Showing posts with label Jungle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jungle. Show all posts

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Riverdale Season 2 Episode 10 Recap: The Blackboard Jungle

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. 

On Riverdale Season 2 Episode 10 the town moved on briskly in the aftermath of the killer reveal that closed December’s midseason finale. 

In an unsurprising turn of events, the drama was far from over, and we picked up with the revelation that Southside High was being closed down. 

The students and faculty were not given much of a reason, but for viewers, well, hanging around with the likes of Hermione and Hiram Lodge, and Mayor McCoy gives us an advanced look into what’s coming. 

The Lodge family promised the equally as corrupt Mayor that they would give her a healthy dose of cash if she closed down the school and allowed them to buy the land in the weeks after. 

Are any of the parents in the little town of Riverdale ever going to be able to be straight up with their kids? 

The closing down of the school meant that some of the Southside Serpents made their way to Riverdale High. Veronica was under the command of her parents to make the transition as smooth as possible. 

But Cheryl, Reggie and a group of other snobby children wanted it known the Serpents were trash, and it set up a big scuffle. 

Cheryl turned to Archie and threatened him with the fact that he kissed Betty in the midseason finale, and this sent Archie into a spiral. 

He was approached by the FBI and asked to help take down Hiram Lodge. Archie wanted to believe Hiram and Hermione were good people, but ultimately, he got involved with the agent. 

The best way to confirm whether anything was wrong was that Nick St. Clair was severely hurt in the aftermath of his visit to the town.

Archie used Cheryl as an excuse to get to Nick after learning that Nick tried to assault Veronica. Cheryl needed money because her mother had a basic job and was having sex with workers. 

This gave Archie the excuse he needed. He made way to meet the villainous youth and threatened him into doubling the check Penelope Blossom ripped up. 

Nick, however, was sketchy about his accident and it gave Archie the confirmation he needed to confirm there was something amiss with the Lodges. 

Archie could not resist using Nick as a human punchbag after he made fun of the situation. 

Upon his return home, Veronica found out via Nick that Archie stopped by. Archie admitted that he had an ulterior motive, but Cheryl walked in and said it was her who dished the goodies. 

Archie then opened up to Veronica about the kiss, and in perhaps one of the show’s most mature scenes yet, Veronica forgave him for his sin. 

But Archie was even more curious about what happened to Nick and felt like it confirmed his suspicions about the Lodges. 

Back at the school, the new students warmed to Veronica, Kevin, and Betty, but someone painted a snake in the hallway, and the Serpents were told to shed their skin. 

The school ultimately dressed the kids in Riverdale High clothing and Jughead was forced to join at the last second. 

Elsewhere, Betty was shocked when Polly was back in the house taking belongings, and that her sister had her children and left them at the farm. 

Polly departed, and Betty told her parents about all of it. They were mad and disappointed. 

Betty and Alice then went to meet Chic, the kid who Alice gave up all those years ago. He did not want to speak to them, but Betty returned later found him being beaten up. 

The kid moved in with the Coopers, but he snuck into Betty’s room, and it looked like Psycho Derek from One Tree Hill had moved to Riverdale. 

What did you think of the episode?

Hit the comments. 

Riverdale continues next Wednesday on The CW!


Monday, January 8, 2018

H&M Blasted for Black Kid Wearing "Coolest Monkey in the Jungle" Hoodie

It’s early, but H&M just grabbed the title for MOST OUT OF TOUCH company of 2018 … after this racist ad popped up on its UK website. The clothing store was put on blast after this ad showed an African-American child wearing a hoodie with…


Monday, October 10, 2016

Alicia Keys & Jay Z -- Perform in the Concrete Jungle (VIDEOS)

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