Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Ben Affleck to Lindsay Shookus: You Need a Makeover & Botox!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Ben Affleck is dating Lindsay Shookus, a Saturday Night Live producer whom he reportedly met while rehearsing one of his appearances on the show.

(There are conflicting reports about how long Affleck and Shookus have been dating, and the fact that Ben’s made several appearances on SNL over the years makes it difficult to pin down an exact date.)

Now, Lindsay is in the industry, but she works behind the camera.

So she probably doesn’t indulge in the sort of vanity we expect from people who drive around with trunks full of head shots at all times.

(Read: every single human living or working in Hollywood.)

Lindsay is from Buffalo, which means she was likely raised on a steady diet of chicken wings, Canadian beer, seasonal affective disorder, and football-related depression.

And though Ben still dusts off his Bah-ston accent for the occasional Dennis Lehane adaptation, he’s been in Hollywood for pretty much the entirety of his adult life, which means he probably cares more about climate than about important stuff like hating the Yankees.

Lindsay is an attractive woman by any standards, but she’s probably never had anything weird injected into her face for the purpose of plumping something that’s not as plump as she’d like it to be.

And if the rumors are to be believes (a big “if,” as always), that just doesn’t fly in Ben’s world.

One insider tells Radar Online that the actor feels Lindsay has not quite at the “Ben Affleck arm candy” level of hotness.

“Ben takes his image incredibly seriously, and while he adores Lindsay he’s aware she’s not quite the glamour puss of say, Emily Ratajkowski or Blake Lively [two of his rumored former conquests whilst he was married to Jen Garner],” the source claims.

The insider adds that Ben “wants Lindsay to seize the moment and get herself a brand new wardrobe, even some fillers if necessary.”

“She’s totally smitten and dancing to his tune, so expect her to follow through and vamp up her image big time,” the insider adds

Seize the moment and make yourself hotter for me!

That might have been the sort of thing Ben could get away with saying before he got fired as Batman.

So we’ll know if this rumor is true if Affleck steps out rocking a massive shiner sometime this week.
