Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Kim Kardashian: Baby No Longer Breech After Painful Procedure

Kim Kardashian’s second pregnancy is turning out to be even more complicated and difficult than her first.

Last week, we learned that Kim’s baby is breech, meaning that he’s in the wrong position for delivery, and would likely require a C-section.

Yesterday, however, Kim revealed on her website that her baby is no longer breech following a painful and difficult procedure:

“This weekend, I checked into the hospital and underwent a procedure called an external cephalic version (ECV), which is done to manually turn the baby from a breech position to a head-down position,” Kim wrote.

In the article (hilariously titled “My Baby Boy is Turnt!”) Kim goes on to say that she was given an intravenous medication to relax her uterus while three doctors worked to re-position the fetus.

She was warned beforehand that there was a chance who water might break or that the baby’s heart rate would drop. Either scenario would have required an emergency C-section.

Thankfully, everything went according to plan, and Kim says she’s currently resting comfortably at home.

Obviously, the best news here is that the baby is no longer breech, and Kim will now hopefully have her choice of delivery methods.

But as a bonus, this should put a rest to those rumors that Kim is faking her pregnancy problems