Saturday, November 18, 2017

Catelynn Lowell Enters Rehab with Support of Tyler Baltierra

In a surprising, heartbreaking turn of events, Catelynn Lowell announced to fans that she"d be seeking treatment after having some suicidal thoughts yesterday.

This isn"t the first time she"s experienced big issues with her mental health — far from it.

But the fact that we"ve seen her go through this before doesn"t make it any easier to see this time around.

See why Catelynn felt the need to get help again, and what led her to this place, below …

1. The Beginning

Tyler baltierra and catelynn lowell photo

Catelynn has dealt with depression and anxiety for as long as she’s been famous — which makes sense, given her childhood. Her mother, April, was an emotionally abusive addict, and when Catelynn made the difficult decision to place her baby for adoption, she received nothing but criticism and ridicule from nearly everyone in her life.

2. Moving Forward

Catelynn lowell and tyler baltierra picture

In the years after giving birth that first time around, Catelynn tried to improve herself, but again, her mother was just unbelievably horrible towards her. Like, remember when she went shopping for her prom dress and her mom told her she looked ugly and called her a bitch? Things like that leave scars, no joke.

3. A NEW Beginning

Catelynn lowell baby bump

After several years together, Catelynn and Tyler welcomed their daughter, adorable little Nova, in January of 2015. It was a beautiful time, since they’d obviously struggled so much with the decision to place Carly for adoption.

4. Postpartum Depression

Catelynn lowell and baby

Unfortunately, Catelynn developed a particularly devastating case of postpartum depression after having Nova — and as we saw on Teen Mom OG, it nearly destroyed her.

5. Hard Times

Catelynn lowell on teen mom

It took over a year for Catelynn to seek help with her depression. In that time, we saw her barely able to get out of bed or get off the couch, and it seemed like her relationship with Tyler suffered for it.

6. Rehab, Take One

Catelynn lowell instagram photo

In March of 2016, she checked into rehab to treat her depression. She spent nearly three weeks away at a treatment center, but of course it wasn’t an immediate fix.

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