Showing posts with label Conversation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conversation. Show all posts

Monday, September 11, 2017

Tom Brady: I"ve Never Had a Conversation with Colin Kaepernick

Tom Brady says he doesn’t have any sort of relationship with Colin Kaepernick — explaining, “I’ve never really had a conversation with him.” The New England Patriots QB called in to WEEI radio on Monday and was asked if he’s been paying attention…


Sunday, July 23, 2017

Princess Diana: William and Harry Reveal Their Tragic Final Conversation with Her

Hope you’re ready for a good cry ….

Because it’s coming, whether you like it or not.

As you’ve probably heard, this year marks the 20th anniversary of Princess Diana’s untimely death.

On August 31st, 1997, she was killed in a car crash in Paris, leaving behind her two young sons, Princes William and Harry.

This year, and this summer in particular, many people are taking some time to remember Diana, since she really was such a beloved public figure.

That means that William and Harry are pretty much obligated to talk about their late mother in interview after interview.

In the latest one, for a televised special called Diana, Our Mother: Her Life and Legacy, set to air tomorrow in the UK, the two princes remembered the last time they every spoke to her.

Brace yourselves …

The last conversation between Diana and her sons was a phone call, they revealed.

They were staying with their father, Prince Charles, at Balmoral, a royal estate in Scotland, when she called them.

“At the time Harry and I were running around minding our own business, you know, playing with our cousins and having a very good time,” William says.

Harry adds that “As a kid I never enjoyed speaking to my parents on the phone. And we spent far too much time speaking on the phone rather than speaking to each other, because of the way the situation was.”

It’s already too sad, right?

Harry continues the story, saying that when the phone rang, William “went to go and speak to her sort of for five minutes.”

“I think Harry and I were just in a desperate rush to say goodbye, you know, see you later and we’re going to go off,” William explains.

“If I’d known now obviously what was going to happen, I wouldn’t have been so blasé about it and everything else.”

“But,” he says, “that phone call sticks in my mind quite, quite heavily.”

As for Harry, he says that “I can’t really necessarily remember what I said, but all I do remember is probably, you know, regretting for the rest of my life how short the phone call was.”

It’s just so sad because when Diana died, William was 15 years old, and Harry was 12.

At that age, of course kids don’t want to sit down to have a long, meaningful conversation with their mother, especially over the phone.

It’s definitely understandable, and no one would fault them for it, but now they have to live with the fact that their last conversation with her wasn’t what they might want it to have been.

Speaking more generally about Diana, William says that “There are not many days that go by that I don’t think of her.”

“Her 20th anniversary year feels like a good time to remember all the good things about her and hopefully provide maybe a different side that others haven’t seen before.”

“It was that love,” Harry adds, “that even if she was on the side of the room, as her son, you could feel it.”

“So there’s you know, there’s a lot of … there’s a lot of grief that still needs to be let out.”

He’s definitely not lying — he also says that he’s only cried over the loss of his mother twice since her death.

Hopefully this new tradition of William and Harry being so open and honest about their feelings, even these very tough ones, will help them heal from what had to have been an extremely traumatic loss.


Friday, May 26, 2017

Chris Cornell: Final Conversation with Wife Revealed, Chilling

A day after penning an open letter to her late husband, the wife of Chris Cornell has spoken in detail about the final conversation she had with the rocker.

And she has revealed a number of chilling details in the process.

On Wednesday, Cornell’s wife Vicky released a lengthy message to the late singer, who hanged himself in a Detroit hotel room earlier this month.

“We had the time of our lives in the last decade and I’m sorry, my sweet love, that I did not see what happened to you that night,” she wrote in a letter posted to, adding:

“I’m sorry you were alone, and I know that was not you, my sweet Christopher.

“Your children know that too, so you can rest in peace.”

Cornell had two kids with Vicky and a third child from a previous relationship.

Meanwhile, on Thursday night, TMZ published excerpts from Vicky’s final conversation with Cornell, which the website reports took place by phone about a half hour before Cornell ended his own life.

According to friends, Vicky says Cornell started slurring his words as he expressed anger over the set he had just played in Detroit.

“They f-cked up again. They had 3 days to fix my in-ears and I was getting static. I couldn’t hear,” the artist complained to Vicky, adding over and over that “I blew my voice. I blew my voice.”

Cornell then changed the topic abruptly, making very little sense to his wife.

She could sense something was seriously wrong.

“I need to know what you took tonight,” Vicky asked, well aware of Cornell’s history of drug abuse. You don’t sound right, sweetheart.”

Replied the singer: “I was really angry and I just took 2 Ativan. I’m really pissed and I had to calm myself down.”

But Vicky pressed for more information. She said it didn’t sound like Cornell merely took Ativan.

She also made a point ahead of time of saying “I forgive you” for falling off the wagon.

TMZ writes that Cornell grew “cocky and aggressive,” which prompted Vicky to flash back to 14 years ago when he almost died from an Oxycontin overdose.

After Cornell continued to ramble incoherently, Vicky called the star’s bodyguard and demanded he go check on Cornell.

The bodyguard eventually knocked down two doors to get inside Cornell’s hotel room… and that was when he saw the singer’s body hanging in the bathroom.

In a disturbing new detail only just revealed now, Vicky was apparently still on the phone with the bodyguard when this horrible discovery took place.

“I’m broken, but I will stand up for you and I will take care of our beautiful babies. I will think of you every minute of every day and I will fight for you,” Vicky wrote in her aforementioned open letter, concluding as follows:

You were right when you said we are soulmates. It has been said that paths that have crossed will cross again, and I know that you will come find me, and I will be here waiting.

