Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Miranda Lambert DUMPS Evan Felker Because He "Broke Her Rules" (Report)

Well, folks, it’s late August, which means all over the country, summer romances are coming to a bittersweet end.

Most of the lovers parting ways this week are camp counselors who hooked up out of boredom or college students eager to hurry back to the campus meat market after three months of fitful sleep on some townies’ sweaty futon … but even celebrities aren’t immune to the rush of an ill-advised hot-weather fling.

So it was that Miranda Lambert and Evan Felker started dating, despite the pesky fact that he’s married to someone else.

But after months of tabloid headlines accusing Miranda of being a “homewrecker,” Lamber and Felker have officially called it quits.

News of the split comes courtesy of Miranda’s latest print interview, in which she copped to being newly single:

“Love is a hard road sometimes and it’s been a roller-coaster ride for me, but I’m definitely thankful for all the ups and downs because I’ve had some really good songs come out of it,” Lambert told The Tennessean.

“You’ve got to take the bad parts and put them on paper and then move on to the happy parts.”

Insiders confirmed the breakup, claiming that Felker had violated one of Lambert’s clearly-defined rules:

I don’t think it was a dramatic split, but he knew what he was ‘allowed’ to do based on her rules and he broke them,” one source tells People magazine.

“He did something that he knew she wasn’t going to approve of, she assumed he did it and he didn’t deny it.”

While it’s always sad when a relationship comes to an end, for Miranda this situation is more lining than dark cloud.

From the very start, her romance with Felker was a PR nightmare with claims that Lambert, largely due to the fact that Felker’s wife, Staci Nelson, refused to just quietly go away.

Instead, she shared her story with her ever-growing Instagram following, and Miranda didn’t exactly come away smelling like a rose.

Things seemed to come to a head earlier this month, when Nelson accused Lambert of stalking her.

It was also around that time that Felker and Nelson finalized their divorce.

“Staci very much believes in marriage and very much wanted hers to work,” says the source.

“Lucky for her, the breakup happened a few days after the legal process was over and she felt no obligation to take him back.”

We’re guessing Evan is currently wondering what he can do to win Staci back.

Good luck with that one, fella.
