Friday, February 10, 2017

Prince Harry: Waiting on Queen"s Permission to Propose to Meghan Markle?

Pretty much from the time we learned that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are dating, rumors about the two of them getting hitched have been circulating on social media non-stop.

Obviously, the talk of Harry and Meghan getting engaged is a bit premature, but it’s not hard to see how fans of the couple might have gotten the idea that they’re moving at breakneck speed.

After all, Harry has never seemed this committed before.

In fact, there may be just one thing holding him back from popping the question – a law, and a beloved monarch.

Yes, according to People magazine, conditions first laid out in the Royal Marriages Act of 1772 require Harry and Meghan to seek Queen Elizabeth II’s permission before they can wed.

The restrictions have been eased considerably over the years, but as anyone who’s watched The Crown knows, the Queen pretty much has the final say on marriages involving members of her family.

It’s an old-school tradition, but the royals are an old school lot.

It’s unlikely that the Queen would veto the union, and if for some bizarre reason she did, Harry would probably just renounce his title and marry her anyway.

But as long as he’s prince, Harry is fifth in line to the thrown (behind Prince George and Princess Charlotte, which must sting a bit), which means he’s expected to ask for the Queen’s permission before he puts a ring on Meghan’s finger.

It’s more custom than requirement these days, but experts say it’s a tradition that Harry will almost certainly observe.

Interestingly, the magazine’s sources say that it looks as though Meghan has yet to meet the Queen, so we guess the engagement isn’t as much of a done deal as some folks seem to believe.

The situation begs the question – has she goggled Meghan?

Does the queen google?

Has she been asking Buckingham Palace staff about Suits only to find that it’s only watched by a total of 18 trailer park residents, all scattered throughout different flyover states?

Hey, it wouldn’t be a MegMar article if we didn’t sneak in a joke about how no one watches Suits.

You know we love you, girl.
