Showing posts with label Felker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Felker. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Miranda Lambert DUMPS Evan Felker Because He "Broke Her Rules" (Report)

Well, folks, it’s late August, which means all over the country, summer romances are coming to a bittersweet end.

Most of the lovers parting ways this week are camp counselors who hooked up out of boredom or college students eager to hurry back to the campus meat market after three months of fitful sleep on some townies’ sweaty futon … but even celebrities aren’t immune to the rush of an ill-advised hot-weather fling.

So it was that Miranda Lambert and Evan Felker started dating, despite the pesky fact that he’s married to someone else.

But after months of tabloid headlines accusing Miranda of being a “homewrecker,” Lamber and Felker have officially called it quits.

News of the split comes courtesy of Miranda’s latest print interview, in which she copped to being newly single:

“Love is a hard road sometimes and it’s been a roller-coaster ride for me, but I’m definitely thankful for all the ups and downs because I’ve had some really good songs come out of it,” Lambert told The Tennessean.

“You’ve got to take the bad parts and put them on paper and then move on to the happy parts.”

Insiders confirmed the breakup, claiming that Felker had violated one of Lambert’s clearly-defined rules:

I don’t think it was a dramatic split, but he knew what he was ‘allowed’ to do based on her rules and he broke them,” one source tells People magazine.

“He did something that he knew she wasn’t going to approve of, she assumed he did it and he didn’t deny it.”

While it’s always sad when a relationship comes to an end, for Miranda this situation is more lining than dark cloud.

From the very start, her romance with Felker was a PR nightmare with claims that Lambert, largely due to the fact that Felker’s wife, Staci Nelson, refused to just quietly go away.

Instead, she shared her story with her ever-growing Instagram following, and Miranda didn’t exactly come away smelling like a rose.

Things seemed to come to a head earlier this month, when Nelson accused Lambert of stalking her.

It was also around that time that Felker and Nelson finalized their divorce.

“Staci very much believes in marriage and very much wanted hers to work,” says the source.

“Lucky for her, the breakup happened a few days after the legal process was over and she felt no obligation to take him back.”

We’re guessing Evan is currently wondering what he can do to win Staci back.

Good luck with that one, fella.


Monday, August 27, 2018

Miranda Lambert and Evan Felker: It"s Over!

Back in June, Miranda Lambert confessed that she is a homewrecker.

At the time, she was carrying on with another country singer, and their relationship had begun before he ever filed for divorce.

Now, they have split, and Miranda has confirmed that she is single … for now.

In an interview with The Tennessean, Miranda Lambert discusses love, heartbreak, and her current relationship status.

First of all, Miranda confirms that she is “happily single” at the moment.

That means that she and Evan Felker, who had a controversial romance that began earlier this year, are no longer a couple.

Miranda also speaks about romance and how it has impacted her.

“Love is a hard road sometimes,” Miranda shares. “And it’s been a roller-coaster ride for me.”

Despite the emotional hardship that comes from falling out of love, it sounds like Miranda wouldn’t change a thing — for a very practical reason.

“But,” Miranda continues. “I’m definitely thankful for all the ups and downs.”

She explains that she’s grateful “because I’ve had some really good songs come out of it.”

Hey, her music is her whole livelihood. That makes a lot of sense.

Needless to say, Miranda is far from the only singer to pour her love life into her music.

Miranda describes the process that she uses to deal with heartbreak and channel it into her art.

“You’ve got to take the bad parts,” she explains. “And put them on paper and then move on to the happy parts.”

That’s an astoundingly healthy attitude.

“Sometimes,” she admits. “The music is so honest that it’s like, ‘Oh, that kind of hurts a little,"”

But we can only imagine that this makes it more potent when her fans hear it.

“But, it’s good,” Miranda adds, to suffer a little at her own music.

She and others like her aim for their fans who listen to their music to understand that they are not alone, and for them to be able to process their own experiences using relatable music.

“We just want women to understand that we’re all doing the same thing,” Miranda says.

“We’re all just living our lives,” she explains. “And having the same struggles and the same joys and the same outlooks.”

That’s a powerful statement.

We can think of one woman who is grappling with recent heartbreak who probably won’t be listening to Miranda Lambert’s music to sob her way through it.

Back in April, Staci Felker called out Miranda Lambert for homewrecking, because she was carrying on with Staci’s husband, Evan Felker.

