Showing posts with label Diana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diana. Show all posts

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Meghan Markle: How Did She Honor Princess Diana at the Royal Wedding?

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Prince Harry married Meghan Markle in an unforgettable ceremony at Windsor Castle this morning.

At this point, virtually every aspect of the royal wedding has been dissected on social media and in the tabloids.

There have been in-depth discussions about Meghan and Harry’s celebrity guests; the moving ceremony that incorporated elements of the cultures in which both newlyweds were raised; and of course, the fabulous dress worn by the new Duchess of Sussex.

But some of the more subtle details of the ceremony have been largely overlooked.

For example, there’s been little coverage of the moving ways in which Meghan and Harry paid tribute to his late mother, Princess Diana.

The most poignant tribute to the late Princess Di may have been the inclusion of her most beloved flower in Meghan’s 16-foot veil.

“The spring blooms include Forget-Me-Nots which were Diana, Princess of Wales’ favorite flower,” a statement from Kensington Palace read.

“The couple specifically chose them to be included in Ms. Markle’s bouquet to honor the memory of the late Princess on this special day.”

For her second outfit of the day (pictured above) Meghan combined her something borrowed with her something blue by sporting an aquamarine ring from Princess Diana’s private collection.

Meg also kept an unofficial British tradition alive by collaborating with a female British designer to craft the perfect dress, just as Di and Kate Middleton did.

As for Harry, his signals that his mother was on his mind were a bit more subtle but no less potent.

Royal watchers believe Harry’s tendency to bite his lower lip was inherited from Diana:

“This is a micro-expression,” human behavioral expert Susan Constantine tells Good Housekeeping.

“In this deeply personal moment, Harry is trying to conceal his emotions.”

And that’s not the only way in which Harry’s body language spoke volumes, as royal experts noted that he flouted custom by watching Meg walk down the aisle:

“At a British wedding, the groom and his best man (or supporter) will face the altar as the bride walks down the aisle,” says Myka Meira of Beaumont Etiquette.

“He won’t turn to look at her until she is beside him.”

Those Brits, they’re an understated bunch.

Check out more highlights from Harry and Meghan’s big day in the gallery below:


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Kate Middleton: How Did She Pay Tribute to Princess Diana with Third Baby Debut?

On Monday morning, Kate Middleton gave birth to her third child.

Perhaps you heard!

The baby was a boy… he entered the world at 11:01 a.m. local time… and he weighed eight pounds, seven ounces.

Oh, and he’s also adorable, as evidenced here:

Indeed, a mere seven hours (seven hours!) after becoming a mother once again, Middleton got all dolled and all made up in order to present her son to the world.

We’ve collected a fair share of these indelible images below.

But while they make clear just how happy Prince William and his lovely Duchess are to have a bundle of you to care for, there’s one important aspect to these photos that is not evident at first glance.

And that is this:

Middleton actually paid homage to Princess Diana during the memorable public appearance.

How so?

Nearly 34 years ago, when the late and great Princess Diana presented son Prince Harry to the universe, she also wore a red outfit featuring a white Peter Pan collar.

There’s just no way this was a coincidence.

The new mother’s dress – a red ensemble from Jenny Packham (who designed all three of Kate’s post-birth ensembles) – was undoubtedly a nod to the new baby’s maternal grandmother, who, of tragically, died in a car crash in 1997.

And we weren’t the only people who noticed this, either.

At least one Twitter user believes Kate paid homage to Diana with the outfits she wore for the presentation of this child and of Prince George:

tribute to di

When she gave birth to George in 2013, Middleton rocked a blue polka-dot Jenny Packham dress at his unveiling, invoking the same print that Diana herself wore to present William to the world in 1982.

Pretty cool, right?

Awfully special, no?

The Royal Couple is yet to announce the name of its third kid, but William and Kate and now at home in Kensington Place, trying to get as much sleep as possible while caring for him.

“It completes them,” royal biographer Ingrid Seward tells People Magazine, while a friend of the tandem notes that Kate “is one of three siblings, and it’s a good family size.”

What about four-year old George and big sister Princess Charlotte, who turns 3 on May 2?

The toddler “are so excited,” says another friend, adding:

“Kate’s worried that Charlotte will feel it the hardest as the youngest, but she’s such a confident little girl and growing up so fast, Kate is hoping she will adjust.”

That’s a normal concern, of course.

There’s bound to be some jealousy when the kids see Mommy paying attention to another tiny human all of a sudden.

But it will surpass. And sleep will come again someday for the baby’s parents.

Until then, it’s just important that they savor every second they have with their newborn.

Congrats to the entire family!


