Showing posts with label Deployed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deployed. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Javi Marroquin: Is He Lying About Being Deployed?!

Earlier this month, we learned that Javi Marroquin will soon be deployed for a second tour of duty with the United States Air Force.

Now, however, a prominent member of the Teen Mom 2 family is suggesting that Marroquin is being less than honest and playing up the possibility of deployment as a means of garnering attention and sympathy.

Javi is currently dating Briana DeJesus, and it seems Bri’s cantankerous mother, Roxanne, is not a supporter of the relationship.

According to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup, Roxanne recently implied that Javi is lying about shipping out on another tour of duty.

“How many times can you say ‘I’m being deployed’ and not get deployed,” she wrote in a since-deleted tweet.

“Stop using deployment as a tool for sympathy. But it’s a good storyline… GTFOH.”

The idea of Javi misleading fans in such a brazen fashion may sound absurd, but this isn’t the first time he’s been accused of being less than honest with regard to his service.

This also isn’t the first indication that Javi is strongly disliked by his girlfriend’s family:

In the clip above, Briana’s sister, Brittany DeJesus, makes her feelings about Javi quite clear.

At one point, Brittany refers to Marroquin as her sister’s “raggedy-ass” boyfriend.

When asked by a follower if likes Javi, Brittany replies, “Is that a joke?”

The clip was posted shortly after Brittany unfollowed Javi on Instagram.

Brittany and Briana both have yet to comment on their mother’s accusations, but TM2 fans are abuzz, many of them wondering why Javi would be dishonest about his deployment.

As several have pointed out, Marroquin has a history of lying in order to raise his public profile.

In fact, Kailyn Lowry says her relationship with Javi began under false pretenses.

It seems that when they met at a Delaware mall several years ago, Javi pretended not to know who Kailyn was, despite the fact that she’d already gained a modicum of fame as an MTV reality star.

Kail says it wasn’t until several years later that she realized Javi had misled her.

She now believes he married her in large part for the notoriety that he knew would come with the relationship.

Javi has yet to comment on those accusations, but needless to say, if they’re accurate, then it seems he’s not the kind of guy to be held back by his scruples, and Roxanne’s allegations become all the more plausible.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more from Javi’s checkered past.


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Javi Marroquin is Being Deployed by the Air Force

There’s more going on in Javi Marroquin’s life than being a father and banging Briana DeJesus

Javi is being deployed by the United States Air Force.

That’s hard news for anyone, but especially for a parent. And, given Javi’s history, he has to worry about whether his relationship with Briana will survive.

Javi Marroquin spoke about his deployment to RadarOnline.

And it sounds like he was really blindsided.

“I wasn’t expecting this at all.”

Of course, the possibility of being deployed again is a reality with which many military families live. But that doesn’t make it any easier.

It sounds like the news has Javi scrambling.

“I’m trying to put everything together.”

Remember, he’s a father. No matter how good at coparenting he might (sometimes) be, Javi has to think about his role as a father. Just knowing that Kailyn is a good, loving mother won’t make him miss Lincoln any less.

Quite frankly, Javi also needs to worry about how he’ll handle being deployed again.

But Javi tells RadarOnline that he has a real lifeline and source of comfort and stability this time around:

Briana DeJesus.

“She’s what’s keeping me together right now,” he says.

That’s some hefty praise.

Even before speaking to RadarOnline, Javi let his social media followers know that he was being deployed again by the USAF.

First, Javi shared a Snapchat photo of Wendy’s.

He wrote:

“Eating whatever I want ‘cause I’ll be missing this soon. #depressed”

That could mean different things from different people — some people have “cheat days” that almost amount to binge eating.

Coming from Javi, though, it sounded like the Air Force had come calling.

And then he made it abundantly clear:

He shared a document of “reporting instructions,” and wrote “deja vu.”

Of course, Javi’s relationships don’t have the best track record when it comes to his deployments.

