Showing posts with label Weigh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weigh. Show all posts

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Emmy Rossum Reveals Her Weight as Part of "I Weigh" Movement

Emmy Rossum is beautiful and talented, and has starred on television and in films.

In the past, she has used her voice to scold anti-Semitic Trump supporters. Now, she is lending her fame and platform to a very powerful movement.

She is sharing her weight, and the answer may surprise you.

Emmy took to Instagram to ask her fans and followers: “Want to know what I weigh?”

In case you’re thinking no thanks, I’m not that intrusive, know that she’s posting this herself.

And that second of all, there’s much more to this than a number on the scale. In fact, that is the whole point.

“Click on my stories,” Emmy encourages her followers. “@i_weigh BECAUSE YOU AE SO MUCH MORE THAN A NUMBER”

She tags I Weigh, which is a powerful campaign. And as you see her posts, you understand what the campaign is all about.

Emmy tells her followers that the scale, though a useful tool, does not reveal the be all and end all of a person’s value.

“During my life,” Emmy writes. “The scale has told me that I’ve gained and lost and gained and lost.”

It is, for everyone, an endless cycle of both gains and losses.

Emmy reveals that she has oscillated “somewhere in the range of 20 pounds. But that piece of metal doesn’t really know.”

“Here,” Emmy writes. “Is what I ACTUALLY WEIGH.”

Emmy then shares an image that lists her qualities — the substance of wh she is.

“3 best friends since kindergarten, drive, kindness, empathy,” Emmy lists.

“Makes friends with strangers, Jewish and proud, Daughter,” Emmy adds. “100+ hours of television.”

That’s not about watching TV — that means that she has appeared on 100 hours of television, which is true — honestly, her role on Shameless covered almost that much.

“The courage it takes everyday to overcome ptsd, one happy marriage, 3 episodes of television directed,” Emmy continues.

Emmy adds: “countless hours of therapy, one finished screenplay, and animal rescuer.”

She then shares an image that adds to that.

“See,” Emmy writes. “When you add up everything you are??”

You’re a lot more than how hard this planet’s gravity pulls you towards its center, that’s for sure.

Emmy writes: “The size of your thighs don’t really matter anymore do they?!”

“So join me in this,” Emmy says. “Show people what you are actually made of. Because you are so much more than a f–king number.”

Obviously, it is normal for weight to go up and down — but several pounds.

Factors like when you last ate, when you last went to the bathroom, how hydrated you are, and even the weather that day can change what the scale says about you.

Emmy and the I Weigh campaign are exactly right — that number on the scale does not tell you your value.

Some may cynically point out that Emmy Rossum is a famously gorgeous woman who has never in her life weighed anything outside of what society considers “extremely good” or “perfect.”

But she is lending her voice to a very good campaign, and her voice matters. Some people would sadly refuse to hear this from a woman twice her size.


Friday, February 2, 2018

Tom Brady"s Son Kiss: NFL Stars Weigh In ...

Some of the biggest stars in the NFL are weighing in on Tom Brady’s father/son smooch … the smackaroo that made a lot of people go “oh, ummm ok,” when they saw it. The PDA went down on Brady’s Facebook show, “Tom vs Time” when TB planted one on…


Saturday, August 26, 2017

Mayweather, McGregor Fight, Celebs Weigh in After Weigh-In on Who"s Gonna Win

So we got a bunch of celebs out Friday night and they were almost singular in their prediction of the fight … singular with one exception. We got Nipsy Hustle, Yo Gotti, Casper Smart, Dominic Santana and Dorothy Wang out and about, and they all…


Mayweather, McGregor Fight, Celebs Weigh in After Weigh-In on Who"s Gonna Win

So we got a bunch of celebs out Friday night and they were almost singular in their prediction of the fight … singular with one exception. We got Nipsy Hustle, Yo Gotti, Casper Smart, Dominic Santana and Dorothy Wang out and about, and they all…


Monday, November 28, 2016

Blac Chyna: How Much Does She Weigh Now?!?

Blac Chyna clearly did not enjoy herself on Thanksgiving.

At least not in the traditional sense of scarfing down as much food as humanly possible, washing down turkey with gravy and apple pie with… more apple pie.

