Bill Maher is never afraid to say what’s on his mind.
Remember when he compared Zayn Malik to a terrorist?
But has the comedian finally gone too far? Due to the joke he makes about Ivanka Trump in the following video, some people think so…
Speaking to New York Magazine’s Gabriel Sherman during a segment on his HBO series, Maher engaged his guest in a conversation about The First Daughter.
Prior to her father’s inauguration, those who opposed Donald Trump held out hope that Ivanka could maybe get through to him on certain progressive issues; that perhaps she could reel in his more immature and bitter tendencies.
But Ivanka has done little to change her dad’s mind when it comes to women’s issues or international issues.
“What do you make of Ivanka and her efforts to sort of humanize her father?” Trump asks Sherman in the clip above, adding:
“A lot of us thought, Ivanka is gonna be our saving grace. When he’s about to nuke Finland or something, she’s gonna walk into the bedroom and – ‘Daddy, Daddy. Don’t do it, Daddy."”
Upon saying these words, Maher made a crude gesture that implied Ivanka would be jerking off her father while trying to make her case.
“Is that how you see Ivanka?” Maher asked Sherman, who replied with a “no.”
Trump himself has made a few very strange and inappropriate remarks about his own daughter.
Back in October, for example, he told Wendy Williams that the main thing he has in common with Ivanka is sex.
He also once agreed that Ivanka is a fine piece of ass.
Those who have rushed to Maher’s defense in light of this new controversy are citing Trump’s past references. To wit:

Others, however, still think Maher crossed a line.
This is still the President of the United States he’s talking about, they argue, and that is still a wildly inappropriate gesture to make and act to imply.
Here’s a sampling of what critics have said on Twitter:

Ivanka Trump, meanwhile, has been the subject of plenty of other sexual references in the recent past.
Late last month, for instance, Fox News reporter Jesse Waters cracked a crude joke about “the way [Ivanka] was speaking into that microphone” after airing a clip of her speaking at a women’s summit in Berlin.
This was a quip about oral sex, in case it wasn’t obvious.
See for yourself:
And then last week, Stephen Colbert was criticized for making a homophobic joke about the the President and Vladimir Putin.
It even prompted the hashtag #FireColbert to trend on Twitter, to which The Late Late Show host replied:
“I have jokes, he has the launch codes, so it’s a fair fight.”
What do YOU think of Bill Maher’s Ivanka crack?
Just an example of a comedian trying to be funny? Has the President opened his family up to these kinds of attacks with the attacks he so often engages in himself online?
Or does Maher owe The First Family an apology?