Friday, November 13, 2015

Grey"s Anatomy Season 12 Episode 7 Recap: What"s the Beef?

Good news for Penny on Grey’s Anatomy Season 12 Episode 7:

She’s no longer the most hated doctor in Seattle!

Nathan took over that (dis)honor tonight, as fans discovered just what issue Owen has with the new surgeon in town.

We opened this installment with Meredith learning that a longtime patient only has a chance to survive if he has a skull transplant. Yes, a skull transplant, according to Jo.

Meredith was told off by Callie for sidelining Penny for this procedure, though Penny gets props for telling Callie to stop “embarrassing” her and to just stay out of it.

Penny did then tell Meredith that Callie was on point: either teach her or cut her loose. Don’t mess with her career.

Fresh off that confrontation, Meredith permitted Penny step up and observe in the OR, irritating Jo in the process. Fortunately, after Wilson blew up at Penny, Stephanie asked Pierce out for a drink.

Now, let’s get to Nathan: Owen was peeved that someone gave him privileges at the hospital. Who had given him these privileges?!?

Turns out, Maggie sort of had because Bailey hired Nathan to work under her… without informing Maggie of this fact.

Owen truly couldn’t handle the presence of his nemesis, who we saw have what appeared to be a PTSD-inspired incident at one point.

In the end, though, Maggie used an approach recommend to her by Nathan to save a patient’s life. So might they make a good team after all?

Toward the end of the episode, Owen blew up at Bailey for hiring Nathan (“It was thoughtless and it was reckless…”) and then at Nathan himself.

We were then treated to a cute Meredith-Owen moment in which the former told the latter she promised Cristina she wouldn’t let Owen get “dark and twisty.”

She then agreed to hate Nathan just because Owen does.


  • Bailey told Ben to kick Jackson out or else she would not sleep with him. So Ben, naturally, did so… and we then saw that Jackson and April had sex!

  • Richard proved to be a great wingman to Arizona at a lesbian bar.

So there you have.

Remember that you can always watch Grey’s Anatomy online and check out a trailer for the midseason finale below: