Monday, July 18, 2016

Kim Kardashian: Was She Right To Record Kanye West and Taylor Swift"s Conversation?

Controversy does not suit you, Kim.

Over the past year, Kim Kardashian has pushed the limits of her popularity, from fighting with Bette Midler on Twitter over nude photos, to her most recent scandal – filming the phone call between Kanye West and Taylor Swift to approve lyrics from his single, “Famous.”

“For all my Southside n****s that know me best I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex,” West was seen reading to Swift.

Kardashian shared this and several other Snapchats of the phone call with fans in order to prove that Swift was fine with the lyrics.

Swift released a statement in response to Kardashian’s release of the audio, claiming that she was never told above the below lyric:

Why? I made that bitch famous (God damn) I made that bitch famous.

“Where is the video of Kanye telling me he was going to call me ‘that bitch’ in his song? It doesn’t exist because it never happened,” Swift said in a statement posted to her Instagram account.

She’s right.  There is no audio of West running the above lyrics by Swift.

Kardashian, however, was over it.

“She was tired of Taylor being portrayed as this angel,” a source close to the reality star told People Magazine.

“She’s fake. She said one thing when the song came out and now she’s saying another. She painted Kanye as this monster.

“He was actually trying to do the right thing for once when he called her.”

Kardashian took her first swing at Swift on Twitter, calling her a  “snake” for denying she knew about all of the lyrics on the track.

Before she opened the flood gates on Snapchat, Kardashian prepped her audience by claiming that West always has the album recording process filmed.

“I see you guys loving Kanye’s exclusive footage in tonights episode! He shoots everything while creating albums,” she tweeted.

“So dope.”

Was that Kardashian’s attempt to make this whole thing look like the opposite of a set-up?  Her very existence is staged, if Keeping Up With The Kardashians has taught us anything.  Therefore, a stunt like this is entirely within the realm of possibility.

The whole ordeal feels catty on Kardashian’s part, and something that a year ago would be beneath her.  

If her attempt was to come off looking like the bigger person, Kardashian failed miserably.  Nothing appears more forced or more obnoxious than someone blatantly trying to make the other party look like an idiot.

Kardashian will no doubt defend her actions as a way to stand up for her husband, but others may not see it that way.

“Kim is super loyal to Kanye and will always do anything to have his back,” another source told People.

“She is even more protective of him than she is of herself. She thinks he’s misunderstood and couldn’t stand that people thought he was a liar.”

While Swift might bug the sh** out of us from time to time (or all the time, depending on who you are), using Snapchat as a smear campaign to defend your husband’s honor is, for lack of a better word, lame.