Showing posts with label Botox. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Botox. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Ben Affleck to Lindsay Shookus: You Need a Makeover & Botox!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Ben Affleck is dating Lindsay Shookus, a Saturday Night Live producer whom he reportedly met while rehearsing one of his appearances on the show.

(There are conflicting reports about how long Affleck and Shookus have been dating, and the fact that Ben’s made several appearances on SNL over the years makes it difficult to pin down an exact date.)

Now, Lindsay is in the industry, but she works behind the camera.

So she probably doesn’t indulge in the sort of vanity we expect from people who drive around with trunks full of head shots at all times.

(Read: every single human living or working in Hollywood.)

Lindsay is from Buffalo, which means she was likely raised on a steady diet of chicken wings, Canadian beer, seasonal affective disorder, and football-related depression.

And though Ben still dusts off his Bah-ston accent for the occasional Dennis Lehane adaptation, he’s been in Hollywood for pretty much the entirety of his adult life, which means he probably cares more about climate than about important stuff like hating the Yankees.

Lindsay is an attractive woman by any standards, but she’s probably never had anything weird injected into her face for the purpose of plumping something that’s not as plump as she’d like it to be.

And if the rumors are to be believes (a big “if,” as always), that just doesn’t fly in Ben’s world.

One insider tells Radar Online that the actor feels Lindsay has not quite at the “Ben Affleck arm candy” level of hotness.

“Ben takes his image incredibly seriously, and while he adores Lindsay he’s aware she’s not quite the glamour puss of say, Emily Ratajkowski or Blake Lively [two of his rumored former conquests whilst he was married to Jen Garner],” the source claims.

The insider adds that Ben “wants Lindsay to seize the moment and get herself a brand new wardrobe, even some fillers if necessary.”

“She’s totally smitten and dancing to his tune, so expect her to follow through and vamp up her image big time,” the insider adds

Seize the moment and make yourself hotter for me!

That might have been the sort of thing Ben could get away with saying before he got fired as Batman.

So we’ll know if this rumor is true if Affleck steps out rocking a massive shiner sometime this week.


Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Snooki Gets Botox, Shares Painful Experience On Snapchat

No one asked, but Snooki recorded her Botox procedure on Snapchat anyway.

And now, we can"t unsee it.

Nicole "Snookie" LaValle went back to Dr. Ratmin Kassir for a lip perk-up and some Botox, according to Fishwrapper.

"Today I"m getting needles in my face," Snooki told viewers.  "Getting my first Botox in my forehead. And I"m doing a little plump in my lips, too.

Snooki first turned to the needle last August, because she wasn"t happy with her pout.

"I"ve always hated my thin lips and never thought I had the balls to get needles in my lip to perfect them but I did!" the Jersey Shore alum posted to Instagram, hoping to inspire others who are too afraid (or too poor) to get fillers.

"First session of lip plumps and it"s just fabulous. Trust me girls, I was terrified to get my first "procedure" ever done, but it wasn"t terrible at all! And I hate needles! I love my "natural beauty," but being able to enhance my lips to make me feel better about myself is life."

If you are thinking about getting your lips perked up, keep it mind that it requires upkeep.

"I had to go a couple times because you can’t just plump them up huge the first time," Snooki told toofab. "This is it. This is all I wanna do, a nice little plump, a nice top lip.

"I’m not gonna go any bigger. [But] obviously you have to keep going because they’re gonna shrink."

PS, she could also give two hoots about what you think, because their her lips, damn it, and she"ll plump if she wants to.

"I honestly don"t care what people say about me because they don"t know me.

"I always say I"m not living for them, I"m living for myself. People talk, that"s just our nature. People are a**holes, so you just gotta deal with it."

I never thought it was possible to experience pain by watching something, but I all of a sudden have a tremendous headache.

Snooki gets botox shares painful experience on snapchat

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Farrah Abraham: Botox Disaster Captured on Snapchat?!

Farrah Abraham is single and very much ready to mingle.

We know this not only because she’s employed the services of matchmaker Patti Stanger, but also because she’s going to great lengths to look her best these days:

Unfortunately, as you can see, those efforts seem to have backfired.

When most folks get gussied up, they put on their Sunday best and maybe try out a new hairstyle.

Farrah, on the other hand, heads straight to the plastic surgeon’s (probably the top number on her recent calls list) and spends a few grand on procedures.

As you can see from the pic above, she often meets with mixed results.

If you’re a fan (or just one of the many who can’t look away from the baffling trainwreck that is her life), you know that Farrah is no stranger to plastic surgery.

