Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Javi Marroquin is Being Deployed by the Air Force

There’s more going on in Javi Marroquin’s life than being a father and banging Briana DeJesus

Javi is being deployed by the United States Air Force.

That’s hard news for anyone, but especially for a parent. And, given Javi’s history, he has to worry about whether his relationship with Briana will survive.

Javi Marroquin spoke about his deployment to RadarOnline.

And it sounds like he was really blindsided.

“I wasn’t expecting this at all.”

Of course, the possibility of being deployed again is a reality with which many military families live. But that doesn’t make it any easier.

It sounds like the news has Javi scrambling.

“I’m trying to put everything together.”

Remember, he’s a father. No matter how good at coparenting he might (sometimes) be, Javi has to think about his role as a father. Just knowing that Kailyn is a good, loving mother won’t make him miss Lincoln any less.

Quite frankly, Javi also needs to worry about how he’ll handle being deployed again.

But Javi tells RadarOnline that he has a real lifeline and source of comfort and stability this time around:

Briana DeJesus.

“She’s what’s keeping me together right now,” he says.

That’s some hefty praise.

Even before speaking to RadarOnline, Javi let his social media followers know that he was being deployed again by the USAF.

First, Javi shared a Snapchat photo of Wendy’s.

He wrote:

“Eating whatever I want ‘cause I’ll be missing this soon. #depressed”

That could mean different things from different people — some people have “cheat days” that almost amount to binge eating.

Coming from Javi, though, it sounded like the Air Force had come calling.

And then he made it abundantly clear:

He shared a document of “reporting instructions,” and wrote “deja vu.”

Of course, Javi’s relationships don’t have the best track record when it comes to his deployments.

He returned home from Qatar hoping to talk things out with Kailyn, as we’re sure that you recall.

Instead, he found that she’d already moved on.

While that’s totally her right (and they’d been fighting all of the time; honestly, any couple that’s quarreling that often doesn’t need to be together), we know that it had to be crushing for Javi.

He and Kailyn Lowry are doing well with coparenting, mostly. (It might help if they didn’t get into social media arguments)

But will his relatively new relationship with Briana DeJesus survive while he’s away?

Well … we don’t know.

Sometimes, absence makes the heart grow fonder. You see someone return and you know how much you love them.

Sometimes, there’s an out-of-sight, out-of-mind element.

Javi’s relationship with Briana is fundamentally different than his relationship with Kailyn. Briana and Kail are different people.

And, as we said, his relationship with Briana is much newer. With Kailyn, they were past the honeymoon phase and definitely living in the real world and dealing with real struggles.

Still, there’s no telling how their relationship will turn out.

We won’t waste our hopes on that (one way or the other). We’ll just hope that Javi Marroquin stays safe while he’s deployed. We don’t want Lincoln to lose his father.
