Emmy Rossum is beautiful and talented, and has starred on television and in films.
In the past, she has used her voice to scold anti-Semitic Trump supporters. Now, she is lending her fame and platform to a very powerful movement.
She is sharing her weight, and the answer may surprise you.
Emmy took to Instagram to ask her fans and followers: “Want to know what I weigh?”
In case you’re thinking no thanks, I’m not that intrusive, know that she’s posting this herself.
And that second of all, there’s much more to this than a number on the scale. In fact, that is the whole point.
“Click on my stories,” Emmy encourages her followers. “@i_weigh BECAUSE YOU AE SO MUCH MORE THAN A NUMBER”
She tags I Weigh, which is a powerful campaign. And as you see her posts, you understand what the campaign is all about.

Emmy tells her followers that the scale, though a useful tool, does not reveal the be all and end all of a person’s value.
“During my life,” Emmy writes. “The scale has told me that I’ve gained and lost and gained and lost.”
It is, for everyone, an endless cycle of both gains and losses.
Emmy reveals that she has oscillated “somewhere in the range of 20 pounds. But that piece of metal doesn’t really know.”
“Here,” Emmy writes. “Is what I ACTUALLY WEIGH.”

Emmy then shares an image that lists her qualities — the substance of wh she is.
“3 best friends since kindergarten, drive, kindness, empathy,” Emmy lists.
“Makes friends with strangers, Jewish and proud, Daughter,” Emmy adds. “100+ hours of television.”
That’s not about watching TV — that means that she has appeared on 100 hours of television, which is true — honestly, her role on Shameless covered almost that much.
“The courage it takes everyday to overcome ptsd, one happy marriage, 3 episodes of television directed,” Emmy continues.
Emmy adds: “countless hours of therapy, one finished screenplay, and animal rescuer.”

She then shares an image that adds to that.
“See,” Emmy writes. “When you add up everything you are??”
You’re a lot more than how hard this planet’s gravity pulls you towards its center, that’s for sure.
Emmy writes: “The size of your thighs don’t really matter anymore do they?!”
“So join me in this,” Emmy says. “Show people what you are actually made of. Because you are so much more than a f–king number.”
Obviously, it is normal for weight to go up and down — but several pounds.
Factors like when you last ate, when you last went to the bathroom, how hydrated you are, and even the weather that day can change what the scale says about you.
Emmy and the I Weigh campaign are exactly right — that number on the scale does not tell you your value.
Some may cynically point out that Emmy Rossum is a famously gorgeous woman who has never in her life weighed anything outside of what society considers “extremely good” or “perfect.”
But she is lending her voice to a very good campaign, and her voice matters. Some people would sadly refuse to hear this from a woman twice her size.