In fact, this isn’t even the first time she’s experienced an epic facial fail.

You may recall Farrah’s lip injection debacle from earlier this year. 

Following that unfortunate incident, the Teen Mom star posted pics as a caution to fans.

But did she follow her own advice and stop tinkering with her features?

Hell no!

Of course, this time it seems she posted the unfortunate results without realizing there was something askew about her face.

But it doesn’t matter.

Farrah and plastic surgery will always be a match made in heaven.

In fact, why is she even looking for a man?

She’s already in love with both herself, and constantly changing herself.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Bethenny Frankel: Totally Changed Her Face by Getting Botox WHERE?

You may have noticed over the years that Bethenny Frankel"s face has changed.

Not drastically or anything – she still essentially looks the same, but there"s a subtle difference.

Take a look at her jawline.

The photo on the left was taken this year while the pic on the right was from 2012. 

Her jawline is noticeably slimmer, and the Real Housewives of New York alum now reveals why.

In an interview with Daily Mail, she says she gets Botox injections in her jaw, which has completely altered the shape of her face.

"I do look different. I"ve had Botox in my jaw," she told the publication. "You can see that my jaw has completely changed."

She explained that she"s been grinding her teeth for years, and the constant workout caused her jaw muscles to clench and enlarge.

Frankel said she wore a night guard to alleviate symptoms, but it wasn"t until she started the Botox that she noticed her muscles really started to relax, causing the marked change in her face.

"About three years ago, my dermatologist said to me, why don"t we try injecting your jaw because it’s so tense," she said. 

"My jaw from grinding for so many years was like this," she explained, making a tight fist. "It’s like a muscle, it’s like working out with weights." 

The Skinnygirl entrepreneur is "excited" about her new look, saying she was able to cut her hair into a bob because of it.

However, she emphatically denied rumors that she"s had invasive plastic surgery, admitting only occasional Botox on other areas of her face. She has also been open about her boob job in the past.

The star recently shared a photo of herself in a bikini, flaunting an insanely toned physique.

Whatever she"s doing, she looks incredible.

Bethenny frankel totally changed her face by getting botox where

Friday, April 29, 2016

Melania Trump Denies Boob Job Rumors: I Don"t Even Do Botox!

It’s tough to make sense of Melania Trump.

She’s an immigrant who’s married to a man who doesn’t care for immigrants; she’s a veteran model whose best-known work is her role as a sexy duck in an Aflac commercial, and she lives in a house with more gold plating than Liberace’s casket, but she’s an outspoken critic of our status- and appearance-obsessed culture.

Melania is the subject of a controversial profile in the new issue of GQ, which has somehow managed to piss off people on both ends of the political spectrum.

In the piece, the possible First-Lady-to-be discusses everything from her son, Barron – whom she creepily calls “Little Donald” – to her modeling career, which the magazine suggests wasn’t as lucrative as the Donald has made it out to be.

At one point, a former friend recounts a period during which Melania was struggling financially due to her difficulty finding work in the US:

“She went away for a two-week vacation, then came back, and was more…buxom,” the source says. “She admitted it to me. She just said it needed to be done to get more lingerie jobs.”

When the author of the piece broaches the topic with Melania, Mrs. Trump denies ever having any work done:

“I didn’t make any changes,” she says.

“A lot of people say I am using all the procedures for my face. I didn’t do anything. I live a healthy life, I take care of my skin and my body.

“I’m against Botox, I’m against injections; I think it’s damaging your face, damaging your nerves. It’s all me. I will age gracefully, as my mom does.”

Not surprisingly, Melania took to social media yesterday to decry the article as a baseless hit piece:

“The article published in GQ today is yet another example of the dishonest media and their disingenuous reporting,” Melania wrote in a lengthy rant on her Facebook page.

Well, we might never know what she’s been doing to her skin, but we do know that it’s every bit as thin as her husband’s.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Kim Zolciak: Throws Botox Parties for Daughter Brielle???

We knew that Frozen was popular with the kids these days, but we didn’t think that applied to their faces. 

Kim Zolciak was accused by In Touch of throwing Botox “injection parties” every few months for her daughter Brielle, who just turned 19 yesterday.

“She likes to make it a fun event for the girls, so she always foots the bill,” a source told the magazine. “She doesn’t want Brielle to go overboard, so she says this is her way of keeping it under control.”

Naturally, everyone kinda freaked out – including Kim.

She went on record and debunked the rumor right away, telling E! News that it was completely untrue.

“I have never had a Botox party for my daughter nor would I ever let a plastic surgeon touch her face…” said Kim.