How do we know this for sure?

Because the reality star has kept fans far too apprised of her ongoing weight loss journey.

Just two weeks after giving birth to her second child (a girl named Dream Kardashian), Chyna jumped on SnapChat this past Saturday and updated followers on her exact weight.

“39lbs go away !!! Lost 23 lbs so far !!!” Chyna shared in a clip. “Goal 130 post baby weight.”

Yes, Chyna claims she has lost 23 pounds in just 16 days, which would be an impressive accomplish for anyone.

Let alone someone who just welcomed a tiny human being into the world.

As a result of this dramatic, immediate transformation, many have been wondering whether Chyna actually underwent some kind of plastic surgery after also undergoing a C-section.

It seems nearly impossible to believe she shed so many pounds naturally.

But Chyna claims otherwise, addressing these rumors in a separate SnapChat video from November 19.

“So I posted a picture of my belly yesterday and the only reason it got that flat, you guys, is from breastfeeding and breast pumping and from my body already being small before my pregnancy,” Chyna told fans as she pumped breast milk for her daughter.

Somewhat ridiculously, she added:

“If you are pregnant right now, I would highly recommend breastfeeding and breast pumping because it’ll get your weight back down fast.”

This sums up the problem we have with a new mother such as Blac Chyna touting her post-birth weight loss in public at all times.

Just as we said back when Kim Kardashian bragged about the same thing non-stop after welcoming her second kid into the universe, such chatter sends a terrible example to other new mothers around the world.

Many of them are not like Chyna and Kim.

They don’t have personal chefs or personal trainers. They don’t have flexible job schedules. They can’t just stop everything and focus on weight loss so soon after giving birth.

Nor should they! They have far more important things to do, such as keep a little person alive and well.

Chyna is seriously advocating breastfeeding because it will get one’s “weight back down fast?”

How about the fact that it’s also the most healthy thing you can feed your child?!? Should that not be the first, second and third reason for breastfeeding one’s son or daughter?

God, these people are annoying sometimes.

Okay, these people are annoying almost all of the time.

Our criticism of Blac Chyna, of course, has nothing to do with her newborn.

Just take a look at little Dream in the following photo gallery! What a cutie!

If we were Chyna, we’d be spending far more time cuddling with her and far less worrying about the numbers on a scale, but maybe that’s just us. We’re softies like that.


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

25 Amazing Celebrity Transformations: Weigh These Issues!

As previously documented, there are a number of celebrities out there who need to eat some pie. They are way too skinny.

But there are also quite a number of stars out there who stopped eating pie. And, as a result, they have dropped a significant amount of weight.

Admire their impressive transformations, along their new, svelte figure, below…

1. June Shannon

June shannon at glaad awards

Click her name above to see what an incredible transformation has taken place when it comes to Honey Boo Boo’s controversial mother. WOW!

2. Rob Kardashian

Rob kardashian

The reality star got very fat… then started dating Blac Chyna… and then lost a lot of weight. He shared these before-and-after photos on Instagram in May of 2016.

3. Ricky Gervais

Ricky gervais

You don’t need to ask Ricky Gervais to show off his new body. He’ll just go ahead and do it for you.

4. Jonah Hill

Jonah hill

What’s more amazing: That Jonah Hill was the fat kid in Superbad? Or that Jonah Hill has been nominated for two Academy Awards?

5. Chris Pratt

Chris pratt

Chris Pratt will always be the fat and lovable Andy Dwyer from Parks and Recreation to some. But the actor has left those days far behind him.

6. Seth Rogen

Seth rogen

Like his friend Jonah Hill, Seth Rogen started his career as the overweight star of a major comedy (Knocked Up), but he’s since lost many pounds while remaining just as funny.

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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Kim Kardashian: What Does She Weigh Now?!?

Kim Kardashian is on her way, folks!

She is nearly there!

She has practically done it!

We can scarcely contain our excitement!


The obnoxious Keeping Up With the Kardashians star has once again provided fans with a weight update, alerting them to the latest number on her scale.

The mother of two is on a mission to shed every last ounce of baby weight… which is fine.

