Showing posts with label Transformations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Transformations. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

25 Amazing Celebrity Transformations: Weigh These Issues!

As previously documented, there are a number of celebrities out there who need to eat some pie. They are way too skinny.

But there are also quite a number of stars out there who stopped eating pie. And, as a result, they have dropped a significant amount of weight.

Admire their impressive transformations, along their new, svelte figure, below…

1. June Shannon

June shannon at glaad awards

Click her name above to see what an incredible transformation has taken place when it comes to Honey Boo Boo’s controversial mother. WOW!

2. Rob Kardashian

Rob kardashian

The reality star got very fat… then started dating Blac Chyna… and then lost a lot of weight. He shared these before-and-after photos on Instagram in May of 2016.

3. Ricky Gervais

Ricky gervais

You don’t need to ask Ricky Gervais to show off his new body. He’ll just go ahead and do it for you.

4. Jonah Hill

Jonah hill

What’s more amazing: That Jonah Hill was the fat kid in Superbad? Or that Jonah Hill has been nominated for two Academy Awards?

5. Chris Pratt

Chris pratt

Chris Pratt will always be the fat and lovable Andy Dwyer from Parks and Recreation to some. But the actor has left those days far behind him.

6. Seth Rogen

Seth rogen

Like his friend Jonah Hill, Seth Rogen started his career as the overweight star of a major comedy (Knocked Up), but he’s since lost many pounds while remaining just as funny.

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Monday, January 11, 2016

10 Stunning Star Transformations: From THAT to THIS?!?

This just in:

Your favorite star did not always look like a million bucks.

Old Clooney

It’s true.

You may not know it to toggle through the Instagram account of Kim Kardashian or Rihanna, for example, but even today’s most glamorous and sexy stars did not always look so glamorous and sexy.

Chalk it up to puberty or better fashion choices as the years went on or to a glam squad that earns every penny it makes.

But you’d be stunned at the transformations undergone by some of the A-List movie, TV and music stars out there.

We’ve documented some of them in the photo gallery above, but what if we were to go back even farther in time?

What if we were to show you 10 pictures of some major Hollywood names… long before they actually became major Hollywood names?

How many could you identity right off the bat?

Take this challenge below.

Take a close look at a variety of celebrities from way back in their day and then click on the images to see what they look like now.

It’s time to test your Tinseltown knowledge. Good luck!