are seriously getting their asses whooped right about now. 

The episode closed with Michael confirming to The Cooperative that he was the Antichrist and that they would be following his order from that point on. 

Okay then. 

What are your thoughts on the latest installment? 

Hit the comments below. 

American Horror Story: Apocalypse concludes next Wednesday on FX. 