I love you more than anyone has ever loved anyone in the history of loving and more than anyone ever will. Always and forever, your Vicky.

Insiders had connected with the investigation previously told TMZ that emergency technicians who responded to the scene  saw fresh track marks on Cornell’s arm.

Vicky has said he wasn’t known to have used needles in his earlier substance abuse battles and she had just been walking with him the day before.

She says he was in short sleeves and there were no signs at that time of track marks on his arms.

It’s all very sad.

We continue to send our condolences to the loved ones of Chris Cornell and we hope he’s resting in peace at last.


Friday, October 14, 2016

Monica Lewinsky -- Keep My Name Out of the Donald Trump Conversation! (VIDEO)

Donald Trump dragged her into the current presidential campaign, but Monica Lewinsky is NOT happy about being back in the political spotlight. Monica was at LAX Friday morning, and with Trump fighting off sexual misconduct allegations — and also…


Saturday, October 8, 2016

Celebrities React: Donald Trump, Billy Bush Conversation Leaked

When a video of Donald Trump bragging about sexual assault was leaked in October 2016, the celebrity world aired their feelings across social media. 

We have compiled a list of the reactions. 

Have a look below!

1. Emmy Rossum

Emmy rossum at the 2016 emmys

Donald Trump thinks ‘when you’re a star’ you ‘can do anything’ to women? Well you can’t make me vote for you, you misogynistic entitled pig.

2. John Legend

John legend at the piano

You don’t have to have daughters or granddaughters to find Trump’s comments repugnant. It’s an odd, unnecessary qualifier.

3. Patton Oswalt

Patton oswalt emmys win

Holy sh*t. Trump might have just been defeated by a Bush. Never would’ve picked Billy, but I’ll take it.

4. Lisa Rinna

Lisa rinna qvc presents super saturday live 2016

Trump and Bush. Talking about Nancy O’dell and then Arianne Zucker who are both friends of mine. Vulgar and Disgusting.

5. Star Jones

Star jones photograph

Honestly, if Trump ever mentions his ‘regard’ for women again…if I’m @HillaryClinton…I’d just say: ‘roll tape.’

6. Seth MacFarlane

Seth macfarlane smiles

Just read an article that quotes Trump saying ‘grab them by the pu**y’, and now I really wanna know what that word is they’re hiding.

View Slideshow

Monday, July 18, 2016

Kim Kardashian: Was She Right To Record Kanye West and Taylor Swift"s Conversation?

Controversy does not suit you, Kim.

Over the past year, Kim Kardashian has pushed the limits of her popularity, from fighting with Bette Midler on Twitter over nude photos, to her most recent scandal – filming the phone call between Kanye West and Taylor Swift to approve lyrics from his single, “Famous.”

“For all my Southside n****s that know me best I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex,” West was seen reading to Swift.

Kardashian shared this and several other Snapchats of the phone call with fans in order to prove that Swift was fine with the lyrics.

Swift released a statement in response to Kardashian’s release of the audio, claiming that she was never told above the below lyric:

Why? I made that bitch famous (God damn) I made that bitch famous.

“Where is the video of Kanye telling me he was going to call me ‘that bitch’ in his song? It doesn’t exist because it never happened,” Swift said in a statement posted to her Instagram account.

She’s right.  There is no audio of West running the above lyrics by Swift.

Kardashian, however, was over it.

“She was tired of Taylor being portrayed as this angel,” a source close to the reality star told People Magazine.

“She’s fake. She said one thing when the song came out and now she’s saying another. She painted Kanye as this monster.

“He was actually trying to do the right thing for once when he called her.”

Kardashian took her first swing at Swift on Twitter, calling her a  “snake” for denying she knew about all of the lyrics on the track.

Before she opened the flood gates on Snapchat, Kardashian prepped her audience by claiming that West always has the album recording process filmed.

“I see you guys loving Kanye’s exclusive footage in tonights episode! He shoots everything while creating albums,” she tweeted.

“So dope.”

Was that Kardashian’s attempt to make this whole thing look like the opposite of a set-up?  Her very existence is staged, if Keeping Up With The Kardashians has taught us anything.  Therefore, a stunt like this is entirely within the realm of possibility.

The whole ordeal feels catty on Kardashian’s part, and something that a year ago would be beneath her.  

If her attempt was to come off looking like the bigger person, Kardashian failed miserably.  Nothing appears more forced or more obnoxious than someone blatantly trying to make the other party look like an idiot.

Kardashian will no doubt defend her actions as a way to stand up for her husband, but others may not see it that way.

“Kim is super loyal to Kanye and will always do anything to have his back,” another source told People.

“She is even more protective of him than she is of herself. She thinks he’s misunderstood and couldn’t stand that people thought he was a liar.”

While Swift might bug the sh** out of us from time to time (or all the time, depending on who you are), using Snapchat as a smear campaign to defend your husband’s honor is, for lack of a better word, lame.  

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

5-Month Old Twins Engage in Intense Conversation

So then I say to Mommy… goodnight mush? Goodnight comb? Who says goodnight to these things? Am I right, man?!?

This is the sort of thing we"d like to imagine the brothers featured here are saying to each other.

Alas, we"ll likely never know the topic of their conversation; all we know for sure is a couple of things:

  1. It gets very intense after the first 30 seconds or so.

  2. The shirt one of the little boys is wearing describes these two accurately: they are Frighteningly Cute.

Check out the precious footage and dare to disagree. Heck, double dare to disagree! You won"t be able to do so.

5 month old twins engage in intense conversation