Sunday, January 14, 2018

Diana Ross Scared to Death During Hawaii Missile Warning

Diana Ross seemed more than happy to return to L.A. after enduring Saturday’s Hawaiian scare. Our photog caught up with the legendary singer at LAX Saturday and Diana clearly had the same reaction as everyone on the islands … blind…


Sunday, January 7, 2018

Diana Ross Dances to Diana Ross at The Abbey

Diana Ross was all about partying Saturday night as she impressively busted some classic moves. Diana and her son, Evan Ross, hit up The Abbey in WeHo … possibly the most famous gay club in the U.S.  The crowd was more than ready for the…


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Princess Diana: Her Final Words Revealed

It’s been 20 years since Princess Diana was killed in a car accident after being chased through the streets of Paris by a pack of aggressive paparazzi.

Two decades later, Diana’s children are grown, and her legacy continues to flourish.

Just this week, Di’s youngest son, Prince Harry, proposed to Meghan Markle using a ring made with diamonds from Diana’s collection.

But while most discussions and remembrances of Diana focus on the challenges and remarkable accomplishments of her tragically short life, there are still lingering questions regarding the princess’ shocking death. 

Most of the answers, of course, are lost to history, but a surprising report from London tabloid The Sun is shedding new light on Diana’s final moments.

Xavier Gourmelon is a retired Paris firefighter who was one of the first to arrive at the scene of Diana’s deadly crash inside the Pont de l’Alma tunnel in August of 1997.

Gourmelon says he felt it would not have been appropriate to discuss his memories of the accident while he was still employed by as a firefighter.

Following his recent retirement, however, Gourmelon has decided to go public with previously-unknown details about Diana’s death, including what he claims were the final words ever uttered by the People’s Princess.

“We were very close to there and it took less than three minutes to reach it,” he says of the crash.

“My ten-man team was in two trucks and we were first to arrive.”

Gourmelon says that he and his team were not aware that among the victims they struggled to free from the wreck was one of the world’s most famous women.

“The car was in a mess and we just dealt with it like any road accident. We got straight to work to see who needed help and who was alive,” he adds.

“The woman, who I later found out was Princess Diana, was on the floor in the back. She was moving very slightly and I could see she was alive.”

It was then, Gourmelon says, that Diana uttered what he believes to have been her last words:

“I held her hand and told her to be calm and keep still, I said I was there to help and reassured her,” he tells The Sun.

“She said, ‘My God, what’s happened?’” 

Gourmelon says that he initially believed Diana had suffered only a “slight injury to her right shoulder.”

Just seconds after she spoke, however, the princess abruptly lost consciousness and stopped breathing.

Having been trained in CPR, Gourmelon acted quickly:

“I massaged her heart and a few seconds later she started breathing again. It was a relief of course because, as a first responder, you want to save lives — and that’s what I thought I had done,” he says.

“To be honest I thought she would live. As far as I knew when she was in the ambulance she was alive and I expected her to live. But I found out later she had died in hospital.”

Gourmelon says he was stunned by the news of Diana’s death, as he and the rest of his team believed she would recover.

As with so many millions of others, thoughts of Diana remain with Gourmelon to this day.

“I know now that there were serious internal injuries, but the whole episode is still very much in my mind,” he says.

“And the memory of that night will stay with me forever.”


Thursday, November 9, 2017

Diana Nyad Says Sexual Abuse Is Epidemic, Not Just in Hollywood

Legendary swimmer Diana Nyad – who’s shared her story of sexual assault for years — says it’s time to accept there are MILLIONS of victims, and start taking a closer look at the perpetrators. Diana tells TMZ the rash of sexual abuse claims…


Thursday, August 31, 2017

Princess Diana Death Anniversary Commemorated in Grand UK Fashion

Princess Diana was clearly in the hearts and minds of Englanders Wednesday as they marked the 20th anniversary of her death … and if anyone forgot there were plenty of visuals to jog their memories. Kensington Palace — where Diana lived — was…


Sunday, July 23, 2017

Princess Diana: William and Harry Reveal Their Tragic Final Conversation with Her

Hope you’re ready for a good cry ….

Because it’s coming, whether you like it or not.

As you’ve probably heard, this year marks the 20th anniversary of Princess Diana’s untimely death.

On August 31st, 1997, she was killed in a car crash in Paris, leaving behind her two young sons, Princes William and Harry.

This year, and this summer in particular, many people are taking some time to remember Diana, since she really was such a beloved public figure.

That means that William and Harry are pretty much obligated to talk about their late mother in interview after interview.

In the latest one, for a televised special called Diana, Our Mother: Her Life and Legacy, set to air tomorrow in the UK, the two princes remembered the last time they every spoke to her.

Brace yourselves …

The last conversation between Diana and her sons was a phone call, they revealed.

They were staying with their father, Prince Charles, at Balmoral, a royal estate in Scotland, when she called them.

