Thursday, October 20, 2016

Kris Jenner to Kim Kardashian: You Betrayed Me!

Hey, did you want to feel super uncomfortable and kind of sad and scared, all at the same time?

Don’t you just love it when your own mother screams and cries at you and makes you feel guilty over something you thought was really minor?

Then boy, you are in for such a treat!

Observe this new clip from an upcoming episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians in which Kris Jenner loses her damn mind.

Things start off kind of funny with a conversation between Khloe and Kim.

Khloe tells Kim that Kris is “like, fuming with you,” and that Kris had been texting her in hashtags about how upset she was with Kim.

Amazing, right? Or, sorry, #amazing.

But then Khloe says that Kris thinks Kim is a “traitor,” and that she “went against the family” because of something she did with Caitlyn.

So they call Kris up, put her on speakerphone, and everything goes all to hell.

Kris starts off strong with “Kim, you are a f-cking traitor that you would have the nerve to go to help Caitlyn pick a gown.”

OK, so Kris is mad that Kim helped Caitlyn, a person she’s been extremely close to for most of her life, with fashion, something that Kim’s always been into.

Makes sense, right? Of course it doesn’t.

And Kim didn’t quite get the issue either. She tries to defend herself by saying that Caitlyn asked for help, and she even says that “last time I heard you guys are all good,” which is true — didn’t Kris and Caitlyn make up a while ago?

Apparently not — Kris tells Kim that “That’s what you don’t get. I don’t say anything to you until I feel abandoned, and right now I’m feeling abandoned.”

Kim points out the fact that she didn’t abandon her, that she literally just helped Caitlyn find a dress, but Kris isn’t into rational thought right now.

“You’ve abandoned me! You have taken somebody else and said ‘OK, her feelings don’t matter."”

Kim gives in and tells Kris that she’s just going to “stay neutral,” but that was also the wrong thing to say.

“I don’t want you to be neutral,” Kris tells her, and here’s where she starts crying. “From my children that I’ve given birth to, I want loyalty. I don’t want f-cking neutral. Neutral isn’t what I signed up for.”

She goes on to explain that she’s been trying to be gracious and understanding about the situation with Caitlyn, but that she’s been “betrayed” and “f-cked over on so many levels that it would make your head spin.”

Kim tries to calm her down, but Kris yells that no, “I’m not going to f-cking play this game anymore!”

So … yikes, right?

Kris and Caitlyn had an amicable divorce, but they did have some issues last year when Caitlyn came out as transgender.

They both had different stories about how much Kris knew about it — Caitlyn claimed that Kris knew for years while Kris maintains that she never had a clue — but they’d managed to make peace with each other, or at least we thought they had.

Leave it to this family to milk the drama out of a situation until it’s as dry as Kylie Jenner’s hair.