It was not until weeks later, in May, when Evan Felker filed for divorce.

Plenty of marriages come to an end long before divorce papers are filed … but many felt that the homewrecker label applied here.

Thta said, we should all keep in mind that Miranda did not kidnap anyone. If the Felker marriage was wrecked, it looks like Evan did the wrecking himself.

Too often, our society looks for a woman to blame, as if men are hapless and lack agency, and somehow can’t be blamed.


Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Miranda Lambert to Evan Felker: Stop Talking to Your Wife or You"re Fired!

It’s been three months since the world learned that Miranda Lambert and Evan Felker are dating, and the situation continues to get more bizarre by the day.

The source of all the weirdness, of course, is the fact that Felker is still married to his estranged wife, Staci Nelson.

Currently, it seems Evan is caught between two worlds, simultaneously enjoying life as the boyfriend of one of the country world’s brightest stars and feeling guilty about the faithful partner he abandoned.

Not surprisingly, Miranda is not entirely cool with this arrangement and would very much prefer that her boyfriend pick a relationship and stick with it.

Of course, Evan’s situation is somewhat complicated by the fact that Miranda is not only his girlfriend —  but also his boss.

Currently, Evan and his band, the Turnpike Troubadours, are opening for Miranda on her summer tour.

And according to a source close to the situation, Miranda has made it quite clear that the gig is dependent on Evan’s ability to keep his distance from his wife.

“Evan cannot be with Staci or Miranda will kick him off the tour,” the insider tells Radar Online.

The informant claims that Evan very much wants to give his marriage another chance, but he also doesn’t want to anger his bandmates by bringing an end to the most important gig of their careers.

For now, Staci is reportedly willing to wait him out, but not surprisingly, she’s growing impatient. 

“The ball is in Evan’s court,” the source explains.

“Staci believes there is nothing more she can do to move the process.”

The insider adds:

“Evan is hoping that his wife will still be here when the tour is over.” 

In the meantime, it seems Staci is enjoying sticking it to Miranda by boasting about how desperate Evan is to win her back.

“Is 22 missed calls in 2 days to an estranged wife really the behavior of a happy person?” she wrote on Instagram this week.

Yes, much to Miranda’s chagrin, Staci has become something of a social media celebrity in recent months, with new followers loving her not-so-subtle jabs at Evan and Miranda.

While Lambert and Felker’s relationship only went public in April, Miranda has been hinting about an affair with a fellow singer-songwriter since back in February.

Despite the rumors, Staci was reportedly “blindsided” when Evan told her he’d like to take a break from their marriage.

And not surprisingly, the source says she’s very much enjoying the position of power she now finds herself in.


Friday, July 13, 2018

Staci Felker BLASTS Evan Felker for Ghosting Her During Health Crisis

Staci Felker is not a woman to be trifled.

She called out Miranda Lambert as a homewrecker after the country singer was spotted with Staci’s husband, Evan Felker.

Now, she’s taking aim at her ex himself — after he ghosted her when she was in the middle of a health crisis.

“I’m ultimately gonna be fine physically,” Staci shared on Thursday with her fans. “Thanks for all your questions.”

Along with these words, she shared an image of her bracelet from the hospital, which you can see below.

“I’ll answer some more when I feel better,” Staci promises. “But right now —  I want to talk about real men.”

She is not referring to that cringeworthy new Bravo talk show that’s already so widely ridiculed that they’re changing the name from Real Men Watch Bravo.

Ominously, Staci says: “Aside from the ghosting and just very real #psychologicalwarfare and torture that happened earlier this year.”

Staci describes Evan Felker as “a man that I perfected homemade chicken soup for when he was sick, cared for him through soooo many sweating miserable days coming off benders.”

So she’s throwing a little shade, though not necessarily in a way that will hurt his rep with the Country Music crowd.

Evan, she says, “decided to come calling when I was happy last week.”

Recently, she went on vacation, where she believes that Evan felt that she was “too happy.”

In other words, it sounds like she’s saying that he was jealous — and perhaps he was missing her.

By all accounts, Staci had a grand time “riding and then at the beach with my girls.”

This, she says, must have prompted Evan to reach out to her. She imagines that he was thinking: “How dare I smile after all he did to try to break me?”

That might be a little harsh, but you can see where she’s coming from.