But wait, there’s more to that sentence:

“…in Atlanta.”

Ooooh, that’s a pretty big burn to the Hollywood of the South.

“The only thing Brielle has had done is her lips and that was by Dr. Simon Ourian in Beverly Hills,” clarified The Real Housewives of Atlanta star.

So, Botox in Atlanta, HELL NO, but fillers in Bev Hills, TOTES COOL!

Glad we cleared that up.

Naturally Brielle needs lip fillers, because otherwise how would the mom and daughter team post double duckface selfies like the one above?

Kim was open about getting Botox for herself, stating that she started the injections at age 25 for migraines.

The mom of six also confessed to having a tummy tuck in 2014, but that doesn’t stop her from waist training with Brielle.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Kim Kardashian Confronts Khloe on Botox "Your Whole Face Has Changed!"

Of all the people to give Khloe Kardashian a hard time about having work done to her face…

In the clip from Keeping Up With the Kardashians below, Kim Kardashian, sitting with sister Kourtney and friend Jonathan Cheban, confronts her sister Khloe over the phone, asking her if she"s had Botox or fillers.

"Your whole face has changed," Kim tells her younger sister. "Did you do any fillers?" 

"No, I haven"t!" exclaims Khloe.

"You haven"t done any Botox?"


However, the three aren"t buying it.

"Khloe, your whole face changes when you laugh. It"s like, I stare at you," continues Kim.

"No way! But you guys, I think it"s "cause like I"m forcing a fake laugh," Khloe tries to explain. 

Kourtney then pulls up a photo on her phone of their younger sister laughing, and the trio cackle wickedly at at Khloe"s expense.

Ummm… Do we all see the irony here? 

Granted, Khloe"s look has drastically changed over the years, but so has Kim"s.

In fact, the Kardashians and Jenners could easily be the poster family for plastic surgery. Amy Schumer once referred to them as "a whole family of women that take the faces they were born with as a light suggestion."

Kim owned up to getting Botox years ago and she"s been accused of having "frozen face" by many fans. Kourtney has never admitted to getting work done on her face, but has been very open about her boob job.

So why would they throw their sister under the bus like this? (Hint: ratings.) 

Watch below:

Kim kardashian konfronts khloe on botox your whole face has chan

Monday, January 25, 2016

Camilla Makes The Queen Try Botox, Gets "Banished" From The Palace!

I can’t.  I literally CANNOT.

A few of you know that I dabble in royal studies, so I’d like to think I’m a credible source when it comes to separating fact from fiction.

The stories on Celebrity Dirty Laundry never disappointment it when it comes to outrageous rumors, to the point where I think, “Wow.  You guys should write for The Royals.”

Today I came across a story that involved the Queen, the Duchess of Cornwall and Botox.  What a trio!

According to CDL, Camilla is such a fan of Botox that she convinced Her Majesty, who will turn 90 in April, to give it a go.

This is a sovereign who, if feeling ill, will pop two Tylenol and take a brisk walk in the Scottish Highlands instead of a nap.  Volunteering for a Botox injection doesn’t sound like something the Queen would be keen on.

It’s alleged that both Camilla and the Duchess of Cambridge pop round to Dr. Feel Good every now and then to smooth out their wrinkles.

A source claims that “Duchess Camilla believed that passing along this information to Queen Elizabeth would be a great way to claw her way back into Queen Elizabeth’s good graces.”

It appears that Camilla informed the Queen that Botox had “virtually no side effects,” so Her Majesty “ordered the Royal dermatologist” to the palace, who administered a needle here and there over a six-month period.

Well, thanks to Camilla’s helpful advice, Her Majesty can “barely move her jaw to speak. Now, it’s also difficult for [Queen Elizabeth] to chew food. And smiling is out of the question.”

Camilla’s punishment?  “Banished from Buckingham Palace.”

Catherine is reportedly furious at Camilla for causing her granny-in-law pain, but is also psyched because it puts her ahead of Camilla in the non-existent popularity contest.

While I have no idea if Camilla and Catherine get Botox injections, I can’t imagine that the Queen would be convinced to give it a go.  

Her Majesty is not a vain woman, and never has been.  She does her own hair and makeup, was brought up in an era of austerity, and gets countless wears out of her outfits.

Both Camilla and Catherine do get facials from Heaven Skincare founder, Deborah Mitchell, creator of the famous “bee venom mask” that works as a natural face-lift by tightening and cleaning the skin.

Mitchell has called Camilla the “kindest, kindest person.”

Beyond that, it’s anyone’s guess how both royal women treat their face.