It’s just not as fine when she makes the mission so very public and acts like it’s some monumental struggle, despite her free time (she doesn’t have a regular job) and her wealth (she can afford a personal chef and trainer).

It’s also not as fine when she makes it sound as if losing all baby weight is some all-important, self-consuming goal and that if you’re a new mother who is yet to do so… UGH. You’re just a big fat mess.

But we digress.

On Tuesday afternoon, Kim shared a Snapchat image of herself on a scale that reads 132 pounds.

kim weight

“12 pounds to go to reach 2010 Kim!” Kardashian wrote along with the image.

The irritating reality star has been Snapchatting her body’s progress for the past several months, keeping her followers apprised when she reaches a milestone.

Last month, for example, Kim posted a picture of her standing on a scale that read 135.8 pounds at the time.

“Yaaaassssss!!!! #Atkins,” she captioned the picture, referring to the diet she chose to follow after giving birth to both of her kids and likely earning a lot of money for the shout-out as well.

Lacking self-awareness, Kim also told E! News in April that it hasn’t been easy to lose so much weight.

“I mean it’s a challenge, it’s not easy at all,” she said at the time. “We just got back from our family vacation and every day, we were up early working out.”

God, can someone please break out the violins for Kim Kardashian?!?

She simply had to wake up early to wake up while on the tropical vacation E! paid for on behalf of her and her family. Her life is SOOOO hard!

It’s easier, however, if you get liposuction.

We’re not necessarily saying Kim did get liposuction. But some people are.

Kim Kardashian: What Does She Weigh Now?!?

Kim Kardashian is on her way, folks!

She is nearly there!

She has practically done it!

We can scarcely contain our excitement!


The obnoxious Keeping Up With the Kardashians star has once again provided fans with a weight update, alerting them to the latest number on her scale.

The mother of two is on a mission to shed every last ounce of baby weight… which is fine.

It’s just not as fine when she makes the mission so very public and acts like it’s some monumental struggle, despite her free time (she doesn’t have a regular job) and her wealth (she can afford a personal chef and trainer).

It’s also not as fine when she makes it sound as if losing all baby weight is some all-important, self-consuming goal and that if you’re a new mother who is yet to do so… UGH. You’re just a big fat mess.

But we digress.

On Tuesday afternoon, Kim shared a Snapchat image of herself on a scale that reads 132 pounds.

kim weight

“12 pounds to go to reach 2010 Kim!” Kardashian wrote along with the image.

The irritating reality star has been Snapchatting her body’s progress for the past several months, keeping her followers apprised when she reaches a milestone.

Last month, for example, Kim posted a picture of her standing on a scale that read 135.8 pounds at the time.

“Yaaaassssss!!!! #Atkins,” she captioned the picture, referring to the diet she chose to follow after giving birth to both of her kids and likely earning a lot of money for the shout-out as well.

Lacking self-awareness, Kim also told E! News in April that it hasn’t been easy to lose so much weight.

“I mean it’s a challenge, it’s not easy at all,” she said at the time. “We just got back from our family vacation and every day, we were up early working out.”

God, can someone please break out the violins for Kim Kardashian?!?

She simply had to wake up early to wake up while on the tropical vacation E! paid for on behalf of her and her family. Her life is SOOOO hard!

It’s easier, however, if you get liposuction.

We’re not necessarily saying Kim did get liposuction. But some people are.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Khloe Kardashian on Kim"s Boobs: They Weigh HOW Much??

If I were Kim, I"d kill her.

Kocktails With Khloe is supposed to be a talk show with guests hosted by Khloe Kardashian, but in it the reality star winds up talking about herself and her famous family an awful lot.

In this clip, she brings up her sister Kim Kardashian"s struggle to lose weight post-pregnancy.

Khloe begins by recounting a memory from her own heavier days when she would be on photo shoots with her sisters and stylists would say they had nothing fashionable that would fit her size.

She said that her sisters would stick up for her and refuse to do the shoot, and then segued into the story about Kim – and it seems the tables have turned.

Now that Khloe has slimmed down, Kim is the one having trouble finding stylish clothes for her body.

According to Khloe, the two were at a recent photo shoot and Kim complained that she had lost three pounds but still nothing fit.