He returned home from Qatar hoping to talk things out with Kailyn, as we’re sure that you recall.

Instead, he found that she’d already moved on.

While that’s totally her right (and they’d been fighting all of the time; honestly, any couple that’s quarreling that often doesn’t need to be together), we know that it had to be crushing for Javi.

He and Kailyn Lowry are doing well with coparenting, mostly. (It might help if they didn’t get into social media arguments)

But will his relatively new relationship with Briana DeJesus survive while he’s away?

Well … we don’t know.

Sometimes, absence makes the heart grow fonder. You see someone return and you know how much you love them.

Sometimes, there’s an out-of-sight, out-of-mind element.

Javi’s relationship with Briana is fundamentally different than his relationship with Kailyn. Briana and Kail are different people.

And, as we said, his relationship with Briana is much newer. With Kailyn, they were past the honeymoon phase and definitely living in the real world and dealing with real struggles.

Still, there’s no telling how their relationship will turn out.

We won’t waste our hopes on that (one way or the other). We’ll just hope that Javi Marroquin stays safe while he’s deployed. We don’t want Lincoln to lose his father.


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Javi Marroquin: Is He Being Deployed Again Soon?!

If you watch Teen Mom 2, and/or if you keep up with the cast on social media, you know that Javi Marroquin’s life has been a bit of a roller coaster ride for a long time now.

And honestly, it doesn’t seem like a fun roller coaster, either.

In January of 2016, he was deployed by the Air Force, and he spent around six month overseas.

During that time, his marriage to Kailyn Lowry fell apart — or finished falling apart, rather. She filed for divorce and was rumored to be seeing other men while he was gone.

So conveniently, when his deployment was over last summer, he was forced to come home and find another place to live.

There were a dark few months in there where he was really hurting over the divorce — and where he felt the need to break into Kailyn’s house.

And then, before the divorce was official, she got pregnant with another man’s child.

Since then, Javi’s been in a few relationships, and he always seems to move extremely fast, which, you know, isn’t great.

It’s all really, really messy, and also very emotional, we’re sure.

And, as we learned on Monday night’s season premiere of Teen Mom 2, his life could be turning upside down yet again.

As we saw in a Skype conversation between Javi and Kailyn, there’s a chance he could be deployed again, and soon.

“It’s between me and another guy,” he explained to her.

“He’s going through family stuff and he doesn’t want to take it. I just got home so I don’t want to take it.”

Remember, this would have been filmed late last year, so really just a few months after he got home. It’s understandable why he’d be upset about it.

Kailyn, with her usual warmth and compassion, replied with “I don’t know what to say.”

So Javi let her off the hook, literally: he ended the call and had a well-deserved cry.

Adorably, little Lincoln and Isaac tried to comfort him with hugs and snuggles, and Javi told them “I might have to go back. I might have to fight the bad guys.”

Heartbreaking, right?

But, as he explained in an Instagram live video, he got to stay home — and he’ll get to stay home for the foreseeable future.

“I do not have to leave anymore,” he announced. “That whole situation got canceled. Everyone lucked out.”

“I’m home for quite some time,” he added. “Hopefully I don’t have to leave anytime soon.”

That’s a lucky break for a number of reasons.

One, we all saw in previous episodes how difficult it was for Javi to leave his family for months at a time. He’s always been very emotional about it.

Two, apparently he met his soulmate, Lauren Comeau, about a week ago, so he’ll want to stick around for that.

And three, Kailyn is all set to have her third baby any minute now, and since her third baby daddy is widely reported to be out of the picture, her other two will probably have to step up while she gets settled.

See what we mean about the roller coaster ride?


Saturday, April 1, 2017

"Final Four" Prostitutes Targeted In PHX -- Task Force Deployed

Hooker activity is on the rise in Phoenix during Final Four weekend — but cops tell TMZ Sports they’ve created a special task force looking to bust anyone trying to pay cash for ass. 
