Thursday, May 19, 2016

Bethenny Frankel: Totally Changed Her Face by Getting Botox WHERE?

You may have noticed over the years that Bethenny Frankel"s face has changed.

Not drastically or anything – she still essentially looks the same, but there"s a subtle difference.

Take a look at her jawline.

The photo on the left was taken this year while the pic on the right was from 2012. 

Her jawline is noticeably slimmer, and the Real Housewives of New York alum now reveals why.

In an interview with Daily Mail, she says she gets Botox injections in her jaw, which has completely altered the shape of her face.

"I do look different. I"ve had Botox in my jaw," she told the publication. "You can see that my jaw has completely changed."

She explained that she"s been grinding her teeth for years, and the constant workout caused her jaw muscles to clench and enlarge.

Frankel said she wore a night guard to alleviate symptoms, but it wasn"t until she started the Botox that she noticed her muscles really started to relax, causing the marked change in her face.

"About three years ago, my dermatologist said to me, why don"t we try injecting your jaw because it’s so tense," she said. 

"My jaw from grinding for so many years was like this," she explained, making a tight fist. "It’s like a muscle, it’s like working out with weights." 

The Skinnygirl entrepreneur is "excited" about her new look, saying she was able to cut her hair into a bob because of it.

However, she emphatically denied rumors that she"s had invasive plastic surgery, admitting only occasional Botox on other areas of her face. She has also been open about her boob job in the past.

The star recently shared a photo of herself in a bikini, flaunting an insanely toned physique.

Whatever she"s doing, she looks incredible.

Bethenny frankel totally changed her face by getting botox where