“At the time Harry and I were running around minding our own business, you know, playing with our cousins and having a very good time,” William says.

Harry adds that “As a kid I never enjoyed speaking to my parents on the phone. And we spent far too much time speaking on the phone rather than speaking to each other, because of the way the situation was.”

It’s already too sad, right?

Harry continues the story, saying that when the phone rang, William “went to go and speak to her sort of for five minutes.”

“I think Harry and I were just in a desperate rush to say goodbye, you know, see you later and we’re going to go off,” William explains.

“If I’d known now obviously what was going to happen, I wouldn’t have been so blasé about it and everything else.”

“But,” he says, “that phone call sticks in my mind quite, quite heavily.”

As for Harry, he says that “I can’t really necessarily remember what I said, but all I do remember is probably, you know, regretting for the rest of my life how short the phone call was.”

It’s just so sad because when Diana died, William was 15 years old, and Harry was 12.

At that age, of course kids don’t want to sit down to have a long, meaningful conversation with their mother, especially over the phone.

It’s definitely understandable, and no one would fault them for it, but now they have to live with the fact that their last conversation with her wasn’t what they might want it to have been.

Speaking more generally about Diana, William says that “There are not many days that go by that I don’t think of her.”

“Her 20th anniversary year feels like a good time to remember all the good things about her and hopefully provide maybe a different side that others haven’t seen before.”

“It was that love,” Harry adds, “that even if she was on the side of the room, as her son, you could feel it.”

“So there’s you know, there’s a lot of … there’s a lot of grief that still needs to be let out.”

He’s definitely not lying — he also says that he’s only cried over the loss of his mother twice since her death.

Hopefully this new tradition of William and Harry being so open and honest about their feelings, even these very tough ones, will help them heal from what had to have been an extremely traumatic loss.


Monday, May 15, 2017

WNBA Star Diana Taurasi Marries Former Phoenix Mercury Teammate

WNBA superstar Diana Taurasi tied the knot with ex-teammate Penny Taylor this weekend … less than 24 hours before Diana hit the court for the Phoenix Mercury’s season opener. Taurasi and Taylor won 3 WNBA championships together with PHX…


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Kate Middleton: Pregnant With Twin Girls! One Will Be Named Diana!

We can’t possibly let a week go by without declaring her with child(ren).  Again.

OK Magazine! has it on good authority (where is the sh– emoji when you need it?) that the Duchess of Cambridge is carrying twins.  In fact, they’re so certain of this news that they slapped another gold “Palace Confirms” sticker on it.

You know what they say about gold stickers and the truth.

“I’m having two girls!” the cover screams.

“William wants to name one Diana.”

 Catherine made William aware of the news with a sonogram.  Via text.

“You’re joking aren’t you? We’re not really having a baby right now,” William allegedly wrote back.

“It’s the early days, but the buzz in the royals’ inner circle is that Kate’s pregnant again,” some royal insider claims. “And this time she’s got not one but two buns in the oven!” 

The Duke and his bride are picking up and moving out of Kensington Palace (their official residence) and firing the help.

“They’ve always sworn they didn’t want their children being raised by nannies,” the source said.

“And although they know that having twins will make it harder for them to handle the night feedings and diaper changes, they’ve vowed to do their best.”

This time around, Catherine hasn’t experienced the crippling morning sickness she did with Prince George and Princess Charlotte, which is another way of saying that this story is crap.

“It’s a completely new experience for her,” the source said. “She’s been able to carry on with her royal duties seamlessly, as well as looking after George and Charlotte, something she wouldn’t have been able to do if she was doubled up [with nausea].”

What’s more, the godparents have been selected and our jaws will drop when the A-list names are announced (in the hard copy of the magazine, so as not to give away the entire story).

She’s not pregnant.  No one moving out of Kensington Palace, nor is the staff going anywhere.  The end.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Diana Nyad -- Hillary Clinton Told Me ... When She Calls, People Jump (VIDEO)



Diana Nyad, the woman who made that record-setting swim from Cuba to Miami (at freakin’ 64) … let us in on exactly HOW Hillary Clinton flexed her political muscle to make it happen. 

Nyad was out in Beverly Hills when we asked about her name coming up in Hillary’s email debacle. As it’s been reported, Nyad got in touch with Hill because her trek was starting on Cuban soil, and she needed U.S. government clearance. 

But you have to hear her recount the convo with then Secretary of State Clinton. It sounds like some classic DC power brokering. 

As for whether that’s enough to get Diana’s vote in 2016? She said of course it is, and then took a little jab at the competition.

Bonus boxing coverage: Check out Diana breaking down tonight’s Mayweather-Berto fight. Despite Andre’s 30-3 record, she calls the bout “a sham” … and that’s just for starters.

For more sports stories, check out!