"I was like, Kim, your tits are like 50 pounds each!" Khloe told her. "You"re breastfeeding… Don"t weigh yourself!"

It"s no secret that Kim has been stressed out about losing weight ever since giving birth to son Saint back in December.

But while the image-obsessed Kim probably expects gossip about her weight woes from the tabloids, she probably isn"t thrilled about her sister blabbing about it. 

Watch below:

Khloe kardashian on kims boobs they weigh how much

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

What 19 Celebs REALLY Weigh! (Number 11 Will Shock You!)

With the exception of what goes on in their bedrooms, weight might be the aspect of celebrities" lives that we fixate on the most.

Aside from the d-baggiest of online trolls, no one wants to engage in any fat- (or thin-) shaming, but we can"t help wondering what sort or diets our favorite stars adhere to, what their workout regimens are like and, well, how we compare to them in terms of poundage.

Just within the Kardashian family, for example, weight stories have made tabloid headlines numerous times within the past year.

We cheered Kourtney"s "revenge body." We became worried after hearing rumors that Rob had ballooned to 350 pounds

And, of course, we eagerly awaited the debut of Kim"s post-baby body after she gave birth to Saint West in December.

Ironically, all the while many of us probably neglected our own fitness. Meh. Whatcha gonna do?

Anyway, feel free to put off going to the gym for a few more minutes while you check out this list of what some of today"s hottest celebs really weight.

Heck, you can call it research, if that makes you feel better!

1. Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer lawrence 73rd annual golden globe awards

J-Law stands 5’9″ and clocks in at 138 lbs. She’s stated that she hates exercise, but doesn’t mind when a studio asks her to get in shape for a part. “They basically do it all for you,” she says. “Like, here’s your trainer, here’s what you can eat.”

2. Taylor Swift

Taylor swift looks proud

Taylor clocks in at 5’11”, 119 lbs. Not surpsingly music is a big part of her workout. Taylor says that for her, jogging “is all about blasting a whole bunch of new songs and running to the beat.”

3. Brandi Glanville

Brandi glanville real housewives of beverly hills season six pre

“To the haters calling me fat – I’m 5’10” 126 lbs,” Brandi recently tweeted. “I’ve had 2 kids I’m 42 I try & workout 3 times a wk – I LOVE 2 cook & eat! I applaud your perfection!”

4. Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel radcliffe parties

Dan-Rad weighs in at a scant 115 pounds. That may sound frighentingly thin, but it’s important to remember that the former Harry Potter star is only 5’5″. Someone hit this man with a growthius hormonius spell!

5. Johnny Depp

Amber heard and johnny depp 27th annual palm springs internation

Officially, Johnny is 5’9″, 160 lbs. However, many fans have noticed that the actor appears to have put on weight in recent months, and some say he’s not as tall as he claims.

6. Kris Jenner

Kris jenner at daytime emmys

At 60, Kris rocks a svelte figure at 5’6″, 145 lbs. She credits her physique to “working out as much as possible,” and she says she often sets her alarm as early as 4:30 am to get in a jog.

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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Zayn Malik Posts Intimate Picture With Mystery Blonde — Weigh In On Who You Think It Could Be HERE!

Well, well, well!

Zayn Malik is back in the news for his personal life again, and this time it’s a new mystery girl that has everybody talking!

Photos: Here’s What Zayn Malik Has Been Able To Do In The Six Months Since He Left 1D!

The former One Direction member who just recently split off to pursue other projects also just recently split off from ex Perrie Edwards — so it’s a big deal that he’s now posing on his Instagram account with a new mystery blonde!

Ch-ch-check out the photo (below) of him with his arms wrapped around a new gal pal:

A photo posted by Zayn Malik (@zayn) on Sep 26, 2015 at 4:23pm PDT

Well who could that be??

A lot of commenters on IG have noted how the woman looks a lot like Gage Golightly, an actress who is best known for her work on MTV‘s Teen Wolf. Could it be??

What do U think, y’all — have any insight on the identity of this mystery woman?? Is it Gage?!

Also, can’t help but notice the general resemblance between her and Perrie…

Just sayin’!!

[Image via Joe/WENN.]