Wednesday, January 13, 2016

What 19 Celebs REALLY Weigh! (Number 11 Will Shock You!)

With the exception of what goes on in their bedrooms, weight might be the aspect of celebrities" lives that we fixate on the most.

Aside from the d-baggiest of online trolls, no one wants to engage in any fat- (or thin-) shaming, but we can"t help wondering what sort or diets our favorite stars adhere to, what their workout regimens are like and, well, how we compare to them in terms of poundage.

Just within the Kardashian family, for example, weight stories have made tabloid headlines numerous times within the past year.

We cheered Kourtney"s "revenge body." We became worried after hearing rumors that Rob had ballooned to 350 pounds

And, of course, we eagerly awaited the debut of Kim"s post-baby body after she gave birth to Saint West in December.

Ironically, all the while many of us probably neglected our own fitness. Meh. Whatcha gonna do?

Anyway, feel free to put off going to the gym for a few more minutes while you check out this list of what some of today"s hottest celebs really weight.

Heck, you can call it research, if that makes you feel better!

1. Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer lawrence 73rd annual golden globe awards

J-Law stands 5’9″ and clocks in at 138 lbs. She’s stated that she hates exercise, but doesn’t mind when a studio asks her to get in shape for a part. “They basically do it all for you,” she says. “Like, here’s your trainer, here’s what you can eat.”

2. Taylor Swift

Taylor swift looks proud

Taylor clocks in at 5’11”, 119 lbs. Not surpsingly music is a big part of her workout. Taylor says that for her, jogging “is all about blasting a whole bunch of new songs and running to the beat.”

3. Brandi Glanville

Brandi glanville real housewives of beverly hills season six pre

“To the haters calling me fat – I’m 5’10” 126 lbs,” Brandi recently tweeted. “I’ve had 2 kids I’m 42 I try & workout 3 times a wk – I LOVE 2 cook & eat! I applaud your perfection!”

4. Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel radcliffe parties

Dan-Rad weighs in at a scant 115 pounds. That may sound frighentingly thin, but it’s important to remember that the former Harry Potter star is only 5’5″. Someone hit this man with a growthius hormonius spell!

5. Johnny Depp

Amber heard and johnny depp 27th annual palm springs internation

Officially, Johnny is 5’9″, 160 lbs. However, many fans have noticed that the actor appears to have put on weight in recent months, and some say he’s not as tall as he claims.

6. Kris Jenner

Kris jenner at daytime emmys

At 60, Kris rocks a svelte figure at 5’6″, 145 lbs. She credits her physique to “working out as much as possible,” and she says she often sets her alarm as early as 4:30 am to get in a jog.

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