Showing posts with label Groupie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Groupie. Show all posts

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Lamar Odom: James Harden Was Just a Kardashian GROUPIE!

Nice to see Lamar Odom isn’t afraid to take some parting shots at Khloe Kardashian’s ex James Harden now that he’s out of the picture.

Khlomar and James Harden

As we previously reported, Khloe dumped James for cheating on her, putting the NBA superstar on blast publicly for straying to boot.

Odom, who is still married to Khloe (and who cheated on her rather rampantly himself in 2013) cannot hide his delight over the split.

According to Lamar, the Houston Rockets player was nothing but a “groupie” and Harden’s “cheating doesn’t surprise [him]” whatsoever.

Says a source close to Odom in the wake of the breakup:

“He only wanted to get with Khloe so he could date a famous woman. He was using her name to gain fame in the entertainment world.”

“To be in the blogs and to be invited to some of the hottest places in LA … the NBA didn’t get him poppin’ and on the scene, Khloe did.”

“He was one of her groupies. Lamar knew that all along.”

Harden was pissed that Kardashian called him out on Kocktails With Khloe, and we’re guessing he won’t take kindly to this diss either.

Calling someone a groupie is usually not a compliment.

As for relations between Khloe and Lamar, no one ever seems to have a clear read on what’s going on in their tumultuous relationship.

This is, after all, a couple that was about to divorce for very good reasons until he OD’d in a Vegas-area brothel and she called it off.

Then, perplexingly, they did not reconcile and she continued to date Harden … only to dump him and say she’d remarry Odom one day.

Probably not if reports of Lamar Odom spying on her are true, but the odds of Khlomar living happily ever after have improved at least.

Still a long shot, for sure, but modestly improved odds.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Justin Bieber: Cops Called to Hotel After Groupie Freaks Out!

These days, Justin Bieber loves apologizing, and he’s clearly intent on rebuilding his badly damaged reputation.

What the  singer doesn’t understand, however, is that actions speak louder than words, and as long as he’s having run-ins with the law on tour, everyone’s gonna assume he’s just the same old Biebs:

The Daily Mail is reporting today that police were called to Bieber’s hotel room early this morning after one of the young women he invited up to his room freaked out for reasons that remain unclear.

“After fooling around in his hotel room one of the girls had an almighty meltdown,” a source tells the tabloid. “She stormed down to reception in no shoes and made a right scene just after 6 am.

“She was saying, ‘Where’s my friend? I’ll call the police!’ She’d clearly enjoyed the night a bit too much and eventually did call the cops.”

London police confirmed that they did respond to a call at Justin’s hotel this morning, but they would not reveal whether they paid a visit to Justin’s room.

Fortunately, no charges were pressed, and the cops left without incident, so we guess Bieber won’t have to sing “Sorry” this time. 

But that doesn’t mean there won’t be repercussions for the Biebs. 

If the man is serious about winning Selena Gomez back, inviting random groupies back to his hotel doesn’t seem like the way to go about it.