“I took those calls,” Staci explains. “Because that’s what a wife does.”

“I’m still his wife,” Staci reminds her followers.

In May, weeks after being publicly linked with Miranda Lambert, Evan Felker filed for divorce from Staci.

“I’ve done everything to be a good one,” Staci says. “Because deep down I thought it might change things.”

Staci Felker Hospital Pic

“Less than a week later,” Staci says. “I was sent to the hospital and couldn’t reach him.”

We have more details about that below.

“That’s not a real man,” Staci assets. “That’s not a country boy and certainly no cowboy.”

Now she’s attacking his (obviously ridiculous) image and his brand by exposing him as a manipulative coward.

“Not a husband I’ll ever take back,” Staci says. “Because I was scared and he was gone. Again.”

As for the medical emergency itself, Us Weekly reports that Staci Felker’s hospital trip was over a dangerously sore throat.

At first, after having just traveled overseas, there was a genuine fear that she had contracted Malaria.

The two had spoken over the phone during her trip. But when she was afraid in the hospital waiting for test results from her blood tests, he was suddenly nowhere to be found.

That must be a terrible feeling.

It’s good that she’s directing her anger where it belongs — at her husband. It sounds like he has wronged her more than once.

Miranda Lambert, on the other hand, did not “steal” anyone, including Evan. That’s a choice that Evan made on his own.


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Blake Shelton Throws All the Shade at Miranda Lambert for Dating Evan Felker

Blake Shelton holds many titles:

Blake Shelton, Country Music Superstar.

Blake Shelton, The Voice Coach.

And to this list, we must now add: Blake Shelton, Flamethrower Extraordinaire.

The beloved singer took Twitter followers by surprise on Wednesday afternoon when he heated up social media via one simple message that was clearly intended to burn his ex-wife to her core.

And here’s why:

Earlier this week, it was confirmed by multiple outlets that Miranda Lambert is dating Evan Felker.

On its own, this development isn’t particularly shocking, considering Felker fronts the band that has been opening for Lambert on tour.

HOWEVER, both Radar Online and Us Weekly report that Lambert very likely broke up Felker’s marriage by sleeping with the musician, as the former website has even obtained the artist’s divorce papers.

They cite Felkner’s “abandonment” of ex-wife Staci Nelson and they were filed in February, right around the time Felkner allegedly got with Lambert.

Just this revelation on its own was newsworthy and noteworthy.

Heck, we wrote an entire article about it.

But now we get to write a follow-up because Shelton has seemingly responded to the rumor that his ex-wife is a homewrecker by Tweeting the following:

Been taking the high road for a long time.. I almost gave up.  But I can finally see something on the horizon up there!! Wait!! Could it be?! Yep!! It’s karma!!

Whoa there!

Well, alright then!

Do you want a coat from all the shivering you must be doing now that so much shade has been hurled in your direction, Miranda?

Blake Shelton tweet

There’s really no way for anyone to interpret Blake’s message as anything other than a statement that Lambert cheated on him.

The stars were married for four years and then split up in 2015 amid chatter that each side was unfaithful.

But Shelton said very little at the time.

He said at every occasion that he and Lambert would always be close and he’d always have a special place in his heart for her and yadda, yadda, yadda.

However, it’s not as though there weren’t rumblings of Lambert’s cheating.

Heck, there was one rumbling that said she cheated on Shelton FIVE times.

The following tabloid cover alleged as much, quoting an insider who said Shelton caught Lambert in the act as one point and was left “heartbroken and furious” by her actions.

If these reports were accurate, it would be hard to blame Shelton for now enjoying the fact that Lambert’s reputation has taken a hit due to her sexual intercourse with a married man.

The country legend, of course, has moved very far on from Lambert.

He’s been happily dating Gwen Stefani for ages, constantly gushing over her on Instagram and considering marrying her, if certain gossip out there is to be believed.

Shelton also once said the following to Billboard about Stefani, who had recently broken up with husband Gavin Rossdale when she became intimate with Blake:

“Who else on earth could understand going through a high-profile divorce from another musician? You can’t even imagine the similarities in our divorces.”

If you’ll recall, Rossdale supposedly cheated on Stefani for years with the couple’s nanny.

Could being the victims of cheating be what Shelton was talking about when citing the pair’s “similarities.”

You tell us.

(The answer is yes.)
