Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Danielle Staub: My Marriage Was Doomed From the Start ...

Though The Real Housewives of New Jersey star Danielle Staub was granted a restraining order against her ex, that relationship continues to haunt her.

In this clip, she is speaking out about the difficult split.

As she tells Wendy Williams, her husband"s alcohol use played a major role in their breakup.

Danielle staub on wendy williams

Danielle, who has been engaged twenty entire times, is opening up about the hard lessons that this marriage has taught her.

"It’s funny how I saw certain things happening," Staub admits about her husband, Marty Caffrey.

She says that she saw these red flags when they were just dating, but unfortunately ignored them.

"But you just believe, especially with the perception around us, getting engaged would make it better," she explains.

She says that social messages gave her the impression that "getting married would make it better."

Marty caffrey and danielle staub

"It doesn’t get better, ladies," she cautions Wendy Williams" audience.

"If it’s falling apart," Staub admits. "It’s broken."

She is absolutely right.

If anything, the honeymoon phase of a relationship should have the least problems.

Those struggles aren"t likely to evaporate just because you put a ring on it.

Danielle staub husband

As she explains, Caffrey"s drinking played a huge role in their split.

"He does hit cocktail hour a little bit heavily," she says. "And it does change things."

"I think all of us it changes," Staub acknowledges.

People don"t change into a new person when they drink, but other sides of them come out when alcohol is involved.

Not all of those sides are pleasant.

"I just don’t think it changes him for the better," Staub says. "Or his ability to maneuver through what’s going on."

Danielle staub smiles

Staub doesn"t place all of the blame for their split at his feet, however.

She is the first to admit that she is "not the easiest person to live with."

Caffrey accused Staub of emotional and verbal abuse during their marriage.

"I’m to blame for it as well," Staub explains.

"But," she says. "I feel like I’m always the person who wants to fix people and it’s not fixable."

If a person has a substance abuse problem, they"re the only ones who can fix it.

Danielle staub all business

Wendy then asks her if she thinks that she and Caffrey might ever get back together.

"I don’t have a crystal ball," Staub says cautiously.

"But," Staub continues. "You can’t go into the public and be tweeting and Instagraming about your wife or your spouse."

"You just don’t do that," she says simply.

When your relationship troubles are spilling over onto social media, that is a huge warning sign that things may end soon.

It is usually a sign that things should end soon.

Danielle staub on et

Staub"s role on the Real Housewives franchise was apparently a huge source of appeal for Caffrey.

Wendy asks: "So he really liked being a ‘House husband?""

"I think that that was what I’m most disappointed about,” Staub admits.

Staub was saddened by “His want for this attention."

Well, half of all marriages end in divorce. We"re just sorry that some life lessons are so painful to learn.

Perhaps others can learn from Danielle Staub"s experience.

Danielle staub my marriage was doomed from the start