Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Kourtney Kardashian to Scott Disick: Unhappy Father"s Day!

Most of Kourtney Kardashian’s recent posts and actions that have come across as directed at Scott Disick have been about Kourtney’s hot body and all that he’s missing.

But this “subtle” dig aims a bit closer to home, we suppose.

Because it looks like Kourtney’s going after Scott’s qualities as a father … or lack thereof.

Obviously, Kourtney didn’t tweet “wow, some people would rather chase after teen tail than be a dad to their kids!”

That kind of unstubtle subtweeting is more Khloe’s style.

Instead, she posted an adorable and endearing throwback of her own father, Robert Kardashian Sr, to Instagram.

You know, for Father’s Day.

And she included a caption.

“Blessed to call him my daddy. I couldn’t have dreamed for any better. Happy Father’s Day.”

That’s so innocuous and sweet that you almost wouldn’t give it a second glance.


Kourtney’s had a tendency to give the father of her children a shout-out on Father’s Day.


But apparently this year, things were just too strained for her to mention him.

It’s worth noting that Kris Jenner’s Father’s Day post included a host of dads within her family, Scott included.

But Kris Jenner’s the grandma and it’s sort of her job to err on the side of being diplomatic.

For Kourtney, this must be raw and painful.

So she not only fails to mention Scott in her post about her dad.

She also talks about how she couldn’t have dreamed of someone better.

As in, no one could be better.

Scott Disick is very clearly part of “no one.”

It’s no secret that Kourtney’s mad at Scott.

His drinking and his following the whims of his meandering penis are old news.

Though the degree of publicity that his attempted dalliance with Bella Thorne and other hot teen girls at Cannes garnered must really rub her the wrong way.

But she must have felt that it would be hypocritical to honor him on Father’s Day.

Especially since she reportedly can’t trust Scott around their children.

Father’s Day isn’t about congratulating somebody for having had live sperm at some point in the past.

It’s supposed to be about actual good parenting, which includes being there for your kids.

And maybe even some sobriety, huh?

Father’s Day is a great reminder that Kourtney, a grown adult, is not the primary victim of Scott’s antics.

Even as much as their parents shelter them from them, its the kids who suffer.

Obviously, some children have way worse situations than Reign, Penelope, and Mason are dealing with.

Abuse, financial sabotage, nasty custody fights — those can all be factors when parents split.

Even without that, children often blame themselves for why their family fell apart.

It’s obviously never their fault, but it can be hard to convince them of that.

Especially since, generally speaking, the better-behaved parent isn’t going to say: “Well, sweetie, your daddy has a drinking problem and also wants to bang teenagers,” or whatever.

The kids are lucky to have Kourtney, at least.
