Thursday, May 19, 2016

Jimmy Fallon to Admit to Drinking Problem in New Memoir?

For whatever reason, late night hosts generally don’t find their names mentioned in celebrity gossip circles very often.

Maybe it’s because every single one that currently occupies a network time slot is a middle-aged family man.

Maybe it’s because the work ethic required to reach such a lofty point in one’s career doesn’t jibe with a hard-partying lifestyle.

Whatever the case, Jimmy Fallon has become the exception to one of television’s most longest-standing rules in recent months.

It all started when Fallon severely injured his hand twice in less than five months. 

The second incident occurred when the Tonight Show host fell while holding a bottle of Jagermeister at a party:

Shortly thereafter, the 41-year-old chipped his tooth in an accident at home.

For obvious reasons, the succession of strange mishaps has raised concerns about Fallon’s drinking habits.

NBC execs issued a statement claiming that they weren’t concerned about Fallon’s alleged binges, but insiders have insisted that there’s been an ongoing effort to keep his boozing under wraps since well before the beloved comic took over for Jay Leno at 11:30.

“It’s gone from being a whisper to a chatter,” says one industry insider when asked about the rumors of Fallon’s heavy boozing.

“He’s a mess” confirms a Manhattan bartender who claims Fallon’s been a regular customer of hers for several years. “Everything you’ve heard [about his behavior] is true.”

Now, sources claim that Fallon has been offered a staggering sum (some say as high as $ 15 million) to pen a memoir.

And there are additional reports that Jimmy will take the opportunity to finally come clean about his boozing habits.

Friends of Fallon’s who prefer to remain anonymous say that he plans to confirm that he occasionally gets out of hand while partying, but firmly believes that he is not an alcoholic, as he abstains for long periods of time.

Some would argue that if Fallon frequently injures himself while drinking, then it’s clear that he does have a problem, but hopefully those folks will withhold judgment – at least until Jimmy gets to tell his side of the story.