Monday, June 18, 2018

Audrey Roloff Says ALL the Nice Things About Jeremy on Father"s Day

It doesn’t take a special occasion for Audrey Roloff to say something specil about Jeremy Roloff.

The Little People, Big World star loves almost nothing more than gushing over her husband on Instagram.

She went overboard on Jeremy’s birthday, labeling Jeremy as more than she could have ever imagined, and then jumped on social media once again yesterday to basically reiterate this point.

Yesterday, of course, was Father’s Day.

You likely took note of the many messages posted throughout the day on your Facebook page, right?

For Jeremy and Audrey, this was the former’s very first Father’s Day, courtesy of the latter giving birth to the couple’s daughter back in September.

As a result, Audrey had especially kind things to say about her soulmate on Instagram.

“Happy Father’s Day to you @jeremyroloff!” she wrote to open a caption that accompanied the photo above.

It continued:

“I love watching you play with, teach, and cuddle our daughter. I feel undeserving and honored to be married to a man so eager to become a Godly husband and father.”

Audrey and Jeremy got married on September 20, 2014.

They became first-time parents almost exactly three years later.

Those who watch Little People, Big World online or who follow either of their social media accounts are well aware of how much they adore young Ember Jean.

Audrey, meanwhile, was not finished with her praise.

“You work hard to protect and provide for our family, you lead us in faith and with discernment, you make us laugh, and you pursue the Lord above all else,” wrote the excited wife, concluding:

“I’m excited to watch how fatherhood continues grow you. Thank you especially for all the extra help and patience you’ve had with me this past week. I love you. Ember loves you.”

Roloff tacked on the hashtags #journeyofjerandauj #morethanoils to her caption as well.

Jeremy and Audrey took a brief social media hiatus a few weeks ago because they were completeing the manuscript for their first-ever book.

Yes, we said… book!

Details remain a little fuzzy, but it sounds as if this famous couple will be releasing a memoir that chronicles their life and love story over the years.

“We are spilling never before told tales from our dating journey, and all the ups and downs and ins and outs of our love story,” Audrey wrote at one point about it, elaborating as follows:

“The pages are filling up with our failures and successes, what we learned from dating and long distance, and how we prepared more for our marriage than our wedding.

“We can’t wait to share what we’ve learned from our own dating journey in order to equip our readers to build Godly relationships from their first date to “I do” and beyond.

Consider us intrigued.

We’re extra curious to see what this memoir entails because, forgive the obvious pun, but Audrey and Jeremy’s lives already seem like an open book.

What else could they have to share with us?

We’ll be curiousto find out.

And we wish all the dads out there a very happy Belated Father’s Day as well!
