Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Flash Season 2 Episode 7 Recap: Monkey Means Business

Talk about some hairy monkey business, huh?!?

Sorry. But that terrible, obvious pun does sum up The Flash Season 2 Episode 7, which featured the entertaining return of Grood.

Fortunately, Barry didn’t need much time to recover from his broken back this week (ah, to be super. And a hero.).

But chose to announce that he’s going back to Earth-Two in order to deal with Zoom while Barry was temporarily on the sideline.

Luckily, Caitlin intervened and convinced the doctor that to make such as attempt by himself would essentially amount to a suicide mission; it would not do Jesse any good, that’s for certain.

However, if Wells stuck around, Team Flash could help him defeat Zoom, thereby saving Jesse on their home field, so to speak.

Wells agreed – and it was a good thing, too.

With Grood back not he scenes, compelling residents to steal serums and everything, he could be of significant use to the squad.

Grood even set his sights Caitlin, bringing her up to his bell tower hideout and asking for a reminder on how he became the way he is.

She told him all about the particle accelerator explosion and then mentioned how the chemicals he swiped could possibly recreate the effect.

But she was understandably taken aback upon realizing that what he wants to do is making more Grodds. GULP.

Meanwhile, Barry was literally stumbling around in his rehab, telling Joe that he doesn’t even deserve the key to the city because he’s been exposed by Zoom as unworthy.

Who can get through to him? Henry, of course, who shows up later at S.T.A.R Labs. He imparts wisdom on his son, such as telling him that it’s important to slow down if you want to “get back to where you want to be” and also to believe in yourself.

He should know, too. He was once charged with killing his wife in front of his son.

As for how to take down Grood?

The plan is to have Harry pose as Grood’s father by wearing the Reverse-Flash suit. He nearly pulls it off, too, until he gets called out by Grood for asking that Caitlin be permitted to leave. Father never ask, Grood yells. Father take!

Wells does manage to escape, however, after sticking Grood with a bunch of drugs.

Team Flash then decides that instead of killing Grodd, they can lure him into a breach and send him to Earth-Two.

To make this work, Barry is coaxed back into his supersuit.

And, after getting over flashbacks of his Zoom smackdown, he bounces back and punches Grodd into the portal, where on the other side the animal lands in… Gorilla City?!?

Wait, WHAT? HUH? You’re gonna need to watch The Flash online in order to try and make sense of this development.