Thursday, August 2, 2018

Bristol Palin: Yes, I"m Divorced, Okay?!?

Bristol Palin may be a new Teen Mom.

But she’s no longer a 27-year old wife.

The mother of three and the impending MTV star has confirmed that she has legally split from husband Dakota Meyer.

When a fan asked on her Instagram Stories page this week whether or not she was dating, Palin wrote back:

“Freshly divorced & single forever lezzbereal (I am not ready to date).”

She included these words and emphasized this status beside a photograph of her and her nine-year-old son Tripp at Disneyland.

The recently-hired Teen Mom OG cast member married Meyer in 2016 and they have two kids together, Sailor Grace, 2, and Atlee Bay, 14 months.

We first heard rumblings that the union was over in February of this year, but neither Palin nor Meyer had spoken out on the rumored break-up until this message.

Reports, meanwhile, now indicate that Meyer filed for divorce a few months ago, citing “discord or conflict of personalities” as the basis for his decision.

Despite this court filing, the estranged couple often posts family picture and snapshots of each other to their social media accounts; hence the speculation that they would reconcile or that they had reconciled.

But Bristol shot down both of these notions in her Wednesday evening Q&A on Instagram.

“Honestly (right this SECOND) no,” she replied when asked if she would get married again, adding:

“my focus is on God & my kids… a relationship/guy isn’t even close on my radar.”

Palin’s focus is also on raking in a $ 250,000 salary for a handful of Teen Mom OG episodes.

Indeed, fans of this series remain shocked that the daughter of ex-Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin will be screaming, yelling and crying each week just like future colleagues Amber, Catelynn and Maci have been doing for years.

Of course, this is not what Bristol and her famous mother claim Bristol will be doing.

Both are on record as saying Palin’s presence on Teen Mom OG will send some sort of positive message to other young mothers of multiple kids.

“I look forward to sharing my experiences and hope that I can help others on their journey,” Bristol said shortly after her casting was announced.

Sarah Palin, meanwhile, has shot down the idea that her child will be a “reality star,” insisting instead that Bristol will just be… a role model, we guess?

“Bristol’s gonna be a great messenger for overcoming a little bit of challenge and doing well in life,” Palin told TMZ.

“She sees this as a venue, a forum, for good [and] to help people in a hurting world… I encourage her doing this, I support her doing this and I’m proud of her.”

Yes, anchoring a reality program centered on feuds with baby daddies, co-stars and parents, while earning a six-fugure salary that you keep for yourself, is absolutely the way to help a hurting world.

God bless you and your noble career move, Bristol.

As for whether she would ever have more children down the line, Bristol told followers yesterday:

“I love babies, and love kids but I think I’m done having my own! I’d adopt if I was in the right place for sure.”

Elsewhere, other parents asked Bristol for advice when it came to raising their kids without a partner by their side, to which Palin wrote:

“Try your hardest, work hard, don’t search for someone to fill the emptiness you might feel by not being married.

“It gets easier, read good books, don’t dwell on the past, try to get along with your ex, just look at your kids and be THANKFUL!”
