Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Jon Gosselin: Glad I Could Get My Daughter Away from Kate For a While!

Earlier this month, Jon Gosselin shared a rare photo of Collin. These are extremely unusual these days, ever since Kate shipped her son off to parts unknown.

But while fans are pleased to see Collin alive — though they still have plenty of questions — Jon has been posting more photos.

These are with his daughter, Hannah — and only with Hannah. This is raising even more questions, honestly.

Obviously, it is wonderful to see Jon Gosselin, who has long complained that he hasn’t gotten to spend much time with his children over the years, spend some one-on-one quality time with his daughter.

And it looks like it’s really nice for Hannah, too.

They seem to have spent over a week together, including going on a road trip and visiting Collin.

During that time, they’ve posted plenty of precious new father-daughter photos.

They did not take a photo at every opportunity — they were too busy enjoying each other’s company.

But they posted plenty. And they shared messages with fans.

Jon Gosselin even shared a message with fans, prefacing the video with:

“Thank you to everyone for all the love and support this week!!! Hannah and I forgot to take a pic.”

Totally understandable. Like we said, they were enjoying each other’s company.

“She is doing her in video @itsmehjg check it out!!!”

It is always sweet to see family supporting each other on social media.

“Have awesome Holiday, Happy Memorial Day and let’s get summer started!!!! Thanks again!”

That was a good preface.

During Jon Gosselin’s actual post, he says:

“I’d like to thank everyone for their love and support during this week.”

Fans were, of course, absolutely overjoyed to see so many happy photos of father-daughter time.

“Obviously, you know the situation.”

He refers, of course, to his very complicated and unhappy custody situation with his absolute nightmare of an ex-wife, Kate Gosselin.

“If you don’t know the situation you should get together with a friend or anyone who understands the situation.”

In other words, he’s not going to say that she’s the worst because he wants to keep things publicly amicable so that he can see his kids.

But if you ask a friend, they’ll tell you what’s up.

“But I want to say Happy Memorial Day, good luck to everyone and have a safe and happy weekend.”

We’re sure that he has been treasuring his moments with his daughter.

As was mentioned, Hannah did share her own video on social media … though it is not currently present on her Instagram page.

“Hey daddy, I just wanted to say I had so much fun this week posting all the pictures.”

That is so sweet of her. She’s 14 and giving her dad a shoutout on social media.

Plenty of teens would not do the same, to be honest. (That’s okay, though)

“And I wanted to thank everyone for the love and support.”

Which means that she saw some of those comments, too. Or at least heard about them.

“So go watch my dad’s video!”


We don’t know the exact parameters of their extended visits with each other, save that it involved a road trip and, of course, seeing Collin.

We know, of course, that Jon isn’t going to win any Father of the Year awards any time soon.

But considering that Kate is the alternative, we’re sure that Hannah very much enjoyed her daddy-daughter time.

Fans enjoyed these precious pics, and we hope to see more like them in the near future.

Perhaps Jon will get to spend some time with his six other children?

For his sake, but also for the sake of the kids. They deserve a break.
